1,851 research outputs found

    The Visibility of Galactic Bars and Spiral Structure At High Redshifts

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    We investigate the visibility of galactic bars and spiral structure in the distant Universe by artificially redshifting 101 B-band CCD images of local spiral galaxies from the Ohio State University Bright Spiral Galaxy Survey. Our artificially redshifted images correspond to Hubble Space Telescope I-band observations of the local galaxy sample seen at z=0.7, with integration times matching those of both the very deep Northern Hubble Deep Field data, and the much shallower Flanking Field observations. The expected visibility of galactic bars is probed in two ways: (1) using traditional visual classification, and (2) by charting the changing shape of the galaxy distribution in "Hubble space", a quantitative two-parameter description of galactic structure that maps closely on to Hubble's original tuning fork. Both analyses suggest that over 2/3 of strongly barred luminous local spirals i.e. objects classified as SB in the Third Reference Catalog) would still be classified as strongly barred at z=0.7 in the Hubble Deep Field data. Under the same conditions, most weakly barred spirals (classified SAB in the Third Reference Catalog) would be classified as regular spirals. The corresponding visibility of spiral structure is assessed visually, by comparing luminosity classifications for the artificially redshifted sample with the corresponding luminosity classifications from the Revised Shapley Ames Catalog. We find that for exposures times similar to that of the Hubble Deep Field spiral structure should be detectable in most luminous low-inclination spiral galaxies at z=0.7 in which it is present. [ABRIDGED]Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Explorations in Hubble Space: A Quantitative Tuning Fork

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    In order to establish an objective framework for studying galaxy morphology, we have developed a quantitative two-parameter description of galactic structure that maps closely on to Hubble's original tuning fork. Any galaxy can be placed in this "Hubble space", where the x-coordinate measures position along the early-to-late sequence, while the y-coordinate measures in a quantitative way the degree to which the galaxy is barred. The parameters defining Hubble space are sufficiently robust to allow the formation of Hubble's tuning fork to be mapped out to high redshifts. In the present paper, we describe a preliminary investigation of the distribution of local galaxies in Hubble space, based on the CCD imaging atlas of Frei et al. (1996). We find that barred, weakly-barred, and unbarred galaxies are remarkably well-separated on this diagnostic diagram. The spiral sequence is clearly bimodal and indeed approximates a tuning fork: strongly-barred and unbarred spirals do not simply constitute the extrema of a smooth unimodal distribution of bar strength, but rather populate two parallel sequences. Strongly barred galaxies lie on a remarkably tight sequence, strongly suggesting the presence of an underlying unifying physical process. Rather surprisingly, weakly barred systems do not seem to correspond to objects bridging the parameter space between unbarred and strongly barred galaxies, but instead form an extension of the regular spiral sequence. This relation lends support to models in which the bulges of late-type spirals originate from secular processes driven by bars.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. Figure 2 is too large to be embedded in the paper, and has been included as a JPEG imag

    Size-scaling of clump instabilities in turbulent, feedback regulated disks

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    We explore the scaling between the size of star-forming clumps and rotational support in massively star-forming galactic disks. The analysis relies on simulations of a clumpy galaxy at z=2z=2 and the observed DYNAMO sample of rare clumpy analogs at z0.1z\approx0.1 to test a predictive clump size scaling proposed by \citet{Fisher2017ApJ...839L...5F} in the context of the Violent Disk Instability (VDI) theory. We here determine the clump sizes using a recently presented 2-point estimator, which is robust against resolution/noise effects, hierarchical clump substructure, clump-clump overlap and other galactic substructure. After verifying Fisher's clump scaling relation for the DYNAMO observations, we explore whether this relation remains characteristic of the VDI theory, even if realistic physical processes, such as local asymetries and stellar feedback, are included in the model. To this end, we rely on hydrodynamic zoom-simulations of a Milky Way-mass galaxy with four different feedback prescriptions. We find that, during its marginally stable epoch at z=2z=2, this mock galaxy falls on the clump scaling relation, although its position on this relation depends on the feedback model. This finding implies that Toomre-like stability considerations approximately apply to large (kpc\sim\rm kpc) instabilities in marginally stable turbulent disks, irrespective of the feedback model, but also emphasizes that the global clump distribution of a turbulent disk depends strongly on feedback.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, no changes made. 11 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence for (and Against) Progenitor Bias in the Size Growth of Compact Red Galaxies

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    Most massive passive galaxies are compact at high redshifts, but similarly compact massive galaxies are rare in the local universe. The most common interpretation of this phenomenon is that massive galaxies have grown in size by a factor of about five since redshift z=2. An alternative explanation is that recently quenched massive galaxies are larger (a "progenitor bias"). In this paper we explore the importance of progenitor bias by looking for systematic differences in the stellar populations of compact early-type galaxies in the DEEP2 survey as a function of size. Our analysis is based on applying the statistical technique of bootstrap resampling to constrain differences in the median ages of our samples and to begin to characterize the distribution of stellar populations in our co-added spectra. The light-weighted ages of compact early-type galaxies at redshifts 0.5 < z < 1.4 are compared to those of a control sample of larger galaxies at similar redshifts. We find that massive compact early-type galaxies selected on the basis of red color and high bulge-to-total ratio are younger than similarly selected larger galaxies, suggesting that size growth in these objects is not driven mainly by progenitor bias, and that individual galaxies grow as their stellar populations age. However, compact early-type galaxies selected on the basis of image smoothness and high bulge-to-total ratio are older than a control sample of larger galaxies. Progenitor bias will play a significant role in defining the apparent size changes of early-type galaxies if they are selected on the basis of the smoothness of their light distributions.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures. Astrophysical Journal (in press