5 research outputs found

    Perceptions and evaluations of front-line health workers regarding the Brazilian National Program for Improving Access and Quality to Primary Care (PMAQ): a mixed-method approach

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    Abstract: Although it is well known that a successful implementation depends on the front-liners’ knowledge and participation, as well as on the organizational capacity of the institutions involved, we still know little about how front-line health workers have been involved in the implementation of the Brazilian National Program for Improving Access and Quality to Primary Care (PMAQ). This paper develops a contingent mixed-method approach to explore the perceptions of front-line health workers - managers, nurses, community health workers, and doctors - regarding the PMAQ (2nd round), and their evaluations concerning health unit organizational capacity. The research is guided by three relevant inter-related concepts from implementation theory: policy knowledge, participation, and organizational capacity. One hundred and twenty-seven health workers from 12 primary health care units in Goiânia, Goiás State, Brazil, answered semi-structured questionnaires, seeking to collect data on reasons for adherence, forms of participation, perceived impact (open-ended questions), and evaluation of organizational capacity (score between 0-10). Content analyses of qualitative data enabled us to categorize the variables “level of perceived impact of PMAQ” and “reasons for adhering to PMAQ”. The calculation and aggregation of the means for the scores given for organizational capacity enabled us to classify distinct levels of organizational capacity. We finally integrated both variables (Perceived-Impact and Organizational-Capacity) through cross-tabulation and the narrative. Results show that nurses are the main type of professional participating. The low organizational capacity and little policy knowledge affected workers participation in and their perceptions of the PMAQ

    La reforma de los servicios de salud en México y la dinamización y politización de los intereses: una aproximación Health care reform in Mexico and the dynamics and politicization of interests: an approach

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    La propuesta de este artículo es discutir el proceso de reforma en los servicios de salud puesta en práctica en México a partir de 1982 y que todavía está en curso. Ese proceso de reforma será estudiado como un fenómeno socio-político cuya dinámica y naturaleza son resultados de conflictos pasados y presentes que se articulan alrededor de proyectos técnico-asistenciales, expresión de determinadas visiones del futuro. El trabajo empezó por considerar la propia estructura de poder históricamente constituida a través de la acción del Estado en el sector salud la cual promovió a determinados grupos sociales, estimuló su desarrollo y los incorporó en sus estructuras de poder, al mismo tiempo que marginó y reprimió a otros. En un segundo momento, el trabajo reconstituyó empíricamente la 'historia social' de la reforma, esto es, la dinamización de los intereses y de los conflictos en torno de la mejor configuración del sector salud.<br>The article discusses the health care reforms that have been underway in Mexico since 1982. The process is examined as a socio-political phenomenon whose dynamics and nature are the products of past and present conflicts regarding technical and social-work projects, which constitute reflections of certain views of the future. The text first looks at the government-engendered power structure that has dominated the health care sector and that has benefited certain social groups, encouraged their development, and incorporated them into its power structures while simultaneously marginalizing or repressing others. The article next offers an empirical reconstruction of the "social history" of this reform, that is, of the dynamics of interests and conflicts surrounding the question of how the health care sector might best be shaped