2 research outputs found

    MOESM1 of Production, partial optimization and characterization of keratinase enzyme by Arthrobacter sp. NFH5 isolated from soil samples

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Visualization of 16S rDNA PCR products by 1.2% agarose gel electrophoresis. From left side ‘M’ indicates marker DNA (1kb+), lane 1 presents genomic DNA of Arthrobacter sp. NFH5 and lane 2 is positive band of other bacteial strain. Figure S2. The 16S rDNA sequence was compared with other bacteria using online BLAST tool with deposited sequences of Genbank database. Blast result has been taken by screenshot

    Image_4_An Immunopharmacoinformatics Approach in Development of Vaccine and Drug Candidates for West Nile Virus.PDF

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    <p>An outbreak of West Nile Virus (WNV) like the recent Ebola can be more epidemic and fatal to public health throughout the world. WNV possesses utmost threat as no vaccine or drug is currently available for its treatment except mosquito control. The current study applied the combined approach of immunoinformatics and pharmacoinformatics to design potential epitope-based vaccines and drug candidates against WNV. By analyzing the whole proteome of 2994 proteins, the WNV envelope glycoprotein was selected as a therapeutic target based on its highest antigenicity. After proper assessment “KSFLVHREW” and “ITPSAPSYT” were found to be the most potential T and B-cell epitopes, respectively. Besides, we have designed and validated four novel drugs from a known WNV inhibitor, AP30451 by adopting computational approaches. Toxicity assessment and drug score confirmed the effectiveness of these drug candidates. This in silico research might greatly facilitate the wet lab experiments to develop vaccine and drug against WNV.</p