203 research outputs found

    Acceptance and usage of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafes in Klang Valley

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    The Malaysian public now has access to the Internet not only at home and the workplace, but also at cyber cafés. This study aims to examine the level of acceptance of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. The specific objectives of the study are: to determine the profile of webcasting users and its usage; to determine the types of webcasting technology most frequently used, level of knowledge of webcasting and the main source of knowledge in becoming aware of webcasting; to determine the acceptance of webcasting among non-users of webcasting; and to determine the relationship between behavioral intention to use and the actual usage of webcasting among users of webcasting. This study used the survey design, using purposive sampling to select the cyber cafés and visitors of these cafés. The findings indicate that usage of webcasting is still relatively low among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. Users of webcasting were found to be mostly male, young and relatively well educated with at least a diploma as the highest level of education obtained

    Memanfaatkan teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) untuk semua

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    Kehadiran pelbagai teknologi maklumat dan komunikasi (ICT) telah mengubah cara manusia berkomunikasi, bekerja, berdagang, dan melakukan aktiviti harian. Menyedari betapa pentingnya pengetahuan dan kemahiran ICT, pihak kerajaan dan swasta telah menyediakan kemudahan di pusat ICT untuk orang ramai mendapatkan pendedahan, pengetahuan, dan perkhidmatan yang berkaitan. Oleh yang demikian, anggota masyarakat perlu memanfaatkan kemudahan ICT yang ada di tempat masing-masing untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran demi untuk pemajuan diri, keluarga dan masyarakat. Untuk memastikan anggota masyarakat dapat melakukan yang terbaik untuk memanfaatkan ICT, maka sejarah perkembangan ICT akan dibincangkan dan diikuti dengan senarai sumber ICT yang terdapat di negara ini yang dapat digunakan oleh anggota masyarakat. Ini disusuli dengan perbincangan tentang peranan ICT terhadap masyarakat yang memberi gambaran betapa pentingnya ICT dan sumbangannya terhadap anggota masyarakat. Beberapa usaha yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak kerajaan dan swasta untuk orang ramai memanfaatkan ICT turut dipaparkan supaya maklumat ini memberi gambaran betapa komitednya pihak berkaitan menjayakan hasrat ini. Untuk memastikan usaha untuk memanfaatkan ICT dapat dilakukan dengan berkesan, maka beberapa penyelidikan berkaitan penggunaan ICT dalam kalangan anggota masyarakat telah diutarakan. Antara hasil kajian yang diberi penekanan adalah kesan positif penggunaan komputer dalam kalangan penduduk luar bandar, dan peningkatan pengetahuan serta kemahiran penggunaan komputer dalam kalangan mereka yang telah mengikuti program latihan yang dianjurkan oleh pusat ICT di tempat mereka. Lantaran itu, beberapa strategi untuk memanfaatkan ICT di peringkat individu, keluarga, dan masyarakat turut dicadangkan. Sungguhpun demikian, peranan dan tanggungjawab pihak kerajaan dalam menyediakan kemudahan fizikal, prasarana, galakan, serta polisi yang menggalakan penggunaan ICT termasuk Internet tidak boleh dipandang ringan. Usaha pihak kerajaan menyediakan kemudahan dan akses Internet supaya anggota masyarakat dapat memanfaatkan ICT secara optimum, akan dapat dikecapi sekiranya mereka melepasi cabaran dalaman dan cabaran luaran yang sedia ada pada diri masing-masing, yang ada pada keluarga, dan yang ada pada komuniti berkenaan

    Selecting Media for Knowledge Transfer: Experience from the Field

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    This study examines the ways in which staff of communication units in agricultural development agencies select media to transfer knowledge to their clients. A survey for data collection was conducted and 95 staff of communication units from 11 development agencies were asked to respond to self administered questionnaires. Most of the questions were open-ended and ratings of items for frequency and applicability were on a scale of 1 to 7 . The study revealed that the respondents regarded actual objects or realia best in knowledge transfer activities, followed by media that convey a high degree of fidelity. The respondents also indicated that media for instruction are somewhat different from media for campaigns. The selection elements considered important in the media selection process were audience characteristics, followed by purpose of communication, audience's media preference, and time given to prepare the media


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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the e-community program launched by Penang Regional Development Authority (PERDA) based on participants. 276 survey forms were distributed randomly throughout four zones Multimedia Training Centers in Penang. Generally, the respondents admitted that PERDA’s e-community program had positive elements towards them. It was found that interpersonal source such as peers, neighbours and family members were main sources to provided information regarding PERDA’s e-community program to the respondents. The results showed that most respondents had positive attitude towards competence, ability to try and complexity of computer and the Internet after going through the program. However, there were respondents which had negative attitudes towards their ability to try using the computer and Internet after involving in this program. The results also found that features in PERDA’s ecommunity program become the core into such involvement. Therefore, efforts are needed now and then in order to enhance the quality of this program thus encouraging more participation in the future

    News media credibility of the internet and television

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    In this study, a survey design was used to determine the factors influences the perception of media credibility to decipher how respondents perceive the Internet and television in terms of credibility for news information. A survey with 270 non-academic professional staff was conducted to determine the factors that influence their perception towards media credibility. The systematic sampling method was used to select for inclusion in the sample. The results of the study revealed that television is more credible than Internet to convey news. This study also explored a positive and significant relationship between issue salience, media reliance, and media usage with perception of the Internet and television credibility

    Communication channels used by academic staff in interacting with their students

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    The aim of this paper is to report the findings on the impact of communication technology as a channel for interaction between academic staff and their students, conducted at a Malaysian higher learning institution. The study focused on media choice and it attempted to determine the communication channels mostly used by academic staff in interacting with their students and the reasons for selecting these channels. It also intended to find out whether there was a significant relationship between communication channels mostly used by academic staff and their perception of media richness. The results revealed that although the existence of new communication technologies such as the internet offers faster and cheaper facilities, face-to-face communication is still the most used and preferred communication channel by academic staff in interacting with their students. In addition, there was a significant relationship between the communication channel mostly used by respondents and their perception of media richness and social presence. This explained why the higher level of social presence, the higher the level of experience with a channel would be. The findings of this study extended two of the most widely investigated media choice theories; Media Richness Theory (MRT) and Social Presence Theory (SPT)

    Acceptance and usage of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafes in Klang Valley

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    The Malaysian public now has access to the Internet not only at home and the workplace, but also at cyber cafés. This study aims to examine the level of acceptance of webcasting among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. The specific objectives of the study are: to determine the profile of webcasting users and its usage; to determine the types of webcasting technology most frequently used, level of knowledge of webcasting and the main source of knowledge in becoming aware of webcasting; to determine the acceptance of webcasting among non-users of webcasting; and to determine the relationship between behavioral intention to use and the actual usage of webcasting among users of webcasting. This study used the survey design, using purposive sampling to select the cyber cafés and visitors of these cafés. The findings indicate that usage of webcasting is still relatively low among users of selected cyber cafés in the Klang Valley. Users of webcasting were found to be mostly male, young and relatively well educated with at least a diploma as the highest level of education obtained

    Kesan terhadap peserta yang mengikuti projek ICT di luar bandar

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of rural ICT projects established and managed by various government and non-government organizations on the knowledge and skills of project participants. Data were collected through personal interview involving 1250 respondents from all states in Malaysia. Generally, the respondents admitted that they had gained computer knowledge and skills after participating in the programs organized by the rural ICT project centre. It was found that 77.1% of the respondents said that they now know how to use computer after going through the program in their locality. Likewise, almost two third of the respondents said that they now know how to use the internet after going through the program organized by the rural ICT project centre. The results also showed that most respondents had an increase on knowledge concerning hardware, software and selected application. Thus, rural ICT project centres need to be further strengthened in providing services because the respondents stated that the centres had brought positive impact with regard to computer knowledge and skills

    Faktor kejayaan dan kegagalan projek ICT di luar bandar

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    The success and failure of ICT projects depends on how the relevant agency set the strategy to attract the local community to use the facility. The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that contributing to the success and failure of such project. This research is based on Technology Acceptance Model. The study involved 60 supervisors, 1250 participants and 716 non-participant of the rural ICT projects were interviewed to get their information regarding the issue. It was found that among the supervisors, they said that equipment is crucial for the success of rural ICT projects, followed by management, finance and support services. However, among the project participants, they mentioned that management as the important factor for the success of rural ICT projects, followed by equipment, finance and programs. With regard to factors that may lead to project failure, the supervisors identified equipment as the major factor, followed by finance, management and support services. Nevertheless, the project participants said that finance as an important factor to the failure of rural ICT projects, followed by equipment, management and support services. Thus, it can be said that there are not much different among the supervisors and the project participants in relation to the factors that contribute to the success or failure of rural ICT projects

    What affect perceived ease of ICT usage: the case of village development and security committee members in Malaysia

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    Rural development and ICT cannot be separated in this modern days. Malaysia is well known with its effort to strengthen its ICT development and interestingly the rural community is one of the main targets of such developments. Rural community must be encouraged to continuously use ICT in their daily life. However, before the community is encouraged to use the ICT, are their leaders Village Development and Security Committee Members use ICT? How they perceive the ease of ICT usage? What are the factors that influence Village Development and Security Committee members perception towards ease of use in using ICT? This paper attempts to answer the above question which will uncover factors that determining Village Development and Security Committee members perceived ease of ICT usage. This is a quantitative study where a set of questionnaire was employed for the data collection process. A total of 240 respondents among Village Development and Security Committee members were selected. The respondents were selected from four states in Malaysia namely Kedah, Terengganu, Perak and Johor. Results from data analyses revealed that job relevance, self efficacy, compatibility and attitude recorded a high and significant relationship with perceived ease of ICT usage. Further insight into the analysis unveiled job relevance as the most significant factor towards perceived ease of ICT usage. In order to create a positive perceive ease of ICT usage among the Village Development and Security Committee, it is recommended that ICT learning session with the assistance of related agencies officers should be established within all the Village Development and Security Committee Members. On top of it, language is among the top matters that should be stressed in order to enhance Village Development and Security Members perceived ease of ICT usage