4 research outputs found

    Pembaruan Aplikasi Paperless Office Universitas Syiah Kuala

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    Paperless Office (PLO) is a web-based application that was created to facilitate digital office communication such as sending memos, letters, and posting news. It was initially created by Bambang Prastowo from Universitas Gajah Mada. The goals of using PLO are to reduce paper USAge, speed up internal communication, and to simplify the management of correspondence in digital form. Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah) has implemented PLO since early 2013. This paper aims to analyze the level of activity and users satisfaction of the renew PLO. The renew is done by making the web application more responsive and adding new features that do not exist in the earlier version. The results show that users satisfaction level increases, observed from system quality, information, and services. Variables that affect the level of activity, based on Pearson and Spearman correlations, are X1, X13,X20,X33, X36,X38, andX43, while the variables that affect the level of users satisfaction are X42 and X44

    Pengenalan Karakter Plat Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor Menggunakan Zoning dan Fitur Freeman Chain Code

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    A license plate is one of the vehicle identities. It consists of alphabetic characters and numbers and represents provincial and area code where the vehicle is registered. This article discusses the character recognition of plate number using zoning and Freeman Chain Code (FCC). Zoning divides character image into several zones i.e. 4, 6, and 8, and then, the pattern of each character in the zone is extracted using FCC as the numerical features. The character is then classified using Support Vector Machines (SVM). It is a multi-class classification problem with 36 categories. The results show that FCC features with 8 zones give the best accuracy (87%) when compared to the other two zones

    Students' Metacognitive Skill in Mathematics Learning with Cabri Geometry II Plus

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    Metacognitive skill is the awareness of one's thinking about the thinkingprocess itself, whereas consciousness is the awareness of one's thinking about what to do. The subjects for this research were five students from class VII-1 SMP 1 Banda Aceh. Research data collection used the sheet metacognitive questions. Data were analyzed descriptively to interpret students' metacognitive skills in learning how to use Cabri Geometry II Plus software. The results showed that the metacognitive abilities of students increased from the first meeting to the fourth meetin

    Terapi Laparoskopi Niche dan Asimptomatik Niche: Laporan Dua Kasus

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    Niche adalah gambaran hipoekoik di antara myometrium segmen bawah uterus yang menggambarkan diskontuinitas myometrium di tempat bekas operasi sesar. Angka kejadian niche meningkat seiring meningkatnya angka seksio sesarea, menimbulkan gejala Ginekologi seperti perdarahan, chronic pain, dismenorea, dan disparenea. Niche dapat diterapi secara konservatif maupun operatif. Kami melaporkan dua kasus niche dengan gejala berbeda. Kasus pertama dengan gejala perdarahan pasca menstruasi selama 3 tahun dan kasus kedua terdeteksi tanpa gejala. Pada kasus pertama dilakukan perbaikan dengan laparoskopi sedangkan pada kasus kedua tidak dilakukan intervensi. Tidak semua niche harus menjalani tindakan intervensi.A niche is a hypoechoic image between the myometrium in the lower uterine segment, illustrating myometrial discontinuity after a caesarean section. Niche incidence increases along with increasing caesarean section procedure, causing gynecological symptoms such as hemorrhage, chronic pain, dysmenorrhea, and dyspareunia. Niche is treatable, conservatively or surgery. We report two niche cases with different symptoms. The first was a woman with post-menstrual bleeding for three years, the second presented without any symptoms. The first patient was treated with laparoscopic surgery whereas the second did not receive any interventions. Not all niche cases need intervention