719 research outputs found

    The Role of Leadership Theories in Information Technology Acceptance: Case Study at Al-Hikma Pharmaceutical Company

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    The leadership literature is voluminous and much of it is confusing and contradictory. In order to make our way through this ‘forest’, I will consider a number of theories to explaining what makes an effective leader in order to connect leadership and the acceptance of information technology. The key to achieving sustainable change success is to have excellence in leadership at all organization levels. So as a change leader you can make a great difference to the success of your team by your leadership. I suggest that a change leader could make a real difference to the effectiveness of his team by adopting john Adair model which is very useful model in project management context and any change happened in organization we could consider it as a project. This research aims at exploring how both individual and organizational factors that influence Information Technology acceptance by top managers, employees Staff at al-Hikma headquarter

    The Role of Acknowledging National Security Threats in Making Security Policies

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    The study had concluded the great importance of how to realize national security threats and their impact on making security policies in countries. The study had tackled various intellectual trends of national security concept and its different levels. In this context, the study recommends adopting comprehensive and integrated concept which links security to development while making security policies. As for security policies, the study reached that policy making is greatly affected by the way security threats are acknowledged and determined as well as studying proportional volumes of national capacities and setting security strategies capable of facing these threats procedurally and factually. Consequently, security policies become the link between cognition and perception, on the one hand, an procedural fact in the other.  Thus, the study recommends that national security policies to be built by the component agencies not depend on value system of decision maker. In general, developing cooperation relations with other countries greatly participate in overcoming ambiguity, doubt and uncertainty related to the security issue. Keywords: national security threats, national security policies, national security concept, national security levels and national  security elements

    US Policy Toward Establishment of Independent Palestinian State

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    The study had concluded that the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands is illegal pursuant to International law stipulations and rules, and it ,in no way, may result in the termination or denial of palatine international identity though it prevent the Palestinian people from practicing their presidency over their national region. There are some legal and political bases and foundations supporting the claims and ambitions of the Palestinians to establish their independent state. As for the legal orientation of Palestine establishment and international recognition, they are available and fulfilled by the Palestinian party as for the legal and political aspects. Besides, the study had concluded that there are high degree of coherence and agreement between the US and Israeli visions towards Palestine establishment and consequently, there is a gap between US and Palestinian attitudes towards the same; despite the positive development of the US attitude as for accepting (not recognizing) the Palestinian estate establishment, provided that it results from the Israeli -Palestinian negotiations. This is typical to the Israeli perspective and makes the negotiations pending according to power balance which is totally unbalanced in favor of Israel. Key terms: US policy, Palestinian State, Madrid Peace Conference, OSLO Agreement, Road Ma

    Criminalization of Sexual Acts in Jordanian Law (Comparative Study)

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    This article aimed to clarify the opinion of the Jordanian legislator regarding the criminalization of sexual acts in comparison to the position of the monotheistic religions and contemporary laws, in addition to knowing the Jordanian society’s view of criminalizing sexual acts. By looking at the Jordanian legal texts related to the subject, it became apparent to researchers that the Jordanian legislator adopts the principle of sexual freedom like other legislators in other countries, despite this violation of Islamic law, which is the official religion of the state according to the Jordanian constitution. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers adopted the descriptive and analytical approach that reads the opinion of the Jordanian legislator, the monotheistic religions, and contemporary laws in criminalizing sexual acts. Using the results of a questionnaire designed for the purpose of knowing the views of the Jordanian society on the principle of sexual freedom. This questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 1000 people. The article reached a number of conclusions, including that (84)% of Jordanian society do not accept sexual freedom for religious, moral and social reasons. In light of the results of the article, the authors recommended abolishing the principle of sexual freedom from Jordanian law and calling on the Jordanian legislator to reconsider texts related to the criminalization of sexual acts in line with the culture of society

    PWM Half-Bridge Converter with Dual-Equally Adjustable Control Signal Dead-Time

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    A method and system of controlling half-bridge DC--DC converters to achieve Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) for at least one of the switches. The soft-switching half-bridge DC--DC converter system includes soft-switching for all switches by adding an additional branch with a switch and a diode across the primary side of an isolation transformer and by applying a Duty-Cycle Shifted PWM Control

    Potable Water Pollution Crime in Jordanian Penal Law

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    Most legislations in world countries enacted laws and regulations to protect the national environments of such countries, including Jordan. The Jordanian environmental law develops constantly to cope with the developments place in most industrial and technological fields. Jordanian Penal Law incriminates some acts committed against the environment including potable water pollution Crime as stipulated by the Jordanian legislator in Article No. 458 of Jordanian Penal Code.Such research aims to shed the light on such crime regarding describing its elements, the due penalty defined for such crime, distinguishing between the crime – subject matter of the research – and other crimes mentioned in penal law and environment protection law No. 6 of the year 2017 and defining its relative matters. Keywords: Environment, Water Pollution, Environment Protection, Penal Law

    DC-DC Converter with Coupled-Inductors Current-doubler

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    A coupled-inductor current-doubler topology for a power converter has first and second rectifiers and first and second coupled inductors. Each coupled indicator has a main inductor inductively coupled with a secondary inductor. The secondary inductor of the first coupled inductor is coupled in series with one of the first and second rectifiers and the secondary inductor of the second coupled inductor coupled in series with the other one of the first and second rectifiers

    Clustering Algorithms in Echo State Networks

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    In this work, we develop a new method of setting the input to reservoir and reservoir to reservoir weights in echo state machines. We use a clustering technique which we have previously developed as a pre-processing stage to set the reservoir parameters which at this stage are prototypes. We then use these prototypes as weights in the standard architecture while setting the reservoir to output weights in a standard manner. We show results on a variety of data sets in the literature which show that this method out-performs a standard random echo state machine
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