3 research outputs found

    The comparative effects of metformin and insulin on the kidney, lung and heart of streptozotocin-induced diabetic female Wistar rats

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder resulting in chronic hyperglycaemia. It is associated with long-term complications such as damage or dysfunction of organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and blood vessels. Despite significant achievements in treatment modalities and preventive measures, the prevalence of diabetes keeps rising.Objectives: The study assessed the effects of metformin and insulin in glycaemic control and on the kidney, lungs and heart of streptozotocin-induced diabetic female Wistar rats.Methods: Twenty Wistar rats weighing 100-160g were randomly divided into four groups of 5 animals each. Group1 was the non diabetic control group while diabetes was induced in groups 2-4 using streptozotocin. Group 2 was given water only, while groups 3 and 4 were treated with insulin (1 IU daily) and metformin (200 mg/kg) for 3 weeks respectively. Blood glucose and major organs (kidney, lung and heart) were studied.Results: Metformin and insulin produced statistically significant decreases in blood glucose levels of 40.7% and 33.1% respectively. Kidney histology showed normal glomeruli in all treated group, while mild haemorrhage was seen in diabetic group and tubular necrosis in the metformin group. Lung histology showed reduction in alveolar space and mild to moderate chronic inflammatory cells in tests groups, there was sparing of peripheral lung tissue in metformin group. The heart histology showed both diabetic and insulin groups having pericardial congestion and moderate myocardial fatty change, while the metformin-treated group showed no pathology.Conclusion: These findings suggest that insulin and metformin may prevent and reverse some of pathologies caused by diabetes in major organs.Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, metformin, kidney, lung, hear

    Association of adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) polymorphisms with measures of obesity in Nigerian young adults

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    Background: The association of obesity with adiponectin gene has been reported in different populations with various inconsistencies. Data from Nigeria is very scanty on the association. Aim: We investigated possible associations of adiponectin gene (ADIPOQ) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) rs2241766 (+45T>G in exon 2), rs266729 (−11377C>G in promoter) and rs1501299 (+276G>T in intron 2) with body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and hip circumference (HC), in our cross-sectional study. Subjects and methods: SNPs in ADIPOQ were genotyped in 107 subjects (81 females, 26 males; mean age 22.2 years) by Sequenom MassARRAY. Notably, rs2241766 was removed for not reaching Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. BMI was calculated (kg/m2) while WC and HC were measured using standard procedures Results: Linear regression showed that variant rs1501299 was not associated with BMI, WC or HC but rs266729 was associated with increased measures of obesity involving BMI (recessive model; beta coefficient [β], 12.85; 95% confidence interval [CI], 6.47, 19.24, codominant model; GG, β, 13.08; 95% CI, 6.71, 19.46, GC, β, 1.04; 95% CI, −0.60, 2.68 and log-additive model; β, 2.117; 95% CI, 0.55, 3.68), WC (recessive model; β, 22.17; 95% CI, 7.11, 37.23 and codominant model; GG, β, 21.857; 95% CI, 6.74, 36.98, GC, β, −1.459; 95% CI, −5.34, 2.43) and HC (recessive model; β, 33.56; 95% CI, 15.41, 51.70, codominant model; GG, β, 34.171; 95% CI, 16.04, 52.30, GC, β, 2.771; 95% CI, −1.79, 7.34 and log-additive model; β, 5.466; 95% CI, 1.14, 9.80). Conclusion: This study in young Nigerian adults confirmed previously reported association of SNP −11377C>G with obesity measures in other populations. Keywords: Obesity, rs2241766, rs1501299, rs266729, Nigeri

    From input to outcome: Case-based learning raises medical and dental students expectations of better performance in their future practice

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    Background: The ultimate goal of learning is to modify the behavior of which enhanced performance is a critical aspect. Studies have shown that the pedagogical method employed to instruct students is a core factor that influences students' ability to translate classroom input (that is, learning) to practice (that is, learning outcome) later in life. Medical and dental students in Nigeria are often instructed through a didactic lecture which studies have shown are mostly boring and consequently lower students' expectations about their performance later in life.Objective:The current study was therefore designed to evaluate students' expectations on how they would perform in their professional pursuit later in life if they were instructed through case-based learning (CBL).Methods: To accomplish our objective, 56th consenting 5 year medical and dental students were recruited to participate in the study. The students were taught two topics by cases developed by the teachers. At the end of the second class, the participants were requested to fill a structured questionnaire anonymously. On the questionnaire, the students used Likert-type of scale to respond to how they see CBLpedagogy in relation to their future practice. The responses were analyzed statistically by the simple percentage and Mann-Whitney U test.Results: Over 80% of the students regardless of gender and program of study agreed that CBL integrates theory with practice and about 90%consider CBL as relevant to their future practice. Although responses vary along the lines of gender and program of study, none of the variations were significant for any of these factors. Conclusion: The ability of CBL to give very high expectations to students about their future career practice is a strong call to policymakers and teachers to make the paradigm shift to CBLin Nigeria medical education