9 research outputs found

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Dalam Materi Pecahan Menggunakan Metode Problem Based Learning (PBL) di Sekolah Dasar

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    AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian ini ialah sebab rendahnya hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 35 Panggalo. Perihal ini sebab metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan masih kurang variatif. Tujuan Penelitian ini ialah guna mempertinggi hasil belajar siswa memanfaatkan metode Problem Based Learning (PBL) di SD Negeri 35 Panggalo. Peneliti mendesain pada dua siklus. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskiptif atau penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Akibat penelitian pada siklus I, dielaborasikan lantas ditafsirkan kemudian disimbolkan guna menemukan usaha penyempurnaan pada siklus II. Informasi yang berupa jawaban evaluasi keterampilan siswa dalam memahami pecahan dikonseptualisasikan melalui kaidah eksplanasi lalu mencocokkan kualitas tes pada metode penalaran siklus I, kemudian berlanjut ke siklusII. Standar ketuntasan yang harus diraih siswa pada siklus II, yaitu adalah minor 80% siswa dinamis yang mendapatkan nilai di atas KKM yakni 64. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) perihal kegiatan siswa sepanjang menempuh pembelajaran, didapatkan data bahwa keberhasilan pada syarat mula sebesar 12%, kemudian siklus I sebanyak 53%, selanjutnya pada siklus II sebesar 88%. Data hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa observasi yang telah dilaksanakan mulai dari keadaan mula hingga ujung siklus II menyatakan bahwa terdapat kenaikan baik dari tujuan aktivitas ataupun kecakapan siswa. Berdasar hasil observasi Tindakan Kelas tersebut, bisa ditarik kesimpulan bahwa penalaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) mampu menaikkan hasil belajar matematika siswa SD Negeri 35 Panggalo kelas V pada materi pecahan.Kata kunci: Matematika, Hasil Belajar, PB

    Ecohydrological characterization of the Nyando wetland, Lake Victoria, Kenya: A State of System (SoS) analysis

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    Lake Victoria floodplain wetlands have a complex hydrological setting characterized by transition from a terrestrial to an aquatic environment. A state-of-system (SoS) analysis was carried out in a papyrus dominated wetland in the Nyando River Delta, on the eastern shores of Lake Victoria, Kenya, to characterize and provide data for detailed ecohydrological studies. The objectives of the study were to: (1) determine the spatio- temporal changes in the wetland evolution and (2) analyze the main hydrological factors that have influenced wetland evolution. Multi-temporal dry-season Landsat MSS, Landsat TM and Landsat ETM+ imagery covering Nyando Wetland and its surrounding area were processed and analyzed to generate time series polygon and polyline maps of the wetland and river. Results show that the wetland increased in size from 5,925 ha in 1950 to 9,925 ha in 1973, and declined to 4,527 ha in 2008. In the last 60 years, Nyando River has migrated in a general eastward direction. Time series hydrological data (1950-2009) were statistically tested for homogeneity  using the Spearman’s rank test for linear trends, Pettit test and Standard Normal Homogeneity test (SNHT) for change point analysis, and split-record tests performed for variance (F-test) and mean (t-test). In addition, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and frequency analyses. Statistical test results show that the hydrological data series were homogeneous. Results of change point analyses indicate that total annual rainfall in Nyando declined in 1979, while the mean annual discharge for Nyando River and Lake Victoria levels had significant upward shifts in 1961. The decadal mean discharges varied significantly over time and increased by 80% from 11.45 m3/s observed in the 1950-1961 subset, reducing by 11.4 and 21.9% in the next two decadal sub-sets, before rising by 35.0% in 1990s and dropping by 24.0% in the last decade. The decadal mean annual lake levels increased from 1134.0 to 1135.43 m in the 1951-1961 and 1962-1972 and remained above the longterm mean of 1135.0 m for 43 years since 1962 before dropping drastically by 1.4 m to an average of 1134 m/year in 2005-2009. The highest recorded lake level at Kisumu Station was 1136.2 m in 1964 after increasing by 2.5 m from 1961. Discharge data exhibit trimodal seasonal patterns, while the lake levels had two peaks. The lake levels are more sensitive to direct lake rainfall. Changes in the Nyando wetland area are linked to the seasonal and episodic flood and drought events coupled with anthropogenic activities (regulation of lake levels, modification of river including cut-off meanders, river training and construction of dykes, drainage of wetland for cultivation, settlement and livestock grazing, abstraction of water for irrigation). A combination of these hydrological and human factors is the main cause of the Nyando Wetland evolution. If the land use trend continues unabated, then the increase in papyrus losses will pose a big challenge to the ecological functioning of the wetland and its support to sustaining community livelihoods.Key words: Nyando Wetland, River, ecohydrology, Lake Victoria

    A synthesis of past, current and future research for protection and management of papyrus (Cyperus papyrus L.) wetlands in Africa

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    Papyrus wetlands (dominated by the giant sedge Cyperus papyrus L.) occur throughout eastern, central and southern Africa and are important for biodiversity, for water quality and quantity regulation and for the livelihoods of millions of people. To draw attention to the importance of papyrus wetlands, a special session entitled ‘‘The ecology of livelihoods in papyrus wetlands’’ was organized at the 9th INTECOL Wetlands Conference in Orlando, Florida in June 2012. Papers from the session, combined with additional contributions, were collected in a special issue of Wetlands Ecology and Management. The current paper reviews ecological and hydrological characteristics of papyrus wetlands, summarizes their ecosystem services and sustainable use, provides an overview of papyrus research to date, and looks at policy development for papyrus wetlands. Based on this review, the paper provides a synthesis of research and policy priorities for papyrus wetlands and introduces the contributions in the special issue. Main conclusions are that (1) there is a need for better estimates of the area covered by papyrus wetlands. Limited evidence suggests that the loss of papyrus wetlands is rapid in some areas; (2) there is a need for a better understanding and modelling of the regulating services of papyrus wetlands to support trade-off analysis and improve economic valuation; (3) research on papyrus wetlands should include assessment of all ecosystem services (provisioning, regulating, habitat, cultural) so that trade-offs can be determined as the basis for sustainable management strategies (‘wise use’); (4) more research on the governance, institutional and socio-economic aspects of papyrus wetlands is needed to assist African governments in dealing with the challenges of conserving wetlands in the face of growing food security needs and climate change. The papers in the special issue address a number of these issues

    Solid-vapor interactions: Influence of environmental conditions on the dehydration of carbamazepine dihydrate

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    The goal of this research was a phenomenological study of the effect of environmental factors on the dehydration behavior of carbamazepine dihydrate. Dehydration experiments were performed in an automated vapor sorption apparatus under a variety of conditions, and weight loss was monitored as a function of time. In addition to lattice water, carbamazepine dihydrate contained a significant amount of physically bound water. Based on the kinetics of water loss, it was possible to differentiate between the removal of physically bound water and the lattice water. The activation energy for the 2 processes was 44 and 88 kJ/mol, respectively. As expected, the dehydration rate of carbamazepine dihydrate decreased with an increase in water vapor pressure. While dehydration at 0% relative humidity (RH) resulted in an amorphous anhydrate, the crystallinity of the anhydrate increased as a function of the RH of dehydration. A method was developed for in situ crystallinity determination of the anhydrate formed. Dehydration in the presence of the ethanol vapor was a 2-step process, and the fraction dehydrated at each step was a function of the ethanol vapor pressure. We hypothesize the formation of an intermediate lower hydrate phase with unknown water stoichiometry. An increase in the ethanol vapor pressure first led to a decrease in the dehydration rate followed by an increase. In summary, the dehydration behavior of carbamazepine dihydrate was evaluated at different vapor pressures of water and ethanol. Using the water sorption apparatus, it was possible to (1) differentiate between the removal of physically bound and lattice water, and (2) develop a method for quantifying, in situ, the crystallinity of the product (anhydrate) phase