17 research outputs found
The Performance Of User Verification Using Two Fingerprint Based On Error Rate
Biometric technology, especially fingerprint, attract users around the world to use it to secure their places or properties. On the current implementation of fingerprint based person verification, the system face several problems such as noisy finger and fingerprint misplacement by the user. When the problem only effected a small part of fingerprint, it is solved or minimized on the image processing and pattern recognition phase. But, when the problem involves a larger part of fingerprint, another approach needs to be used. To solve or minimize this kind of problem, the approach uses two fingerprints on the verification process have been experimented on this research. By not only referring to the thumbs which are usually used, the potential of the other fingerprint have been studied to find the two best fingerprints as used in this process. Using several simple methods to classify the decisions from both fingerprints; the best classifier have been used to study the performance level of the system compared to the current system used in single fingerprint. In this study, total error rate has been used as an indicator to the performance level of the system. Although the problems have not been totally solved, but the total error rates for fingerprint verification system has been minimized by using this approach
The performance of user verification using two fingerprints based on error rates
Biometric technologies, especially fingerprint verification, have started to attract users around the world to use it to secure their places or properties.The current implementation of a fingerprint verification system has faced several problems such as noisy finger and fingerprint misplacement by the user. To solve or minimise this kind of problem, the approach using two fingerprints on the verification process has been tried in this research. Two classifiers are used to study the performance level of the system, and compared to the current system that uses a single fingerprint. In this research,total error rate has been used as an indicator to the performance level of the syste
Impact analysis on utilization of telecenter: The case of telecentre in Baling
The telecentre in Baling is established under the Universal Service Provision fund, aiming to provide community with broadband access and training programme focusing on e-application. Nevertheless, the impact of this initiative is yet to be studied. Thus,the undertaken study is aimed at examining the utilization and impact of Baling telecentre on the community. A total of 34 respondents were interviewed using structured questionnaires. Outcome of the study indicates that the telecentre has improved its community in certain senses. Lesson learned from the study is also discussed
Feature extraction using active appearance model algorithm with Bayesian classification approach
Face recognition is one of the most important and rapidly advanced active research areas of computer science.In spite of the large number of developed algorithms, real-world performance of face recognition has been disappointing. This study enhances invariant recognition of human faces and analysis to improve face verification and identification performance using Active Appearance Model (AAM) for feature extraction with Bayesian classification approach. This paper addressed some of these issues to bring face recognition more closely to being useful for real-life applications. It directed towards the illumination-invariant automatic recognition of faces and analysis to improve face
verification and identification performance.To compare with other feature extraction at the end of the study, an evaluation has been done with an existing face recognition system using AAM algorithm. The experiments performed on part of the FERET color dataset. The result was satisfied with the acceptance rate more than 96%
An evaluation on information management: A case study of a national public organization
As the business environment nowadays faces stiff competition and as information and communication technology increase in sophistication and complexity, organizations are facing even more challenges and difficulties in managing information. Therefore, it is vital for organizations to evaluate their information management on regular basis in order to gain competitive advantages. This paper presents an overview of an evaluation on information management involving information storage, information processing, and information retrieval in a national public organization. The primary data was collected by means of field visits, series of observation and semi-structured interviews with key personnel of the organization. This paper also discusses on complications encountered when having different systems with different platforms, information security considerations when dealing with ISs and technologies outsourcing projects, and consequences of having very dependent on outside vendors. It further suggests several recommendations to improve the information management of such organization
Performance comparison of SCTP and UDP over mobile ad hoc networks
Countless researchers have put efforts to conduct researchs about the performance of the traditional transport control protocols (TCP) and user datagram protocol (UDP).Recently new transport protocol had been designed calledStream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP).In this research, we will focus to study the effect of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) on these two transport protocols SCTP and UDP and find out which one performs better over MANET.The transport protocol SCTP has more services and features compare to the traditional transport protocol.We also present some literatures on SCTP and UDP performance over MANET.The simulation parameters and the results of the simulation will also be discussed
Risk analysis on password for web authentication
Web authentication nowadays very heavily depends on password.From online banking to email account access, the password has played an important role in authenticating users to the designated system.In controlling access to a system, trade-offs are made between security and convenience.If a resource is protected by a password, usually the security is increased and user will always found to be inconvenience to use the system.This research addresses the important of choosing the password for any designated systems by evaluating the risk of choosing the password.Three password schemes were analyze in order to find the best scheme for the system administrator to provide suitable advice to their users.The outcome of the research will hopefully guide users to choose a strong and reliable password for web access
Preferred principle elements of design in effective photography
Photography are used for many reasons.It has been used from capturing a wedding ceremony to documenting historical events in newspaper.Its also as a visual representation that highlight an act of seeing to establish subject matter in the surrounding.Many artists considered photography to be simple craft, with the camera selecting, composing, and capturing moments.In a communication process, photograph is used as medium of persuasion as it controls the emotions of the reviewer.Thus, this paper explores on the basic element and principle of art and design, in making an effective photography.This study will benefit the image maker and will give them a new style of making and producing mesmerizing photography to persuade a society
The level of e-service quality on attitude toward online shopping
Technology has brought with it a lot of advantages and disadvantages, one of those advantages is the simplification of task that where somewhat difficult in the past.The case of online shopping is one of them, and as a result of the growing demand and need for satisfaction in the part of buyers, the sellers are faced with a lot of competition in other to be able to provide the best service and thus attract customers; the E-retailers are increasingly faced with the task of providing a quality service. This is a paper written with the aim of investigating the impact that E-Service quality has on attitude toward
online shopping; i.e. how E-Service quality influences the acceptance or otherwise of
online shopping.The paper made use of quantitative survey, a total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected UUM (Universiti Utara Malaysia) students.The findings revealed a moderate E-service quality perception among the
students, hence neutral acceptance of the online shopping
Community characteristics for self-funding and self sustainable telecenter
The issue of telecenter sustainability has been actively researched.The search for the best formula for telecenter sustainability is important since the establishment of telecenters is usually within the community affair.This study looks into community characteristics of a self-sustainability telecenter.A single-case research design approach with guided questionnaires and informal interview was adopted.The unit of analysis is the community surrounding Masjid As-Syakirin in Kampung Oran.In addition,an informal interview session was held with the management committee of the mosque to gather more in depth information about the telecenter operation.The results show that governance, philanthropy, and socio-economic values are among the characteristics of a self-sustainability telecenter. Therefore, this study contributes strongly in term of the community characteristics for a self-sustainable telecenter