995 research outputs found

    Assessment of Observations with GPS and GPS/GLONASS Satellites in rapid static mode for Precise Point Positioning

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    The use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has become a common way of determining planimetric and vertical coordinates used in geodesy, engineering surveying, and related disciplines. The GNSS observation can be achieved using the static baseline, real Time kinematics (RTK) or the continuously operating reference system (CORS). The three are good methods of positioning that gives good and accurate coordinates. The static mode of observation considered by some researchers as the best in determining position of points at a good accuracy is used in this research in addition to its convenience. The satellites are tracked as standalone Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite and as GPS and Global Navgation Satellite System (GLONASS) combined. A ground surveying method using total station is also employed to run traverse and leveling on the same points for the purpose of comparison of the results. The GNSS observations were accomplished using Hi target V30 while traversing and leveling were carried out using a South NTS 352 total station instrument. The observations were done on the same points with the two instruments which give three sets of data comprising of planimetric and vertical coordinates. Discrepancies among the data set were obtained and subjected to statistical test. The result shows some discrepancies among the data sets, the statistical test indicated a significant difference among the methods and data of the three methods on the planimetric coordinates. However in the vertical coordinates, the methods show no significant difference but the vertical coordinate showed a significant difference among the three data sets

    Application of Quality Assurance Mechanisms for Effective Library Services in Academic Libraries in Nigeria

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    In bit to ensure quality standards in Nigerian universities the Federal Government promulgated decree No. 16 of 1985 empowering the National Universities Commission (NUC) to lay down Minimum Academic Standards for all the Nigerian universities and also to accredit their degree programmes. In the case of library system, the assessment of libraries by NUC accreditation panel mostly browsed the library shelves without taking note of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the information resources and services of the libraries. The main objectives of this paper included identification of the quality assurance mechanisms applied for effective library services in Academic Libraries in Nigeria. A descriptive survey research method was used for the study. Questionnaire and observation constituted the main instruments used to collect data for this study. The researcher used descriptive method to analyze responses to the questionnaires. The correlation analysis and chi-square statistic were used to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings of the study showed that the methods used to assess the quality of the information resources were credibility of the author, relevance of the content, and currency of the information resources. Another significant finding was that the mechanisms used for the assessment of the quality of the university libraries were not uniform. The main strategy used for implementation of quality assurance was integration of the library` services quality assurance agenda into the university structures and the quality assurance mechanisms available and used in Nigerian university libraries were programme accreditation and benchmarking of library systems. Based on the foregoing, the key recommendation of the study was a designed proposal for uniform standards for assessing the quality of university libraries. The proposed standards aimed at unifying the methods, criteria, strategies and mechanisms of assessing the quality of the libraries

    Relationship between Hydraulic Conductivity of Rock and Rock Quality Designation of Itisi Multi-Purpose Dam

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    The relationship between hydraulic conductivity/permeability of rocks and rock quality designation (RQD) index of cored rock specimens from the dam axis of the proposed Itisi Multipurpose Dam in Kaduna State was established in this work. The research involved conducting packer/lugeon test in ten (10) borehole locations at two (2) different depths in the 30 m deep boreholes and at 3 different depths in the 60 m deep boreholes. RQD index of the tested zone was measured and ranged from 0 to 100 %. In situ permeability of the site ranged from 0 -5.69 LU. Non-linear analysis approach was adopted to determine the relationship between the variables. The result of the correlation coefficient was -0.77. There was an inverse relationship between all the variables considered. Furthermore, the coefficient of determination was 0.61 for the RQD versus lugeon, which suggests that there is a moderate relationship among the variables

    Uhamiri deity and women: a study of Flora Nwapa’s Efuru and Idu

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    Research has shown that, amongst the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria, there is still a strong committal to traditional religious belief in spite of the over one hundred and fifty years of Christianity in the region (Onuh, 1996 and Asoga, 2008). In this regard therefore, it is not surprising that Flora Nwapa presents the Igbo people as having strong beliefs in the activities of deities and spirits in her novels, Efuru and Idu. The female deity, Uhamiri, is depicted in these novels as participating in the day to day activities of the people in the community especially, in the lives of women characters. And since this supernatural goddess is able to participate in the day to day activities of women, she is able to inflict pains through acts of oppression on her subordinate mortals. It is to address this seemingly unlikely but crucial aspect of relationship between female characters and a female deity, that this study pre-occupies itself

    Acute effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces on postprandial blood pressure, vascular function, blood lipids, biomarkers of insulin resistance and inflammation in humans

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    The acute impact of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces (HSC) extract on postprandial vascular function and other cardiometabolic risk factors have not been studied previously. This study investigated the acute impact of HSC extract consumption on blood pressure (BP), vascular function and other cardiometabolic risk markers. Twenty-five men with 1% to 10% cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk (determined by QRISK 2) were randomised to consume either 250 mL of the aqueous extract of HSC or water with breakfast in a randomised, controlled, single-blinded, 2-meal cross-over study (ClinicalTrials.gov, NTC02165553) with a two weeks washout period between study days. BP was measured at baseline and hourly for 4 h. Flow mediated dilatation (FMD) of the branchial artery was measured at baseline, 2 and 4 h post intervention drink consumption. Acute consumption of aqueous extract of HSC caused a significant increase in % FMD ( < 0.001), a non-significant decrease in systolic BP (SBP) and diastolic BP (DBP); non-significant increase in urinary and plasma nitric oxide (NOx) and reduced response of serum glucose, plasma insulin, serum triacylglycerol and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels; significant ( = 0.026) improvement in the area under systemic antioxidant response curve (0 to 2 h); no significant changes in arterial stiffness following the acute consumption of the extract of HSC. Gallic acid, 4-O-methylgallic acid, 3-O-methylgallic acid and hippuric acid reached a maximum plasma concentration at 1 to 2 h post consumption of the extract of HSC. The extract of HSC improved postprandial vascular function and may be a useful dietary strategy to reduce endothelial dysfunction and CVD risk, although this requires confirmation

    Transmission of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the UK: a cross-sectional molecular and epidemiological study of clustering and contact tracing

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    BACKGROUND: Between 2000 and 2012 the number of multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis cases in the UK increased from 28 per year to 81 per year. We investigated the proportion of MDR tuberculosis cases arising from transmission in the UK and associated risk factors. METHOD: We identified patients with MDR tuberculosis notified in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland between Jan 1, 2004, and Dec 31, 2007, by linking national laboratory and surveillance data. Data for laboratory isolates, including drug sensitivities and 24-mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing were obtained routinely from the National Tuberculosis Reference laboratories as part of national tuberculosis surveillance. We investigated clusters of cases with indistinguishable MIRU-VNTR profiles to identify epidemiological links. We calculated transmission using the n-1 method and established associated risk factors by logistic regression. We also assessed the likelihood of transmission to additional secondary active tuberculosis cases, identified through conventional contact tracing. FINDINGS: 204 patients were diagnosed with MDR tuberculosis in the study period; 189 (92·6%) had an MIRU-VNTR profile. We identified 12 clusters containing 40 individuals and 149 unique strains. The proportion of cases attributable to recent transmission, on the basis of molecular data, was 15% (40 cases clustered-12 clusters/189 with a strain type). The proportion of cases attributable to recent transmission (ie, transmission within the UK) after adjustment for epidemiological links was 8·5% (22 cases with epidemiological links-six clusters/189 cases with a strain type). Being UK born (odds ratio 4·81; 95% CI 2·03-11·36, p=0·0005) and illicit drug use (4·75; 1·19-18·96, p=0·026) were significantly associated with clustering. The most common transmission setting was the household but 21 of 22 of epidemiological links were missed by conventional contact tracing. 13 secondary active tuberculosis cases identified by conventional contact tracing were mostly contacts of patients with MDR tuberculosis from countries of high tuberculosis burden. 11 (85%) of 13 shared the same country of birth as the index case, of whom ten did not share a strain type or drug resistance pattern. INTERPRETATION: Transmission of MDR tuberculosis in the UK is low and associated with being UK born or illicit drug use. MIRU-VNTR typing with cluster investigation was more successful at identifying transmission events than conventional contact tracing. Individuals with tuberculosis who have had contact with a known MDR tuberculosis source case from a country of high tuberculosis burden should have drug-sensitivity testing on isolates to ensure appropriate treatment is given. FUNDING: Public Health England

    Selecting Suitable Drainage Pattern to Minimize Flooding in Sangere Village Using GIS and Remote Sensing

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    Water shed analysis is a geographic information system (GIS) based technique designed to model the way surface water flows on the earth surface. This was the method adopted to select suitable drainage pattern to minimized flood in some parts of sangere. The process of watershed computes the local direction of flow and defines the stream network and the areas drained by particular system. The data used for these calculation (that is, aspect, slope and height differences) are derived from the digital elevation model (DEM) of the area, which was first generated from spot heights obtained from the ground survey using Total Station. ILWIS 3.3 software package was employed in the production of slope and aspect map from which watershed map was produced. The result shows the production of watershed for build up area and suitable drainage network. The research recommended watershed analysis for the control of flood in sangere and the construction of side drainages along the streets.Keywords: Watershed, Aspect, Slope, Drainage, Flood

    Control of Meloidogyne incognita (kofoid and white) chitwood (root-knot nematode) of Lycopersicon esculentus (tomato) using cowdung and urine

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    Screenhouse experiments were conducted to test the efficacy of cowdung and urine separately and in combination in the control of root-knot nematode of tomato. Equal quantities of cowdung, urine and their mixture were separately made up to one litre with autoclaved soil. Two weeks old seedlings of tomato raised in autoclaved soil were transplanted into soil manure mixture and inoculated with 1,000 second stage larvae of Meloidogyne incognita race I. Treatments were completely randomized and effects assessed based on plant height, dry weight, extent of galling and the nematode multiplication factor. Results obtained showed that cowdung, urine, and their mixture produced significantly higher result than the untreated control. Similarly, the mixture of urine and cowdung, produced significantly higher results than the separate treatments. Key words: Meloidogyne incognita, Lycopersicon esculentus, cowdung, urine, tomato. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol.3(8) 2004: 379-38

    Perceptions of People Towards Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability in North Eastern Nigeria

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    This paper examined people’s perception towards youth with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability. In-depth interviews were conducted separately with a with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Intellectual disabilities (ID) While their mothers were thoroughly investigated in order to ascertain the level of victimization in the form of bullying on these categories of youth constructs from the interview were utilized to compare groups on the frequency type and impact of victimization. The outcomes of the interview conducted reveals that youth with ASD are being victimized more frequently than their ID peers and that the form of bullying being subdued differs from each group to another. In view of submission our findings show that higher internalizing problem and conflicts in relationship are found to be a significant predictor of victimization. The paper, therefore, recommends among others that observation of extrinsic and intrinsic behaviors for proper adjustment in a classroom setting should be taken care off

    Modification of Thermal Hydraulic Transient Models for the Miniature Neutron Source Reactor

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    A modified Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) model dealing with transient thermal hydraulic problem is presented. The model based on lumped parameter method is adopted in this work to numerically solve a system of coupled algebraic and differential equations governing heat transfer in MNSR, using MATLAB solver for variable order method in stiff differential equations and Differential-Algebraic equations, coupled with Maple soft. The simulated results obtained from the model were generally in agreement when compared with reactor operation data recorded from 0 to 270 minutes during experiments. Radiating energy of Fuel and clad and heat transferred at the gap or clearance were taken in to account. Fuel and clad temperatures as well as various temperatures at different sections of the reactor were predicted with the model, in addition to the effect of the installed chiller on the reactor coolant