14 research outputs found

    Algorithmic decomposition for efficient multiple nuclear spin detection in diamond

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    Efficiently detecting and characterizing individual spins in solid-state hosts is an essential step to expand the fields of quantum sensing and quantum information processing. While selective detection and control of a few 13C nuclear spins in diamond have been demonstrated using the electron spin of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, a reliable, efficient, and automatic characterization method is desired. Here, we develop an automated algorithmic method for decomposing spectral data to identify and characterize multiple nuclear spins in diamond. We demonstrate efficient nuclear spin identification and accurate reproduction of hyperfine interaction components for both virtual and experimental nuclear spectroscopy data. We conduct a systematic analysis of this methodology and discuss the range of hyperfine interaction components of each nuclear spin that the method can efficiently detect. The result demonstrates a systematic approach that automatically detects nuclear spins with the aid of computational methods, facilitating the future scalability of devices.Comment: 4 figures, 2 table

    A Ten-Qubit Solid-State Spin Register with Quantum Memory up to One Minute

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    Spins associated with single defects in solids provide promising qubits for quantum-information processing and quantum networks. Recent experiments have demonstrated long coherence times, high-fidelity operations, and long-range entanglement. However, control has so far been limited to a few qubits, with entangled states of three spins demonstrated. Realizing larger multiqubit registers is challenging due to the need for quantum gates that avoid cross talk and protect the coherence of the complete register. In this paper, we present novel decoherence-protected gates that combine dynamical decoupling of an electron spin with selective phase-controlled driving of nuclear spins. We use these gates to realize a ten-qubit quantum register consisting of the electron spin of a nitrogen-vacancy center and nine nuclear spins in diamond. We show that the register is fully connected by generating entanglement between all 45 possible qubit pairs and realize genuine multipartite entangled states with up to seven qubits. Finally, we investigate the register as a multiqubit memory. We demonstrate the protection of an arbitrary single-qubit state for over 75 s—the longest reported for a single solid-state qubit—and show that two-qubit entanglement can be preserved for over 10 s. Our results enable the control of large quantum registers with long coherence times and therefore open the door to advanced quantum algorithms and quantum networks with solid-state spin qubits

    Fault-tolerant operation of a logical qubit in a diamond quantum processor

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    Solid-state spin qubits are a promising platform for quantum computation and quantum networks. Recent experiments have demonstrated high-quality control over multi-qubit systems, elementary quantum algorithms and non-fault-tolerant error correction. Large-scale systems will require using error-corrected logical qubits that are operated fault-tolerantly, so that reliable computation is possible despite noisy operations. Overcoming imperfections in this way remains a major outstanding challenge for quantum science. Here, we demonstrate fault-tolerant operations on a logical qubit using spin qubits in diamond. Our approach is based on the 5-qubit code with a recently discovered flag protocol that enables fault-tolerance using a total of seven qubits. We encode the logical qubit using a novel protocol based on repeated multi-qubit measurements and show that it outperforms non-fault-tolerant encoding schemes. We then fault-tolerantly manipulate the logical qubit through a complete set of single-qubit Clifford gates. Finally, we demonstrate flagged stabilizer measurements with real-time processing of the outcomes. Such measurements are a primitive for fault-tolerant quantum error correction. While future improvements in fidelity and the number of qubits will be required, our realization of fault-tolerant protocols on the logical-qubit level is a key step towards large-scale quantum information processing based on solid-state spins

    Mapping a 50-spin-qubit network through correlated sensing

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    Abstract Spins associated to optically accessible solid-state defects have emerged as a versatile platform for exploring quantum simulation, quantum sensing and quantum communication. Pioneering experiments have shown the sensing, imaging, and control of multiple nuclear spins surrounding a single electron spin defect. However, the accessible size of these spin networks has been constrained by the spectral resolution of current methods. Here, we map a network of 50 coupled spins through high-resolution correlated sensing schemes, using a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. We develop concatenated double-resonance sequences that identify spin-chains through the network. These chains reveal the characteristic spin frequencies and their interconnections with high spectral resolution, and can be fused together to map out the network. Our results provide new opportunities for quantum simulations by increasing the number of available spin qubits. Additionally, our methods might find applications in nano-scale imaging of complex spin systems external to the host crystal