53 research outputs found

    Rotationally induced vortices in optical cavity modes

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    We show that vortices appear in the modes of an astigmatic optical cavity when it is put into rotation about its optical axis. We study the properties of these vortices and discuss numerical results for a specific realization of such a set-up. Our method is exact up to first order in the time-dependent paraxial approximation and involves bosonic ladder operators in the spirit of the quantum-mechanical harmonic oscillator.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in a special issue (singular optics 2008) of Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optic

    The Minimum-Uncertainty Squeezed States for for Atoms and Photons in a Cavity

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    We describe a six-parameter family of the minimum-uncertainty squeezed states for the harmonic oscillator in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. They are derived by the action of corresponding maximal kinematical invariance group on the standard ground state solution. We show that the product of the variances attains the required minimum value 1/4 only at the instances that one variance is a minimum and the other is a maximum, when the squeezing of one of the variances occurs. The generalized coherent states are explicitly constructed and their Wigner function is studied. The overlap coefficients between the squeezed, or generalized harmonic, and the Fock states are explicitly evaluated in terms of hypergeometric functions. The corresponding photons statistics are discussed and some applications to quantum optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and superfocusing in channeling scattering are mentioned. Explicit solutions of the Heisenberg equations for radiation field operators with squeezing are found.Comment: 27 pages, no figures, 174 references J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys., Special Issue celebrating the 20th anniversary of quantum state engineering (R. Blatt, A. Lvovsky, and G. Milburn, Guest Editors), May 201

    Internal flows and energy circulation in light beams

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    We review optical phenomena associated with the internal energy redistribution which accompany propagation and transformations of monochromatic light fields in homogeneous media. The total energy flow (linear-momentum density, Poynting vector) can be divided into spin part associated with the polarization and orbital part associated with the spatial inhomogeneity. We give general description of the internal flows in the coordinate and momentum (angular spectrum) representations for both nonparaxial and paraxial fields. This enables one to determine local densities and integral values of the spin and orbital angular momenta of the field. We analyse patterns of the internal flows in standard beam models (Gaussian, Laguerre-Gaussian, flat-top beam, etc.), which provide an insightful picture of the energy transport. The emphasize is made to the singular points of the flow fields. We describe the spin-orbit and orbit-orbit interactions in the processes of beam focusing and symmetry breakdown. Finally, we consider how the energy flows manifest themselves in the mechanical action on probing particles and in the transformations of a propagating beam subjected to a transverse perturbation.Comment: 50 pages, 21 figures, 173 references. This is the final version of the manuscript (v1) modified in accord to the referee's remarks and with allowance for the recent development. The main changes are: additional discussion of the energy flows in Bessel beams (section 4.1), a lot of new references are added and the Conclusion is shortened and made more accurat


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    Topological Charge of Propagation-Invariant Laser Beams

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    If a vortex propagation-invariant beam is given by all its intensity nulls, then its topological charge (TC) can be defined easily: its TC is equal to the sum of topological charges of all optical vortices in these intensity nulls. If, however, a propagation-invariant beam is given as a superposition of several light fields, then determining its TC is a complicated task. Here, we derive the topological charges of four different types of propagation-invariant beams, represented as axial superpositions of Hermite–Gaussian beams with different amplitudes and different phase delays. In particular, topological charges are obtained for such beam families as the Hermite–Laguerre–Gaussian (HLG) beams and two-parametric vortex Hermite beams. We show that the TC is a quantity resistant to changing certain beam parameters. For instance, when the parameters θ and α of the HLG beams are altered, the beam intensity also changes significantly, but the TC remains unchanged
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