40 research outputs found

    Rethinking place-making: aligning placeness factors with perceived urban design qualities (PUDQs) to improve the built environment in historical district

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    Understanding the concept of place is critically important for urban design and place-making practice, and this research attempted to investigate the pathways by which perceived urban design qualities (PUDQs) influence placeness factors in the Chinese context. Twelve hypotheses were developed and combined in a structural equation model for validation. The Tanhualin historical district in Wuhan, China was selected for the analysis. As a result, place attachment was verified as a critical bridge factor that mediated the influence of PUDQs on place satisfaction. Among the five selected PUDQs, walkability and space quality were revealed as the most influential factors associated with place attachment and place satisfaction. Accessibility was actually indirectly beneficial to place-making via the mediation of walkability. Corresponding implications and strategies were discussed to maintain the sense of place for historic districts

    Nature des premiers états 4+ des étains pairs

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    Half-lives of the first 4+ states in Sn118 and Sn 120 have been measured by a time-to-amplitude converter. The values obtained are : T1/2(Sn118)≤ 2.2 × 10-10 s and T 1/2(Sn120)≤ 1.5 × 10-10 s. Expérimental results are compared with theoretical estimations in order to explain the nature of the 4+ states in spherical nuclei. The half-life of the 5- state in Sn120 has been measured. A value of 5.5 ± 0.25 x 10 -9 s in good agreement with the previous measurements is obtained.Afin de déterminer la nature des premiers états 4+ des noyaux sphériques, nous avons mesuré les périodes des premiers 4+ du 116Sn et 120Sn et nous les comparons à certaines valeurs théoriques. Les valeurs suivantes ont été obtenues : T1/2(118Sn)≤ 2,2 x 10 -10 s ; T1/2(120Sn) ≤ 1,5 × 10 -10 s. La période de l'état 5- du 120Sn a été trouvée égale à : T1/2(120Sn) 5- = 5,55 ± 0,25 x 10-10 s en bon accord avec les résultats précédents

    Périodes des premiers états excités de 156Dy et 158Dy

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    By means of a time-to-amplitude converter, the half-lives of the first excited states in 156Dy and 158Dy were measured to be T1/2 Dy156 = 8.2 ± 0.5 × 10^-10 s. T1/2 Dy158 = 1.7 ± 0.1 × 10^-9s. Results are discussed.A l'aide d'un convertisseur temps-amplitude, on a mesuré les périodes du premier état excité des noyaux de 156Dy et 158Dy. T1/2 156Dy = 8,2 ± 0,5 × 10^-10 s. T1/2 158Dy = 1,7 ± 0,1 × 10^-9 s. Discussion des résultats

    Mesure de la période du niveau de 686 keV du 187Re

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    Using a time-to-amplitude converter, the half-life of the 686 keV level in Re187 is measured to be T1/2 < 8 × 10^-11 s. Results are discussed.A l'aide d'un convertisseur temps-amplitude, on donne une valeur maximum de la période du niveau de 686 keV du 187Re T1/2 < 8 × 10^-11 s. Les résultats sont discutés

    Mesure de la vie moyenne du premier niveau excité du 152Gd

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    Using a time-to-amplitude convertor the mean life of the 2+ → 0+ transition to the ground state of Gd152 is measured as T ∼ 4 x 10—11 sec. That of Sm152 is also measured. Results are discussed.A l'aide d'un convertisseur temps amplitude, on a mesuré la vie moyenne de la transition fondamental 2 + → 0 + du 152Gd T ∼ 4 × 10—11 s. et repris la mesure du 152Sm. Les résultats sont discutés

    قياس تركيز عناصرمكونات الغبار الجوي في الدوحة - قطر قبل واثناء حرب الخليج

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    Efforts have been made to study the effect on Qatar atmosphere from the burning of Kuwait oil fields during the Gulf war. Analysis of suspended air particulates was done by X-ray fluorescence technique. Eight elements were detected in particulates collected before and during the war. These are Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe and Zn. Only the concentration of Zn and S was increased in samples collected after the burning of Kuwait oil fields. Nine other elements were traced in dust particulates with different concentrations. These elements are Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Sr, Cd, Sb, Hg and Pb. Results were also compared with those from Kuwait oil and Qatar oil samples.يحتوى البحث على دراسة لقياس نسبة تركيز العناصر الموجودة في الغبار الجوي في مدينتي الدوحة والخور قبل حرائق أبار البترول في الكويت ومقارنتها بقياسات على الغبار الجوي بالدوحة أثناء الحرائق . كما يحتوى على دراسة لقياس تركيز العناصر الموجودة في بعض عينات من البترول القطري والكويتي . وقد تمت الدراسة باستخدام طريقة التألق بالأشعة السينية وبينت الدراسة وجود عناصر الألومنيوم والسيليكون والكبريت والكلور. والبوتاسيوم والكالسيوم والحديد والزنك بتركيزات مختلفة في الغبار الجوي ، بالإضافة إلى تسعة عناصر اخرى في الغبار المتجمع بواسطة مرشحات تكييف الهواء بجامعة قطر وهى عناصر التيتانيوم والفانديوم والكروم والمنجنيز والاسترانشيوم والكادميوم والقصدير والزئبق والرصاص . وقد تمت ملاحظة زيادة في نسب مركبات الكبريت والزنك أَثناء الحرائق

    Effect of water regime on the growth, flower yield, essential oil and proline contents of Calendula officinalis

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    Metwally SA,Khalid KA, Abou-Leila BH. 2013. Effect of water regime on the growth, flower yield, essential oil and proline contents of Calendula officinalis. Nusantara Bioscience 5: 63-67. The effects of water regime on the growth, content of essential oil and proline of Calendula officinalis L. plants were investigated. Water regimes of 75% of field water capacity increased certain growth characters [i.e. plant height (cm), leaf area (cm2), flower diameter (cm) and spike stem diameter] and vase life (day). Water regime promoted the accumulation of essential oil content and its main components as well as proline contents

    Quelques résultats nouveaux sur la désintégration 221Pa - 227Ac

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    The 231Pa→ 227Ac disintegration 'is investigated by conversion electron spectrography and gamma spectrometry. Internal conversion coefficients, intensities and a new upper limit of the half-life are given for the most important transitions de-exciting the K = 1/2 — [530] rotational band.La désintégration 231Pa → 227Ac a été étudiée par spectrométrie γ et spectrographie des électrons de conversion. Les coefficients de conversion et les intensités des transitions les plus importantes qui désexcitent la bande de rotation K = 1/2 — [530] sont établies et une nouvelle limite de la période de ces transitions est donnée

    دراسات على انحلال نواة الأمرسيوم

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    The gamma-spectrum of '"Np following the <X -decay of "'Am has been studied using hyper pure Ge-detector and Ge-NaI(Tl) coincidence spectrometer. Some recently reported weak gamma transitions are confirmed, besides two previously unreported transitions at 840.1 and 904.2 keV are identified and fitted in the level scheme. A level at 946.0 keV is established and three previously unreported levels at 840.0, 904.0 and 930.0 keV are proposed.يتناول البحث دراسة الطيف الجامي لنواة النبتونيوم - 237 الناتج من الإنحلال الألفي لنواة الأمريسيوم - 241 وذلك باستخدام كاشف الجرمانيوم عالي النقاوة ، وأيضا مطياف التطابق الجامي اله !كون من كاشف الجرمانيوم عالي النقاوة ، وكاشف أيوديد الصوديوم المنشط بالثاليوم . وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى التعرف على إنتقالين جاميين لم يسبق الاشاره إليها ذ ات طاقة 1 ، 0 84 و 2 ،4 0 9 ك . أ. ف . كما أمكن التأكد من تواجد بعض الانتقالات الجامية ضعيفة الشدة والتي سبق الإشارة إليها في بعض البحوث . كما توصلت الدراسة إلى التأكد من وجود مستوى عند 0،946 ك . أ. د. ف. ، بالإضافة إلى تواجد ثلاثة مستويات عند طاقات 0 ، 0 84 ، 0 ،4 0 9 ، 0 ، 0 3 9 ك . أ. ف . في نواة النبتونيوم 237