24 research outputs found

    Agency, design and ‘slow democracy’

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    Can democracy be resilient in an increasingly ‘high-speed society’? Social acceleration, some critics argue, poses a serious threat to the idea and practice of democracy. Others invoke but do not develop the idea of ‘slow democracy’ as one important response to this threat. Despite its importance, the critique and response lack analytical depth. In this context, and in an effort to rebuild the debate on a stronger and more fruitful base, the article underscores the potential of political agency to shape democracy’s temporality and reframes ‘slow democracy’ as a challenge of democratic design

    Symmetry breakdown and coupling constants of leptons

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    Based on a new approach to symmetries of the fundamental interactions we deal, in this paper, with the electroweak interactions of leptons. We show that the coupling constants, arising in the way leptons are coupled to intermediate bosons, can be understood as parameters associated to the breakdown of SU(2) and parity symmetries. The breakdown of both symmetries is characterized by a new parameter (the asymetry parameter) of the electroweak interactions. This parameter gives a measure of the strength of breakdown of symmetries. We analyse the behaviour of the theory for three values of this parameter. The most relevant value is the one for which only the electromagnetic interactions do not break parity (the maximally allowed left-right asymetric theory). Maximamally allowed parity asymmetry is a requirement that is met for a value of Weinberg's theta-angle that is quite close to the experimental value of this parameter.<br>Com base em uma formulação nova para simetrias das interações fundamentais nós lidamos, neste trabalho, com interações eletrofracas de leptons. Mostramos que as constantes do acoplamento, associadas aos acoplamentos de bósons intermediários, podem ser entendidas como parâmetros associados à quebra de simetrias SU(2) e paridade. A quebra de ambas as simetrias é caracterizada por um parâmetro novo (o parâmetro de assimetria) das interações eletrofracas. Este parâmetro dá uma medida da intensidade com que a simetria é quebrada. Analisamos o comportamento da teoria para três valores deste parâmetro. O valor mais relevante é aquele para o qual apenas as interações eletromagnéticas não quebram a paridade (a teoria assimétrica esquerda-direita permitida da maneira máxima). A assimetria máxima permitida é uma exigência que leva a um ângulo de Weinberg cujo valor é próximo daquele observado experimentalmente

    Associativismo, participação e cultura cívica: O potencial dos conselhos de saúde Associativism, participacion, civic culture and health councils in Brazil

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    No Brasil, a democratização e a descentralização abriram espaço para inúmeras experiências de participação popular em arenas de decisão de políticas públicas. O setor saúde se destaca no país e na América Latina pelo funcionamento de mais de 5.500 conselhos de saúde, nos quais a representação da sociedade civil organizada é compartilhada de forma paritária com autoridades setoriais, prestadores profissionais e institucionais e trabalhadores do setor. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de pesquisa que buscou traçar um perfil sociopolítico dos representantes dos usuários nos conselhos de saúde do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A exposição aborda elementos teóricos relativos a temas como democracia, associativismo e cultura cívica, examina a democratização brasileira, a reforma do sistema de saúde e os conselhos de saúde, e analisa os dados da investigação. Entre as considerações finais, postula-se que a participação nos conselhos de saúde fomenta um círculo virtuoso caracterizado pelo envolvimento dos cidadãos em questões de interesse geral, pela acumulação de capital social e pelo despertar de uma cultura cívica, contribuindo, em última instância, para o fortalecimento da democracia.<br>In Brazil, the political democratization and decentralization processes opened spaces for a number of experiences of popular participation in policy decision arenas. The health sector outstands in the country as well as in Latin America because of the existence of more than 5.500 health councils in which representatives of the civil society organizations share half of the seats with those of health authorities, professional and institutional providers of health care, and of health workers. The purpose of this article is to present the main results of research endured to design a sociopolitical profile of the users' representatives in the health councils. The contents focuses on some theoretical issues concerning democracy, associativism and civic culture; examines aspects of the Brazilian democratization process, the health system reform and the health councils and, analyses the research data. Among other conclusions, it is postulated that participation of representatives of civil society in the health councils fosters a virtuous circle characterized by the involvement of citizens in matters of common good, the accumulation of social capital, and the awakening of civic culture values, thus contributing for the strengthening of democracy

    Economic conscience and public discourse

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    This article provides a critique of the self-validating public responses to the international crisis of legitimacy facing the banking industry and professional politicians since the economic crisis of 2009. It compares the failure of economic conscience within Establishment institutions with the public culture of intrinsic economic conscience found in some developing economies and similar embryonic developments in Western economies. It highlights the way this alternative economic conscience might contribute to public discourse about economic and political governance, and thereby to democratic renewal in more supposedly advanced societies. © 2010, SAGE Publications. All rights reserved