13 research outputs found


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    Modeling of Complex Large-Scale Flow Phenomena

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    Flows at large scales are capable of unmatched complexity. At large spatial scales, they can exhibit phenomena like waves, tornadoes, and a screaming concert audience; at high densities, they can create shockwaves, and can cause stampedes. Though strides have been made in simulating flows like fluids and crowds, extending these algorithms with scale poses challenges in ensuring accuracy while maintaining computational efficiency. In this dissertation, I present novel techniques to simulate large-scale flows using coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian models that employ a combination of discretized grids and dynamic particle-based representations. I demonstrate how such models can efficiently simulate flows at large-scales, while maintaining fine-scale features. In fluid simulation, a long-standing problem has been the simulation of large-scale scenes without compromising fine-scale features. Though approximate multi-scale models exist, accurate simulation of large-scale fluid flow has remained constrained by memory and computational limits of current generation PCs. I propose a hybrid domain-decomposition model that, by coupling Lagrangian vortex-based methods with Eulerian velocity-based methods, reduces memory requirements and improves performance on parallel architectures. The resulting technique can efficiently simulate scenes significantly larger than those possible with either model alone. The motion of crowds is another class of flows that exhibits novel complexities with increasing scale. Navigation of crowds in virtual worlds is traditionally guided by a static global planner, combined with dynamic local collision avoidance. However, such models cannot capture long-range crowd interactions commonly observed in pedestrians. This discrepancy can cause sharp changes in agent trajectories, and sub-optimal navigation. I present a technique to add long-range vision to virtual crowds by performing collision avoidance at multiple spatial and temporal scales for both Eulerian and Lagrangian crowd navigation models, and a novel technique to blend both approaches in order to obtain collision-free velocities efficiently. The resulting simulated crowds show better correspondence with real-world pedestrians in both qualitative and quantitative metrics, while adding a minimal computational overhead. Another aspect of real-world crowds missing from virtual agents is their behavior at high densities. Crowds at such scales can often exhibit chaotic behavior commonly known as emph{crowd turbulence}; this phenomenon has the potential to cause mishaps leading to loss of life. I propose modeling inter-personal stress in dense crowds using an Eulerian model, coupled with a physically-based Lagrangian agent-based model to simulate crowd turbulence. I demonstrate how such a hybrid model can create virtual crowds whose trajectories show visual and quantifiable similarities to turbulent crowds in the real world. The techniques proposed in this thesis demonstrate that hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian modeling presents a versatile approach for modeling large-scale flows, such as fluids and crowds, efficiently on current generation PCs.Doctor of Philosoph

    Continuum modeling of crowd turbulence

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    With the growth in world population, the density of crowds in public places has been increasing steadily, leading to a higher incidence of crowd disasters at high densities. Recent research suggests that emergent chaotic behavior at high densities-known collectively as crowd turbulence-is to blame. Thus, a deeper understanding of crowd turbulence is needed to facilitate efforts to prevent and plan for chaotic conditions in high-density crowds. However, it has been noted that existing algorithms modeling collision avoidance cannot faithfully simulate crowd turbulence. We hypothesize that simulation of crowd turbulence requires modeling of both collision avoidance and frictional forces arising from pedestrian interactions. Accordingly, we propose a model for turbulent crowd simulation, which incorporates a model for interpersonal stress and acceleration constraints similar to real-world pedestrians. Our simulated results demonstrate a close correspondence with observed metrics for crowd turbulence as measured in known crowd disasters

    Informative scene decomposition for crowd analysis, comparison and simulation guidance

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    Crowd simulation is a central topic in several fields including graphics. To achieve high-fidelity simulations, data has been increasingly relied upon for analysis and simulation guidance. However, the information in real-world data is often noisy, mixed and unstructured, making it difficult for effective analysis, therefore has not been fully utilized. With the fast-growing volume of crowd data, such a bottleneck needs to be addressed. In this paper, we propose a new framework which comprehensively tackles this problem. It centers at an unsupervised method for analysis. The method takes as input raw and noisy data with highly mixed multi-dimensional (space, time and dynamics) information, and automatically structure it by learning the correlations among these dimensions. The dimensions together with their correlations fully describe the scene semantics which consists of recurring activity patterns in a scene, manifested as space flows with temporal and dynamics profiles. The effectiveness and robustness of the analysis have been tested on datasets with great variations in volume, duration, environment and crowd dynamics. Based on the analysis, new methods for data visualization, simulation evaluation and simulation guidance are also proposed. Together, our framework establishes a highly automated pipeline from raw data to crowd analysis, comparison and simulation guidance. Extensive experiments and evaluations have been conducted to show the flexibility, versatility and intuitiveness of our framework

    What are Granular Materials? Proposed Model Actual Progress

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    A granular material is a conglomeration of discrete solid, macroscopic particles characterized by a loss of energy whenever the particles interact (Wikipedia) Size variation from 1μm to icebergs Food grains, sand, coal etc. Powders – can be suspended in gas May 6, 2009 5What are Granular materials? Can exist similar to various forms of matter Gas/Liquid – powders can be carried by velocity field

    Efficient Large-Scale Hybrid Fluid Simulation

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    State-of-the-art methods for fluid simulation, including velocitybased grid methods and smoothed particle hydrodynamics [Bridson and Müller-Fischer 2007], require a detail vs. domain size tradeoff. As a result, scenes with large spatial scales are restricted to coars

    The Mummy

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    Simulation of granular materials like sand � Per-particle simulation expensive – Billions to trillions of particles in medium sized scenes Complex behavior – between solids, liquids and gases due to multi particle interaction Applicability to multiple types of natural scenario

    Interactive modeling, simulation and control of large-scale crowds and traffic

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    Abstract. We survey some of our recent work on interactive modeling, simulation, and control of large-scale crowds and traffic for urban scenes. The driving applications of our work include real-time simulation for computer games, virtual environments, and avatar-based online 3D social networks. We also present some preliminary results and proof-ofconcept demonstrations. Keywords: Velocity Obstacle, Multi-Agent Simulation.