177 research outputs found

    Effect of Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Muscle Strengthening on Pain and Function in Patients with Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain

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    Background Neck pain is considered to be a very frequent and disabling complaint among the general population. Purpose To study the effect of strength training of Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior muscles on pain and function in patients with chronic mechanical neck pain. Method 24 chronic mechanical neck pain samples (12 experimental and 12 control groups) participated. The pre and post-assessment was done with Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), Algometer, Push-Pull Dynamometer and Neck Disability Index Scale (NDI) for Pain, Pain Pressure Threshold (PPT), Muscle Strength and Function respectively. The experimental group was given strength training along with conventional physiotherapy whereas the control group underwent only conventional physiotherapy. Results The results showed a statistically significant difference in PPT (p value 0.04), Lower Trapezius strength (p value 0.02), Serratus Anterior strength (p value 0.003) and NDI (p value 0.04). Conclusion Strength training for Lower Trapezius and Serratus Anterior muscles along with conventional physiotherapy should be incorporated in treatment of Chronic Mechanical Neck pain patients

    CONSCAN implementation for Antenna Control Assembly

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    The specifics of the CONSCAN, including calibration, signal cleanup, and system protection are presented. The CONSCAN was previously recommended for implementation in the antenna control assembly. Equations for programming the algorithms are provided. The described treatment is designed to lead to developing K-band. The recommended techniques to be employed in conjunction with CONSCAN are summarized: (1) for initial acquisition, employ stepped spiral search; (2) employ continued and incessant testing of signals to verify: in-lock, reasonable in level, and within limits; (3) use FFT for signal processing if feasible, as it provides more tests and insight into existence of glitches and spurious content of the input signal level

    Psychological Problems in Parents of Children with Spina Bifida

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    Parents of children with spina bifida face various psychological problems additional to burden of financial crisis and family compromises. Objective To understand various psychological problems faced by parents and about their available support systems. MethodA survey based study using self-devised pre validated questionnaire. Result Parents faced anxiety (78 %), psychological problems like getting upset on trivial things (72 %), impatient (74 %) and overreacting to situations (64 %), lack of energy (70 %) and unable to enjoy as before (44 %), (82 %) reported affirmative over support systems. ConclusionMeasures for psychological problems of parents should be addressed with treatment of child to improvise child and parent well-being

    Comparison of Upper Limb Proprioception in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain Patients with Age-Sex Matched Healthy Normals

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    Purpose: Primarily to compare the Upper Limb Proprioception in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain Patients to Age - Sex Matched Normals. Method: 30 women, 19- 30 years of age were assessed via a digital inclinometer for repositioning error for shoulder, elbow and wrist joints. Results: It was found that there was a difference in upper Limb Proprioception in Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain patients as compared to age sex matched normal individuals. Conclusion: On comparison, individuals with Chronic Mechanical Neck Pain had a statistically significant difference in the shoulder and wrist proprioception as compared to age matched Normals

    Assessment of Anaerobic Power and Balance among Elite Indian Under-19 Football Players

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    Objective: To assess anaerobic power and balance among elite indian under-19 football players. Method:22 Elite Indian under-19 players Football players were tested for Anaerobic power and Balance on Monark Cycle Ergometry and Neurocom Balance Master respectively. Result: Anaerobic Peak Power (W) for professional Indian under-19 football players was 498.70, while the mean for the Anaerobic Capacity (W/Kg) was 7.75. On Balance assessment, players had maximum sway velocity on foam surface with eyes closed with a mean of 0.76 (deg/sec) followed by eyes open on a foam surface with a mean of 0.54 (deg/sec). Reaction Time of players was found to be affected most in the forward component with a mean of 0.98(deg/sec) followed by Right direction and Left back direction component with mean of 0.69 and 0.67 respectively. The players showed lack of directional control maximum in the Right component with a mean of 87.25 (deg/sec) followed by Forward and Left components with mean of 86.89 and 81.10 respectively. Conclusion: Elite Indian under-19 players Football players were found to have low Anaerobic power and capacity with their reaction time and directional control affected on the dominant leg side

    Measurement properties of smartphone applications for the measurement of neck range of motion: a systematic review and meta analyses

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    Background Smartphone applications offer an accessible and practical option to measure neck range of motion (ROM) and are becoming more commonly used in clinical practice. We assessed the validity, reliability, and responsiveness of smartphone applications (apps) to measure neck ROM in people with and without neck pain. Methods A comprehensive electronic search strategy of the main electronic databases was conducted from inception until June 2021. The identified studies investigated apps which measured neck ROM, and evaluated their validity, reliability, or responsiveness, in adult participants with neck pain or asymptomatic individuals. Two independent reviewers determined eligibility and risk of bias following COSMIN guidelines. The quality of evidence was assessed according to the GRADE approach. Results Eleven studies, with a total of 376 participants were included. Three types of apps were identified: clinometer apps, compass apps, and other apps of ‘adequate’ to ‘doubtful’ risk of bias. A meta-analysis revealed ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ intra-rater and inter-rater reliability across the three types of apps. The overall validity was rated from ‘moderate’ to ‘very high’ across all apps. The level of evidence was rated as ‘low’ to ‘very low’. Conclusion Smartphone applications showed sufficient intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability, and validity to measure neck ROM in people with and without neck pain. However, the quality of evidence and the confidence in the findings are low. High-quality research with large sample sizes is needed to further provide evidence to support the measurement properties of smartphone applications for the assessment of neck ROM. Study registration Following indications of Prisma-P guidelines, this protocol was registered in PROSPERO on 1/05/2021 with the number CRD42021239501

    Role of mifepristone in preinduction cervical ripening and induction of labour at term: an observational study

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    Background: Induction implies stimulation of uterine contractions before spontaneous onset of labour. It is indicated when the benefits to either mother or fetus outweigh those of pregnancy continuation. Of the various medical methods of induction, prostaglandins and oxytocin remain the most popular and acceptable methods in obstetric practice. Mifepristone is a steroid compound, with anti-progesterone activity. It increases uterine activity and causes cervical dilatation and effacement. We intend to study the role of oral mifepristone in preinduction cervical ripening and induction of labour in term pregnancies. Methods: In a prospective observational study carried out from Jan 2023 to June 2023 at a zonal hospital, 100 antenatal women at term with Bishop score less than 6 participated. Tablet mifepristone 200 mg single dose was given orally for induction. All patients were assessed after 24 hours for cervical ripening, need for augmentation, mode of delivery, maternal and neonatal outcome. Results: It was observed that there was a significant improvement in Bishop score 24 hours after giving mifepristone. Out of 100 women in the study, 82% delivered vaginally, 15% had caesarean section and 3% had instrumental delivery. 21% needed no second method of labour induction. 76% patients delivered within 48 hrs of ingestion of mifepristone. The majority of patients had good maternal and neonatal outcome. Conclusions: Mifepristone is an effective and safe method for preinduction cervical ripening and induction of labour in term pregnancies

    Correlation of maternal age with birth weight: need to reemphasize

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    Background: Women at both ends of the reproductive age spectrum have unique outcomes which needs to be considered. Adolescents are at increased risk for anaemia, preterm delivery, fetal growth restriction and preeclampsia. The maternal mortality rate is higher on extremes of the age. However, there is marked variability of the birth wt even with in the age group from 19-35 years of age. The present study was conducted with an objective to assess the correlation of Maternal age with birth weight.Methods: A total of 135 women between age 19-35 years were considered who had delivered at term (n=135) and women with any risk factors were excluded. Women were divided in three groups with age 30 years. Both primigravida and multigravida women were included without considering the mode of delivery.Results: According to birth weight, 113 cases had their birth weight >2.5 kg and out of them 43, 56 and 14 cases belonged to age group 30 years respectively while only 22 cases had their birth weight 30 years. Mean birth weight in age group 30 years it was 2.79±0.54. On applying ANOVA test, the difference was found statistically significant (p<0.01).Conclusions: The variation in birth weight with respect to maternal age is significant. Limitation of this study was group comprising of 135 women
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