3 research outputs found

    Kinerja Kelembagaan Pemasaran Kakao Biji Tingkat Petani Perdesaan Sulawesi Tengah: Kasus Desa Ampibabo Kecamatan Ampibabo Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of Cacao farmers in Ampibabo village e.g. the structure and cocoa market behavior at farm level and analyze the part of cocoa prices that received by farmers. Research areas defined as deliberate sampling, done by using simple random sampling with 30 farmers, 1 village trader, 2 district middlemen, 1 wholesaler and 1 cocoa exporter at Palu City as samples. Analysis tools used in this study were the marketing margins, Farmer's Share analysis and description. Result showed that Cocoa marketing in Ampibabo village has an oligopsony labor market structure, and the marketing is an institutional market which controlled cacao farmers by setting up a contract agreement between farmers and traders, which contained several rules between these two parties and the contract, could be paid in several installments. There are two channels of marketing system was found in Ampibabo village, the first resulted to 90.24% of cocoa bean price shared to farmer with margin of 2, 000 IDR kg-1 while second system farmers received 87.80% of the price with margin of 2,500 IDR kg-1

    Struktur, Perilaku dan Kinerja Pemasaran Biji Kakao di Kabupaten Parigi Moutong Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Parigi Moutong is one of cocoa production center in the Central Sulawesi province. The problem faced by cocoa farmers in Parigi Moutong is the weak bargaining position of farmers in the price determination. The purpose of this study is to analyze cocoa beans market structure, conduct and performance at Parigi Moutong district. The methods used are market concentration and exit barriers to analyze market structure; market conductand farmer share and marketing margin to analyze market performance. The results show that the market of cocoa beans has four marketing channels which the highest total margin is on 2nd channel (Rp 25 465 and oligopsony structure. The most efficient marketing channel is channel 3 with 58.01 percent of farmer share. One of alternatives to increase farmer's bargaining position in determining the cocoa price is by improving the cocoa quality through fermentation. This can be conducted by the farmer empowerment systematically and sustainably

    Perubahan Orientasi Keberfungsian Lahan dan Nilai Sosial Petani Pasca Gempa dan Likuifaksi di Sulawesi Tengah

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    The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research method using the case study method. Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe, summarize various conditions and phenomena of social reality that exist in society which are the object of research and draw these social realities to the surface. Data analysis includes descriptive analysis and economic analysis related to changes in recommended commodities according to land conditions after conversion of agricultural land functions and associated social values ​​analyzed. The results showed that 65 percent of farmers lost their agricultural land as a whole and the remaining 35 percent still owned their land intact. Farmers who lost their land changed jobs to become agricultural laborers, construction workers, breeders, traders and others who did not even work as much as 10 percent. Farmers who still cultivate agricultural crops choose to plant horticultural crops, namely eggplant, Chilies, kale, string beans and green beans. Total revenue of farmers after the earthquake and liquefaction decreased by 35.46 percent. However, from the income side, there was an increase in post-earthquake income by 0.97 percent. The values ​​that change after a disaster are the value of rationality, economic value, the value of solidarity or mutual assistance and the value of education