24 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetic models for propofol-defining and illuminating the devil in the detail

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    The recently introduced open-target-controlled infusion (TCI) systems can be programmed with any pharmacokinetic model, and allow either plasma- or effect-site targeting. With effect-site targeting the goal is to achieve a user-defined target effect-site concentration as rapidly as possible, by manipulating the plasma concentration around the target. Currently systems are pre-programmed with the Marsh and Schnider pharmacokinetic models for propofol. The former is an adapted version of the Gepts model, in which the rate constants are fixed, whereas compartment volumes and clearances are weight proportional. The Schnider model was developed during combined pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modelling studies. It has fixed values for V1, V3, k(13), and k(31), adjusts V2, k(12), and k(21) for age, and adjusts k(10) according to total weight, lean body mass (LBM), and height. In plasma targeting mode, the small, fixed V1 results in very small initial doses on starting the system or on increasing the target concentration in comparison with the Marsh model. The Schnider model should thus always be used in effect-site targeting mode, in which larger initial doses are administered, albeit still smaller than for the Marsh model. Users of the Schnider model should be aware that in the morbidly obese the LBM equation can generate paradoxical values resulting in excessive increases in maintenance infusion rates. Finally, the two currently available open TCI systems implement different methods of effect-site targeting for the Schnider model, and in a small subset of patients the induction doses generated by the two methods can differ significantly

    Effect of Anesthesia on Microelectrode Recordings During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery:A Narrative Review

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    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective surgical treatment for patients with various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Clinical improvements rely on careful patient selection and accurate electrode placement. A common method for target localization is intraoperative microelectrode recording (MER). To facilitate MER, DBS surgery is traditionally performed under local or regional anesthesia. However, sedation or general anesthesia is sometimes needed for patients who are unable to tolerate the procedure fully awake because of severe motor symptoms, psychological distress, pain, or other forms of discomfort. The effect of anesthetic drugs on MER is controversial but likely depends on the type and dose of a particular anesthetic agent, underlying disease, and surgical target. In this narrative review, we provide an overview of the current literature on the anesthetic drugs most often used for sedation and anesthesia during DBS surgery, with a focus on their effects on MERs

    Epidemiology, Prehospital Characteristics and Outcomes of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in The Netherlands: The BRAIN-PROTECT Study

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    Objective: A thorough understanding of the epidemiology, patient characteristics, trauma mechanisms, and current outcomes among patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is important as it may inform potential strategies to improve prehospital emergency care. The aim of this study is to describe the prehospital epidemiology, characteristics and outcome of (suspected) severe TBI in the Netherlands. Methods: The BRAIN-PROTECT study is a prospective observational study on prehospital management of patients with severe TBI in the Netherlands. The study population comprised all consecutive patients with clinical suspicion of TBI and a prehospital GCS score ≤ 8, who were managed by one of the 4 Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS). Patients were followed-up in 9 trauma centers until 1 year after injury. Planned sub-analyses were performed for patients with “confirmed” and “isolated” TBI. Results: Data from 2,589 patients, of whom 2,117 (81.8%) were transferred to a participating trauma center, were analyzed. The incidence rate of prehospitally suspected and confirmed severe TBI were 3.2 (95% CI: 3.1;3.4) and 2.7 (95% CI: 2.5;2.8) per 100,000 inhabitants per year, respectively. Median patient age was 46 years, 58.4% were involved in traffic crashes, of which 37.4% were bicycle related. 47.6% presented with an initial GCS of 3. The median time from HEMS dispatch to hospital arrival was 54 minutes. The overall 30-day mortality was 39.0% (95% CI: 36.8;41.2). Conclusion: This article summarizes the prehospital epidemiology, characteristics and outcome of severe TBI in the Netherlands, and highlights areas in which primary prevention and prehospital care can be improved

    Neurodevelopmental outcome at 5 years of age after general anaesthesia or awake-regional anaesthesia in infancy (GAS)trial

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    Background: In laboratory animals, exposure to most general anaesthetics leads to neurotoxicity manifested by neuronal cell death and abnormal behaviour and cognition. Some large human cohort studies have shown an association between general anaesthesia at a young age and subsequent neurodevelopmental deficits, but these studies are prone to bias. Others have found no evidence for an association. We aimed to establish whether general anaesthesia in early infancy affects neurodevelopmental outcomes. Methods: In this international, assessor-masked, equivalence, randomised, controlled trial conducted at 28 hospitals in Australia, Italy, the USA, the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, we recruited infants of less than 60 weeks' postmenstrual age who were born at more than 26 weeks

    Closed-loop control of propofol Division of Developmental Medicine using bispectral index (TM): performance assessment in patients receiving computer-controlled propofol and manually controlled remifentanil infusions for minor surgery

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    We used functional MRI and the anesthetic agent propofol to assess the relationship among neural responses to speech, successful comprehension, and conscious awareness. Volunteers were scanned while listening to sentences containing ambiguous words, matched sentences without ambiguous words, and signal-correlated noise (SCN). During three scanning sessions, participants were nonsedated (awake), lightly sedated (a slowed response to conversation), and deeply sedated (no conversational response, rousable by loud command). Bilateral temporal-lobe responses for sentences compared with signal-correlated noise were observed at all three levels of sedation, although prefrontal and premotor responses to speech were absent at the deepest level of sedation. Additional inferior frontal and posterior temporal responses to ambiguous sentences provide a neural correlate of semantic processes critical for comprehending sentences containing ambiguous words. However, this additional response was absent during light sedation, suggesting a marked impairment of sentence comprehension. A significant decline in postscan recognition memory for sentences also suggests that sedation impaired encoding of sentences into memory, with left inferior frontal and temporal lobe responses during light sedation predicting subsequent recognition memory. These findings suggest a graded degradation of cognitive function in response to sedation such that "higher-level" semantic and mnemonic processes, can be impaired at relatively low levels of sedation, whereas perceptual processing of speech remains resilient even during deep sedation. These results have important implications for understanding the relationship between speech comprehension and awareness in the healthy brain in patients receiving sedation and in patients with disorders of consciousness

    Pharmacology in the elderly and newer anaesthesia drugs

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    In developed countries, a growing proportion of patients presenting for anesthesia and surgery are elderly. Despite this, and the fact that aging is known to be associated with alterations in drug pharmacokinetics and dynamics, there is little detailed information about the impact of aging on the pharmacology of commonly used anesthetic agents. In this review, we discuss existing current knowledge on the physiological changes that occur with age and the way these changes affect the pharmacokinetics and dynamics of anesthetic agents. Also, an overview of up-to-date PK-PD modeling concepts and their usefulness and limitations in modern anesthesiologic practice with respect to the elderly population is given. Finally, newer agents such as sugammadex, remifentanyl, ropivacaine and desflurane are discussed in detail with emphasis on current evidence concerning dosing, safety and efficacy of their use in the elderly

    Does postoperative cognitive decline after coronary bypass affect quality of life?

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    Objective This study aimed to explore the influence of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) on both postoperative cognitive dysfunction and quality of life (QoL) and the association between the two patient-related outcomes.Methods In a prospective, observational cohort study, patients with elective, isolated CABG were included. Cognitive function was assessed using the Cogstate computerised cognitive test battery preoperatively, 3 days and 6 months after surgery. QoL was measured preoperatively and at 6 months using the RAND-36 questionnaire including the Physical Component Score (PCS) and the Mental Component Score (MCS). Regression analysis, with adjustment for confounders, was used to evaluate the association between postoperative cognitive dysfunction and QoL.Results A total of 142 patients were included in the study. Evidence of persistent cognitive dysfunction was observed in 33% of patients after 6 months. At 6 months, the PCS had improved in 59% and decreased in 21% of patients, and the MCS increased in 49% and decreased in 29%. Postoperative cognitive changes were not associated with QoL scores.Conclusions Postoperative cognitive dysfunction and decreased QoL are common 6 months after surgery, although cognitive function and QoL were found to have improved in many patients at 6 months of follow-up. Impaired cognitive function is not associated with impaired QoL at 6 months