21 research outputs found

    Learning earthquake sources using symmetric autoencoders

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    We introduce Symmetric Autoencoder (SymAE), a neural-network architecture designed to automatically extract earthquake information from far-field seismic waves. SymAE represents the measured displacement field using a code that is partitioned into two interpretable components: source and path-scattering information. We achieve this source-path representation using the scale separation principle and stochastic regularization, which traditional autoencoding methods lack. According to the scale separation principle, the variations in far-field band-limited seismic measurements resulting from finite faulting occur across two spatial scales: a slower scale associated with the source processes and a faster scale corresponding to path effects. Once trained, SymAE facilitates the generation of virtual seismograms, engineered to not contain subsurface scattering effects. We present time-reversal imaging of virtual seismograms to accurately infer the kinematic rupture parameters without knowledge of empirical Green's function. SymAE is an unsupervised learning method that can efficiently scale with large amounts of seismic data and does not require labeled seismograms, making it the first framework that can learn from all available previous earthquakes to accurately characterize a given earthquake. The paper presents the results of an analysis of nearly thirty complex earthquake events, revealing differences between earthquakes in energy rise times, stopping phases, and providing insights into their rupture complexity

    Study of Thyroid Function Tests in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Background: The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of clinical and metabolic abnormalities including abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance. Metabolic syndrome and thyroid dysfunction are independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Aims and objectives: To study the prevalence, symptomatology of thyroid dysfunction and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) findings of thyroidin the patients having metabolic syndrome. Material and methods: The study was carried out in 60 cases of metabolic syndrome (according to NCEP ATP III criteria) selected from the medicine outdoor clinic (including diabetic clinics, thyroid clinics) and medicine indoor wards in Post Graduate Department of Medicine, SN Medical College and Hospital, Agra. Diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction was made by history, examination and serum FT4 and TSH. Resultand observations: Out of 60 patients of metabolic syndrome, 30 patients (50%) were euthyroid, 13 patients (21.66%) had subclinical hypothyroid and 12 patients (20%) had overt hypothyroid. Five patients (8.33%) of metabolic syndrome had hyperthyroidism. Truncal obesity was most prevalent (80.0%) component of metabolic syndrome, followed by hypertriglyceridemia (70%). Diabetes mellitus was equally prevalent in both males as well as females and was presentin about 40.0% patients and 53% of patients with metabolic syndrome were hypertensive. Conclusion: This study shows that 50% metabolic syndrome patients had thyroid dysfunction. About 21.66% had subclinical hypothyroidism, 20% had overt hypothyroidism and 8.33% were having hyperthyroidism. The most common symptom in metabolic syndrome patients with hypothyroidism was lethargy/sleepiness followed by dry and coarse skin. The most commonsymptom in hyperthyroid patients was nervousness (100%) followed by sweating, heat intolerance and palpitation in 80% of the patients

    Study of Thyroid Function Tests in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Background: The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of clinical and metabolic abnormalities including abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose tolerance. Metabolic syndrome and thyroid dysfunction are independent risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Aims and objectives: To study the prevalence, symptomatology of thyroid dysfunction and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) findings of thyroid in thepatients having metabolic syndrome. Material and methods: The study was carried out in 60 cases of metabolic syndrome (according to NCEP ATP III criteria) selected from the medicine outdoor clinic (including diabetic clinics, thyroid clinics) and medicine indoor wards in Post Graduate Department of Medicine, SN Medical College and Hospital, Agra. Diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction was made by history, examination and serum FT4 and TSH. Result and observations: Out of 60 patients of metabolic syndrome, 30 patients (50%) were euthyroid, 13 patients (21.66%) had subclinical hypothyroid and 12 patients (20%) had overt hypothyroid. Five patients (8.33%) of metabolic syndrome had hyperthyroidism. Truncal obesity was most prevalent (80.0%) component of metabolic syndrome, followed by hypertriglyceridemia (70%). Diabetes mellitus was equally prevalent in both males as well as females and was present in about 40.0% patients and 53% of patients with metabolic syndrome were hypertensive. Conclusion: This study shows that 50% metabolic syndrome patients had thyroid dysfunction. About 21.66% had subclinical hypothyroidism, 20% had overt hypothyroidism and 8.33% were having hyperthyroidism. The most common symptom in metabolic syndrome patients with hypothyroidism was lethargy/ sleepiness followed by dry and coarse skin. The most common symptom in hyperthyroid patients was nervousness (100%) followed by sweating, heat intolerance and palpitation in 80% of th

    On the optical properties of Ag^{+15} ion-beam irradiated TiO_{2} and SnO_{2} thin films

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    The effects of 200-MeV Ag^{+15} ion irradiation on the optical properties of TiO_{2} and SnO_{2} thin films prepared by using the RF magnetron sputtering technique were investigated. These films were characterized by using UV-vis spectroscopy, and with increasing irradiation fluence, the transmittance for the TiO_{2} films was observed to increase systematically while that for SnO_{2} was observed to decrease. Absorption spectra of the irradiated samples showed minor changes in the indirect bandgap from 3.44 to 3.59 eV with increasing irradiation fluence for TiO_{2} while significant changes in the direct bandgap from 3.92 to 3.6 eV were observed for SnO_{2}. The observed modifications in the optical properties of both the TiO_{2} and the SnO_{2} systems with irradiation can be attributed to controlled structural disorder/defects in the system.Comment: 6 pages, ICAMD-201


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    ABSTRACT: Platycladus is a distinct genus of evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family Cupressaceae, containing only one species, Platycladus orientalis, also known as Chinese Arborvitae or Biota. It is a small, slowgrowing tree, to 15-20 m tall and 0.5 m trunk diameterThe different parts of the plant are traditionally used as a diuretic, anticancer, anticonvulsant, stomachic, antipyretic, analgesic and anthelmintic [4,5]. The plant has not been explored for its anti diarrhoeal activity so far. The bio active fraction has been prove that it contain three major iridoid glycosides. These iridoids glycoside was subjected to anti diarrhoeal activity against validated experimental models like Castor oil induced diarrhea, gastrointestinal motility tests & PGE2-induced enteropooling. The extract inhibited castor oil induced diarrhoea and PGE2 induced enteropooling in rats; it also reduced gastrointestinal motility after charcoal meal administration. The obtained data demonstrated the excellent anti-diarrhoeal activity of P.Orieantalis and thus have great potential as a source for natural health products

    Study of Thyroid Function Tests in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    The metabolic syndrome is a constellation of clinical and metabolic abnormalitiesincluding abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and impaired fasting glucose orimpaired glucose tolerance. Metabolic syndrome and thyroid dysfunction are independentrisk factors for cardiovascular disease. Aims and objectives: To study the prevalence,symptomatology of thyroid dysfunction and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) findingsof thyroid in the patients having metabolic syndrome. Material and methods: The study wascarried out in 60 cases of metabolic syndrome (according to NCEP ATP III criteria) selectedfrom the medicine outdoor clinic (including diabetic clinics, thyroid clinics) and medicineindoor wards in Post Graduate Department of Medicine, SN Medical College and Hospital,Agra. Diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction was made by history, examination and serum FT4and TSH. Result and observations: Out of 60 patients of metabolic syndrome, 30 patients(50%) were euthyroid, 13 patients (21.66%) had subclinical hypothyroid and 12 patients (20%)had overt hypothyroid. Five patients (8.33%) of metabolic syndrome had hyperthyroidism.Truncal obesity was most prevalent (80.0%) component of metabolic syndrome, followedby hypertriglyceridemia (70%). Diabetes mellitus was equally prevalent in both males aswell as females and was present in about 40.0% patients and 53% of patients with metabolicsyndrome were hypertensive. Conclusion: This study shows that 50% metabolic syndromepatients had thyroid dysfunction. About 21.66% had subclinical hypothyroidism, 20% hadovert hypothyroidism and 8.33% were having hyperthyroidism. The most common symptomin metabolic syndrome patients with hypothyroidism was lethargy/sleepiness followed bydry and coarse skin. The most common symptom in hyperthyroid patients was nervousness(100%) followed by sweating, heat intolerance and palpitation in 80% of the patients

    Bilateral nasolabial cysts - case report and review of literature

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    Nasolabial cyst is a non-odontogenic, extraosseous, soft tissue cyst, commonly unilateral, located in the nasolabial fold. Bilateral nasolabial cysts are of rare occurrence. This case report describes the multimodality imaging appearance of bilateral nasolabial cysts with a review of literature

    Medicinal Aspects of Weed: A Review

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    Weed as a plant growing where it is not desired. Sometimes certain weed turns out to be a great source of food or medicine. Some of the herbs used to prepare medicines are considered as weeds by agriculturists. Some of the farmers do not have any knowledge on medicinal value of weeds. A chemical analysis of weeds proves that there are many chemical compounds present, are may be useful for treatment of many diseases. Small species of Parthenium, Amaranthus, Argemone, Cynodon, Cyprus, Mimosa and Oxalis easily found in our garden and roadside, are having many medicinal values. The growing and marketing of medicinal herbs which are currently categorized as weeds could become a very good source of income to the farmers. By the help of this review, we have explored the various medicinal properties of weeds which will serve mankind and also the common people will be able to explore their knowledge regarding weeds and can also utilize them as their home remedy