74 research outputs found

    Classical Bianchi type I cosmology in K-essence theory

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    We use one of the simplest forms of the K-essence theory and we apply it to the classical anisotropic Bianchi type I cosmological model, with a barotropic perfect fluid modeling the usual matter content and with cosmological constant. The classical solutions for any but the stiff fluid and without cosmological constant are found in closed form, using a time transformation. We also present the solution whith cosmological constant and some particular values of the barotropic parameter. We present the possible isotropization of the cosmological model, using the ratio between the anisotropic parameters and the volume of the universe and show that this tend to a constant or to zero for different cases. We include also a qualitative analysis of the analog of the Friedmann equation.Comment: 15 pages with one figure, accepted in Advances in High Energy Physic

    Cosmological Bianchi Class A models in S\'aez-Ballester theory

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    We use the S\'aez-Ballester (SB) theory on anisotropic Bianchi Class A cosmological model, with barotropic fluid and cosmological constant, using the Hamilton or Hamilton-Jacobi approach. Contrary to claims in the specialized literature, it is shown that the S\'aez-Ballester theory cannot provide a realistic solution to the dark matter problem of Cosmology for the dust epoch, without a fine tunning because the contribution of the scalar field in this theory is equivalent to a stiff fluid (as can be seen from the energy--momentum tensor for the scalar field), that evolves in a different way as the dust component. To have similar contributions of the scalar component and the dust component implies that their past values were fine tunned. So, we reinterpreting this null result as an indication that dark matter plays a central role in the formation of structures and galaxy evolution, having measureable effects in the cosmic microwave bound radiation, and than this formalism yield to this epoch as primigenius results. We do the mention that this formalism was used recently in the so called K-essence theory applied to dark energy problem, in place to the dark matter problem. Also, we include a quantization procedure of the theory which can be simplified by reinterpreting the theory in the Einstein frame, where the scalar field can be interpreted as part of the matter content of the theory, and exact solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation are found, employing the Bianchi Class A cosmological models.Comment: 24 pages; ISBN: 978-953-307-626-3, InTec

    Noncommutativity in Effective Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    We construct a noncommutative extension of the Loop Quantum Cosmology effective scheme for the open FLRW model with a free scalar field via a theta deformation. Firstly, a deformation is implemented in the configuration sector, among the holonomy variable and the matter degree of freedom. We show that this type of noncommutativity retain, to some degree, key features of the Loop Quantum Cosmology paradigm for a free field. Secondly, a deformation is implemented in the momentum sector, among the momentum associated to the holonomy variable and the momentum associated to the matter field. We show that in this latter case the scalar field energy density is bounded and has the same maximum as in standard Loop Quantum Cosmology, signaling a higher degree of compatibility

    Noncommutative effective LQC: A (pre-)inflationary dynamics investigation

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    We conduct a (pre-)inflationary dynamics study within the framework of a simple noncommutative extension of effective loop quantum cosmology -- put forward recently by the authors -- which preserves its key features (in particular, the quantum bounce is maintained). A thorough investigation shows that the (pre-)inflationary scenario associated to the chaotic quadratic potential is in the overall the same as the one featured in standard loop quantum cosmology (which reinforces the conclusion reached by the authors in a preliminary analysis). Hence, this (pre-)inflationary scenario does not easily distinguish between standard loop quantum cosmology and the aforementioned noncommutative scheme. It is argued that a particular tuning of the noncommutativity parameter could accommodate for subtle effects at the level of primordial perturbations (the hybrid quantization framework being a tentative route of analysis).Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, 1 tabl
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