5,053 research outputs found
The centrifugal force reversal and X-ray bursts
Heyl (2000) made an interesting suggestion that the observed shifts in QPO
frequency in type I X-ray bursts could be influenced by the same geometrical
effect of strong gravity as the one that causes centrifugal force reversal
discovered by Abramowicz and Lasota (1974). However, his main result contains a
sign error. Here we derive the correct formula and conclude that constraints on
the M(R) relation for neutron stars deduced from the rotational-modulation
model of QPO frequency shifts are of no practical interest because the correct
formula implies a weak condition R* > 1.3 Rs, where Rs is the Schwarzschild
radius. We also argue against the relevance of the rotational-modulation model
to the observed frequency modulations.Comment: 3 pages, Minor revisions, A&A Letters, in pres
Radiative corrections to the neutron star mass inferred from QPO frequencies
The frequencies of kHz QPOs are widely interpreted as being indicative of the
values of characteristic frequencies related to orbital motion around neutron
stars, e.g., the radial epicyclic frequency. In regions directly exposed to the
radiation from the luminous neutron star these frequencies change with the
luminosity. Including radiative corrections will change the neutron star mass
value inferred from the QPO frequencies. Radiative forces may also be behind
the puzzling phenomenon of parallel tracks.Comment: 6 pages including 1 figur
Generalizing Optical Geometry
We show that by employing the standard projected curvature as a measure of
spatial curvature, we can make a certain generalization of optical geometry
(Abramowicz and Lasota 1997, Class. Quantum Grav. 14 (1997) A23). This
generalization applies to any spacetime that admits a hypersurface orthogonal
shearfree congruence of worldlines. This is a somewhat larger class of
spacetimes than the conformally static spacetimes assumed in standard optical
geometry. In the generalized optical geometry, which in the generic case is
time dependent, photons move with unit speed along spatial geodesics and the
sideways force experienced by a particle following a spatially straight line is
independent of the velocity. Also gyroscopes moving along spatial geodesics do
not precess (relative to the forward direction). Gyroscopes that follow a
curved spatial trajectory precess according to a very simple law of
three-rotation. We also present an inertial force formalism in coordinate
representation for this generalization. Furthermore, we show that by employing
a new sense of spatial curvature (Jonsson, Class. Quantum Grav. 23 (2006) 1)
closely connected to Fermat's principle, we can make a more extensive
generalization of optical geometry that applies to arbitrary spacetimes. In
general this optical geometry will be time dependent, but still geodesic
photons move with unit speed and follow lines that are spatially straight in
the new sense. Also, the sideways experienced (comoving) force on a test
particle following a line that is straight in the new sense will be independent
of the velocity.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. A more general analysis is presented than in the
former version. See also the companion papers arXiv:0708.2493,
arXiv:0708.2533 and arXiv:0708.253
The upper kHz QPO: a gravitationally lensed vertical oscillation
We show that a luminous torus in the Schwarzschild metric oscillating along
its own axis gives rise to a periodically varying flux of radiation, even
though the source of radiation is steady and perfectly axisymmetric. This
implies that the simplest oscillation mode in an accretion flow, axisymmetric
up-and-down motion at the meridional epicyclic frequency, may be directly
observable when it occurs in the inner parts of accretion flow around neutron
stars and black holes. The high-frequency modulations of the X-ray flux
observed in low-mass X-ray binaries at two frequencies (twin kHz QPOs) could
then be a signature of strong gravity both because radial and meridional
oscillations have different frequencies in non-Newtonian gravity, and because
strong gravitational deflection of light rays causes the flux of radiation to
be modulated at the higher frequency.Comment: 8 p., 4 fig
Epicyclic orbital oscillations in Newton's and Einstein's dynamics
We apply Feynman's principle, ``The same equations have the same solutions'',
to Kepler's problem and show that Newton's dynamics in a properly curved 3-D
space is identical with that described by Einstein's theory in the 3-D optical
geometry of Schwarzschild's spacetime. For this reason, rather unexpectedly,
Newton's formulae for Kepler's problem, in the case of nearly circular motion
in a static, spherically spherical gravitational potential accurately describe
strong field general relativistic effects, in particular vanishing of the
radial epicyclic frequency at the marginally stable orbit.Comment: 8 page
Oscillations of the Eddington Capture Sphere
We present a toy model of mildly super-Eddington, optically thin accretion
onto a compact star in the Schwarzschild metric, which predicts periodic
variations of luminosity when matter is supplied to the system at a constant
accretion rate. These are related to the periodic appearance and disappearance
of the Eddington Capture Sphere. In the model the frequency is found to vary
inversely with the luminosity. If the input accretion rate varies (strictly)
periodically, the luminosity variation is quasi-periodic, and the quality
factor is inversely proportional to the relative amplitude of mass accretion
fluctuations, with its largest value approximately Q= 1/(10 |delta Mdot/Mdot|)
attained in oscillations at about 1 to 2 kHz frequencies for a 2 solar mass
Of NBOs and kHz QPOs: a low-frequency modulation in resonant oscillations of relativistic accretion disks
The origin of quasi periodic modulations of flux in the kilohertz range (kHz
QPOs), observed in low-mass X-ray binaries, is usually assumed to be physically
distinct from that of the ``normal branch oscillations'' (NBOs) in the
Z-sources. We show that a low-frequency modulation of the kHz QPOs is a natural
consequence of the non-linear relativistic resonance suggested previously to
explain the properties of the high-frequency twin peaks. The theoretical
results discussed here are reminiscent of the 6 Hz variations of frequency and
amplitude of the kHz QPOs reported by Yu, van der Klis and Jonker (2001).Comment: Accepted for publication in PASJ; 4 pages, 1 figur
Poincare ball embeddings of the optical geometry
It is shown that optical geometry of the Reissner-Nordstrom exterior metric
can be embedded in a hyperbolic space all the way down to its outer horizon.
The adopted embedding procedure removes a breakdown of flat-space embeddings
which occurs outside the horizon, at and below the Buchdahl-Bondi limit
(R/M=9/4 in the Schwarzschild case). In particular, the horizon can be captured
in the optical geometry embedding diagram. Moreover, by using the compact
Poincare ball representation of the hyperbolic space, the embedding diagram can
cover the whole extent of radius from spatial infinity down to the horizon.
Attention is drawn to advantages of such embeddings in an appropriately curved
space: this approach gives compact embeddings and it distinguishes clearly the
case of an extremal black hole from a non-extremal one in terms of topology of
the embedded horizon.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures; CQG accepte
Escape, capture, and levitation of matter in Eddington outbursts
Context: An impulsive increase in luminosity by one half or more of the
Eddington value will lead to ejection of all optically thin plasma from
Keplerian orbits around the radiating star, if gravity is Newtonian and the
Poynting-Robertson drag is neglected. Radiation drag may bring some particles
down to the stellar surface. On the other hand, general relativistic
calculations show that gravity may be balanced by a sufficiently intense
radiation field at a certain distance from the star.
Aims: We investigate the motion of test particles around highly luminous
stars to determine conditions under which plasma may be ejected from the
Results: In Einstein's gravity, if the outburst is close to the Eddington
luminosity, all test particles orbiting outside an "escape sphere" will be
ejected from the system, while all others will be captured from their orbits
onto the surface of another sphere, which is well above the stellar surface,
and may even be outside the escape sphere, depending on the value of
luminosity. Radiation drag will bring all the captured particles to rest on
this "Eddington capture sphere," where they will remain suspended in an
equilibrium state as long as the local flux of radiation does not change and
remains at the effective Eddington value.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysic
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