8 research outputs found

    The relationships between organic farming and agroecology.

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    While acknowledging an extension of agroecology in the organic sector and a growing influence of agroecology in the academic world, we explore their relationships. These relationships cannot be reduced to an opposition between a scientific field and a practical domain. A Brazilian case study based on the analysis of researchers and social actors trajectories exemplifies the diversity of existing relations, whether inclusive or exclusive. With a literature review, this allows characterising the specific attributes of both organic agriculture and agroecology. We discuss them in the light of current challenges for organic farming research and development

    Agricultores familiares da região sul da amazônia brasileira: uma contribuição à crise ecológica global

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    Poucos estudos têm analisado o papel da população amazônica para a conservação ecológica da biodiversidade e para a redução dos efeitos da crise ecológica global. Esse estudo aborda experiências com Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs) desenvolvida pela Associação de Produtores Alternativos (APA), em Ouro Preto do Oeste - RO. O objetivo foi o de verificar se é possível conciliar a conservação ambiental com o desenvolvimento da agricultura familiar no sul da Amazônia. A hipótese é que a agrobiodiversidade associada aos sistemas agroflorestais contribui para a minimização da crise ambiental global. Essa afirmação se contrapõe ao velho diagnóstico de culpar os agricultores menos favorecidos economicamente pela destruição de florestas. O estudo documentou cultivos agroflorestais conduzidos por produtores familiares que contribuem para preservação da floresta e que são ao mesmo tempo produções utilizadas na alimentação. Entre 2008 e 2010 ocorreram problemas com a gestão financeira e ética da APA. No entanto, essa experiência social associada aos SAFs, contribuiu fortemente para o estabelecimento de uma convivência harmônica com a natureza e para a construção da identidade ecológica local, além disto, gerou segurança alimentar aos produtores familiares. Os obstáculos experimentados pela organização não anularam o sucesso da experiência com SAFs e representa simbolicamente uma resposta local à crise ecológica global contemporânea.Eje: B4 Ambiente, naturaleza y agroecología (Relatos de experiencias)Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    A comparative study of farm nutrient budgets and nutrient flows of certified organic and non-organic farms in China, Brazil and Egypt

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    Increased demand for certified organic products has led to an increase in the number of certified organic farms in developing countries. Knowledge of farmer nutrient management practices on certified organic farms in developing countries is limited. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the adoption of certified organic agriculture on farm nutrient flows and nutrient budgets, and evaluate to which degree organic farms comply with organic principles relating to nutrient management. The study is based on five case studies of different types of certified organic farming systems in Brazil, Egypt and China. Farm nutrient flows and nutrient budgets for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium were created for each farm. Four of the five organic systems studied had nutrient surpluses on the farm budget. The surpluses were of varying magnitude. The main difference between organic and nonorganic farm nutrient flows was the replacement of mineral fertilizers with organic inputs. However, the magnitude of nutrient flows were generally similar for organic and non-organic farms. Certified organic farms with positive nutrient budgets had a heavy reliance on external inputs. Continued high dependence on an external supply of nutrients, which typically originate from mineral sources, poses a significant challenge to organic farmers’ fulfilment of the principles of organic agriculture

    Certified organic agriculture in China and Brazil: Market accessibility and outcomes following adoption

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    Based on three case studies in China and Brazil, this paper explores the terms of access for farmers' participation in certified organic agriculture (OA) and investigates the influence of adoption on productivity, nutrient budgets, income and labour use. Small-scale farmers converting to OA require substantial external production-related, marketing and certification support. Access to OA was strongly dependent upon the type of support available to farmers. Organization based on a contract-farming model resulted in OA only being an option available to a narrow group of farmers, whilst OA initiated by a farmer cooperative provided better access. Gross output was significantly higher for oranges, whilst for the other crops gross output was similar. However, organic farmers in China felt that adoption had improved prices, incomes and market access. Farmers' perception of improved incomes is probably due to improved market access coupled with either a large production base, production intensification and production diversification. This study demonstrates that organization of farmers, and the manner in which this is structured, is crucial for external support to have an effect. Thus, OA may be a development path for small farmers if the supporting structures are provided at a small financial interest rate.Organic agriculture Sustainable livelihoods Market access China Brazil