23 research outputs found

    Philosophical analyses of biotechnology as phenomen of modern reality

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    В статье анализируется феномен биотехнологии как синтез особого вида искусственно созданной реальности и современной разновидности научного знания.The paper analyses the phenomen of biotechnology as specific synthesis artificial-bult reality and modern kind of scientific knowledge.Программа развития УрФУ на 2013 год (п.


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    The results of a comparative study of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and glucocorticosteroids (GCS) for local treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) are presented. 40 patients with GTPS were randomized into groups of 20 persons. The condition of patients was analyzed on a scale of pain during the day (VAS) and index WOMAC. 40 women with GTPS at six months of observation show that the local injections of PRP is superior to therapy with corticosteroids. The data of the study allow to expand the scope of the PRP and the first to recommend this therapy for GTPS. Local PRP therapy is distinguished by the absence of undesirable reactions, and high efficiency in GTPS exceeding the glucocorticosteroids

    Effect of heat treatment on the structure and properties of the VST3553 modified alloy

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    Effect of heat treatment on the structure and properties of the modified alloy VST3553 was studied by means of scanning electron microscopy, mechanical tensile tests, mechanical testing of double shear. It is found the best combination of properties (τs ≥ 755 MPa, σв ≥ 1450 MPa, δ ≥ 16 %) has a hot-deformed alloy after quenching from 770 °C and aging at 475 °C for 12 hours.С использованием растровой электронной микроскопии, проведения механических испытаний на разрыв и двойной срез изучено влияние упрочняющей термической обработки на формирование структуры и свойств модифицированного сплава VST3553. Установлено, что наиболее высоким комплексом свойств (τср ≥ 755 МПа, σв ≥ 1450 МПа, δ ≥ 16 %) обладает горячедеформированный сплав, подвергнутый закалке от 770 °С и последующему старению при 475 °С в течение 12 ч