25 research outputs found
Target system for the CC-series сyclotrons designed and manufactured in NIIEFA
A prototype of the target system for the CC-series cyclotrons for production of PET radionuclides C-11 and F-18 has been designed, manufactured and tested in the Efremov Institute. The target system will produce radionuclides sufficient to ensure the needs of a standard PET-center.У НДІЕФА ім. Д.В. Єфремова розроблений, виготовлений і випробуваний дослідний зразок мішеневого комплексу циклотронів серії СС для виробництва ПЕТ-радіонуклідів вуглець-11 і фтор-18. За продуктивностю напрацювання радіонуклідів комплекс забезпечить потреби типового ПЕТ-центру.В НИИЭФА им. Д.В. Ефремова разработан, изготовлен и испытан опытный образец мишенного комплекса циклотронов серии СС для производства ПЭТ-радионуклидов углерод-11 и фтор-18. По производительности наработки радионуклидов комплекс обеспечит потребности типового ПЭТ-центра
Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus gasseri Strain 2016
Different common factors contribute to the antagonistic properties of Lactobacillus gasseri toward various pathogens. However, there is strain-to-strain variation in the probiotic properties of this bacterium. The draft genome sequence of L. gasseri strain 2016 determined in this study will assist in understanding the genetic basis for such variation
X-ray and Electron Diffraction Study of MgO
Precise X-ray and high-energy transmission electron diffraction methods were used for the study of electron density and electrostatic potential in MgO crystals. The structure amplitudes were determined and their accuracy estimated using ab initio Hartree-Fock structure amplitudes as criteria. The electrostatic potential distributions, reconstructed using Fourier series from both X-ray and electron diffraction data, are in satisfactory mutual agreement and are similar to the theory. They, however, suffer from restricted experimental resolution and, therefore, the reconstruction of the electrostatic potential via an analytical structural model is preferable. The model of electron density was adjusted to X-ray experimental structure amplitudes and those calculated by the Hartree-Fock method. The electrostatic potential, deformation electron density and the Laplacian of the electron density were calculated with this model. The critical points in both experimental and theoretical model electron densities were found and compared with those for procrystals from spherical atoms and ions. A disagreement concerning the type of critical point at (,,0) in the area of low, near-uniform electron density is observed. It is noted that topological analysis of the electron density in crystals can be related with a close-packing concept
X-ray and Electron Diffraction Study of MgO
Precise X-ray and high-energy transmission electron diffraction methods were used for the study of electron density and electrostatic potential in MgO crystals. The structure amplitudes were determined and their accuracy estimated using ab initio Hartree-Fock structure amplitudes as criteria. The electrostatic potential distributions, reconstructed using Fourier series from both X-ray and electron diffraction data, are in satisfactory mutual agreement and are similar to the theory. They, however, suffer from restricted experimental resolution and, therefore, the reconstruction of the electrostatic potential via an analytical structural model is preferable. The model of electron density was adjusted to X-ray experimental structure amplitudes and those calculated by the Hartree-Fock method. The electrostatic potential, deformation electron density and the Laplacian of the electron density were calculated with this model. The critical points in both experimental and theoretical model electron densities were found and compared with those for procrystals from spherical atoms and ions. A disagreement concerning the type of critical point at (,,0) in the area of low, near-uniform electron density is observed. It is noted that topological analysis of the electron density in crystals can be related with a close-packing concept