3 research outputs found

    Technical behavior of Paleolithic superior in Alborz

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    Il y a plus d’un siĂšcle que des recherches prĂ©historiques sont menĂ©es sur une vaste zone de l’Asie du Sud-ouest qui s’étend du Levant au Zagros et au Caucase. Le PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur y est bien reprĂ©sentĂ© dans des sites en grotte mais Ă©galement de plein air. Les industries lithiques dĂ©couvertes dans ces gisements ont permis des Ă©tudes typo-technologiques qui n’ont malheureusement pas toujours Ă©tĂ© accompagnĂ©es de datations absolues et de cadre stratigraphique. Dans l’état actuel de nos connaissances, l’Aurignacien semble ĂȘtre la culture du PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur la mieux reprĂ©sentĂ©e dans les chrono-sĂ©quences des gisements choisis pour Ă©tude. La plupart des recherches palĂ©olithiques en Iran se sont focalisĂ©es sur la rĂ©gion du Zagros, c’est pourquoi, afin de combler un no man’s land archĂ©ologique, nous avons choisi de travailler sur l’Alborz. Nous nous sommes donc appuyĂ©s sur deux sites dĂ©couverts rĂ©cemment : Garm Roud (Āmol, Māzandarān), unique site du PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur en contexte stratigraphique connu dans cette vaste rĂ©gion de l’Iran et datĂ© de 33.878±3300 CalBP et DĂ©lazien (Semnān), site de surface qui se situe au Sud de la chaĂźne de l'Alborz dans le dĂ©sert central.L'Ă©tude typo-technologique de ces deux assemblages nous a permis de pointer des similitudes reconnaissables au niveau des stratĂ©gies et des modalitĂ©s de dĂ©bitage orientĂ©es prĂ©fĂ©rentiellement vers une production lamellaire. Nous avons, a contrario, relevĂ© un certain nombre de dissemblances matĂ©rialisĂ©es par la prĂ©sence-absence de certains outils appartenant au fond commun aurignacien. Ces observations confirment ainsi l’attribution de ces ensembles lithiques, notamment celui de DĂ©lazian, au PalĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur.Enfin, pour terminer notre Ă©tude, nous avons comparĂ© les rĂ©sultats des analyses typo-technologiques des sites iraniens avec celles Ă©manant de sites hors Abortz comme ceux du Levant ou encore, ceux plus Ă©loignĂ©s de l’Asie du Sud-ouest. Le constat qui se dĂ©gage de notre approche est une Ă©vidente hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des traditions lithiques Ă  l’Aurignacien qu’il convient d’interprĂ©ter en fonction de la nature des sites, des environnements naturels divers et certainement, des gestions diffĂ©rentielles des territoires.More than a century ago, prehistoric research was carried out over a vast area of south-west Asia extending from the Levant to Zagros and the Caucasus. The Upper Paleolithic is well represented in cave sites but also in the open air. The lithic industries discovered in these deposits have allowed typo-technological studies which unfortunately have not always been accompanied by absolute dates and stratigraphic framework. In the current state of our knowledge, the Aurignacian seems to be the culture of the Upper Paleolithic best represented in the chrono-sequences of the deposits chosen for study.Most Paleolithic research in Iran has focused on the Zagros region, so in order to fill an archaeological no man's land we have chosen to work on the Alborz. We therefore relied on two recently discovered sites: Garm Roud (Āmol, Māzandarān), the only site of the Upper Paleolithic in stratigraphic context known in this vast region of Iran and dated 33.878 ± 3300 CalBP and DĂ©lazien (Semnān), site south of the Alborz range in the central desert.The typo-technological study of these two assemblages enabled us to point out recognizable similarities in terms of strategies and debitage modalities oriented preferentially towards lamellar production. On the other hand, we have noted a certain number of dissimilarities materialized by the presence-absence of certain tools belonging to the Aurignacian common fund. These observations thus confirm the attribution of these lithic assemblages, notably that of Delazian, in the Upper Paleolithic.Finally, to conclude our study, we compared the results of typo-technological analyzes of Iranian sites with those from sites outside Alborz such as those of the Levant or those further away from South-West Asia. The conclusion that emerges from our approach is an obvious heterogeneity of the Aurignacian lithic traditions which should be interpreted according to the nature of the sites, the various natural environments and certainly, the differential management of the territories

    Techno−Typologie des assemblages lithiques. Garm Roud 2, un site de plein air au palĂ©olithique supĂ©rieur (Baliran, Amol, Mazandarn).

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    International audienceIntroduction - Iranian plateau with its outstanding geographical and climatic conditions has been considered a key region in the study of Pleistocene human societies. So far numerous Paleolithic sites have been discovered throughout Iran; however, our knowledge concerning the Upper Paleolithic occupations was limited to Zagros region. The Upper Paleolithic occupations of northern Alborz Mountains and southern Caspian Sea has been remained unknown. In this context, the discovery of the open air site of Garmrud 2 by the French-Iranian Paleoanthropological Project (FIPP) in 2005 was a major breakthrough in case of filling the mentioned gaps between older Paleolithic materials and those of Mesolithic from the southeastern of the Caspian Sea (e.g., Komishan, Huto, Kamarband, Al Tepe). Materilas and Methods The southeastern of the Caspian Sea is a strategic region for those interested in prehistoric human movements and dispersions. This regain is one of the proposed migratory corridors for prehistoric societies. The studied area is located between two geographical barriers: in the north is located the Caspian Sea and in the south of the Alborz Mountains. Between these barriers, there are Mazandaran and Gilan Plains with high rate of precipitations and numerous permanent and seasonal rivers. Such geographical conditions have made these plains so fertile, and attracted human societies since prehistoric times. Even today this area represents one of the densest human populations in Iran.Results and Discussion - First, it was Carlton S. Coon who conducted several field missions at the southeastern of the Caspian Sea leading to the discovery and excavation of two famous caves of Huto and Kamarband (Coon, 1951, 1952). Later Charles McBurney from University of Cambridge followed Coon’s footsteps and excavated sites of Key-Aram I and Al Tepe (Ali Tepe). In most recent years, another Mesolithic site (Komishan Cave) was excavated in the region (Vahdati Nasab et al., 2011). The astonishing point conserving these sites chronology is the fact that none belonged to the Upper Paleolithic (Key-Aram I consist of Middle Paleolithic and Mousterian materials and the rest was assigned to the Mesolithic period). For some reasons it was believed that the Upper Paleolithic is the lost period in the north and northeastern of Alborz. Similar scenarios have been observed in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, which provoked some researchers to claim due to some climatic obstacles of these geographical regions were abandoned during the Upper Paleolithic period. That is why the discovery of a well dated site of Garm Rud 2 could shed light on some of the key aspects of this enigma. This site, which is situated at the river cut of Garm Rud River nearby the Baliran village in Amol, has witnessed three consecutive excavations producing immense amount of data in form of lithic, bones, and shells. The absolute calibrated dating of 33878±3300 plus dominance of balde/ bladelet knapping technologies leave no room for any doubt to associate Garm Rud 2 with the Upper Paleolithic period. Evidence of fauna remains in close association with lithic materials indicates that Garm Rud 2 was a butchering station, which was occupied for a brief time period. Lithic assemblages of the first excavation season were the subject of this research. In this regard, only 2.6% of the assemblage belongs to core/core fragments. Such fact plus low quantity of cortical pieces indicate that the initial preparation stages were taken place somewhere outside of the site. Bladelets are in largest quantity followed by flakes with no secondary edge work and blades. Considerable number of flake debitage implies that they have been byproducts of bladelet/blade production sequences.Conclusion - In case of comparative studies, Garm Rud 2 represents close affinities with the two Upper Paleolithic open air sites of Sefid-Ab and Delazian both located at the southern hills of Alborz Mountains. At the same time it deviates significantly from the Upper Paleolithic cave site of Yafteh in Zagros. Prior to apply any stylistic explanations, the geomorphological formations of these sites must be taken into considerations. In addition, the site formation and usage of the sites must be taken into account. Yafteh is a Karstic cave in Zagros, which based on its strategic location and abundance number of lithic/fauna materials had been a base camp during the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic period. On the other hand, as it was mentioned earlier Garm Rud 2 was a butchering station with short occupation period; therefore, comparing lithic techno-typologies of Yafteh and Garm Rud 2 might not provide comprehensive results. Up until present Garm Rud 2 is the only well dated Upper Paleolithic settlement at the north of Iranian plateau