6 research outputs found

    Excavaciones en la ciudad fenicio-púnica de Utica (Túnez). La campaña de 2017

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    The article presents the results of the excavations of the Tunisian-Spanish team in Utica, with special reference to those of the 2017 campaign. A very old Phoenician building has been documented in Zone II, as well as remains of a large building from the 3rd to 2nd centuries BC. In the urban area of Zone I, part of a house with a mudbrick domestic kiln has been located, probably a kitchen, adjacent to a courtyard covered with an opus tessellatum pavement, which was in use until the beginning of the 2nd century B.C. Also in Zone I, the floor plan of a Phoenician-Punic temple from the 4th century B.C. and its construction process has been completed, locating also decorative architectural elements of a monumental building, dating from the 3rd-2nd centuries B.C

    El área urbana fenicio-púnica del sector Norte de Utica

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    Se presenta el resultado de las excavaciones en el área urbana del promontorio norte de Utica, en la que se distinguen siete fases constructivas superpuestas desde el siglo VIII a.C. hasta época imperial romana. Durante las dos primeras fases fenicias se documentan actividades productivas como un horno de fabricación de cerámica. A partir del siglo V a.C. el área pasa a tener un uso de habitación en dos terrazas separadas por un muro y se abandonan los usos industriales, siguiendo un trazado ortogonal. Tras la conquista romana se amplía el área urbana y en época tardorrepublicana cambia la orientación de las edificaciones. En el siglo I d.C. la superficie ocupada anteriormente pasa a encuadrarse dentro de una insula delimitada por dos calles, estando habitada hasta su abandono en el siglo IV d.C

    Proyecto Utica. Investigación en la ciudad fenicio-púnica. Resultados preliminares de las campañas de 2019 y 2022

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    This article presents the preliminary results of the 2019 and 2022 excavation campaigns carried out in the Phoenician-Punic city of Utica (Tunisia). In 2019, in square 11 the plan of Temple B, dated to the mid-4th century BC, was completed, uncovering a section of its northeast perimeter wall, and some surveys were carried out in the Roman stairways that destroyed Temple B. In square 10, a street of the insula of the Phoenician-Punic urban area was uncovered. In 2022, excavation of the 9th century BC building continued in square 21 and was exhumed a section of the large ashlar wall belonging to the foundation of a large building of a period to be determined. In square 10 was uncovered a 6th century BC pottery kiln, partially destroyed by later construction. The remains of an 8th century BC living area with a domestic cooking kiln were also located


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    Imed Ben Jerbania, José Luis López Castro (directores)Resultado de la campaña llevada a cabo en el yacimiento de Utica en el año 2017Los trabajos de campo y laboratorio han sido financiados con las subvenciones anuales concedidas por el programa de excavaciones arqueológicas en el exterior del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España (campañas de 2010, 2012, 2014, 2015 y 2016), así como por proyectos de investigación de diferentes organismos concedidos a la Universidad de Almería, para las campañas de 2013 y 2017