83 research outputs found
Transition to fatherhood and adjustments in working hours: The importance of organizational policy feedback
Objective: This study investigates whether the normalization of the use of the family-friendly workplace policy flexiplace in the organization affects men's adjustments in working hours following their transition to fatherhood. Background: Men's stable full-time employment after childbirth remains to be a barrier to the equal distribution of care and paid work. Recent research suggests that state family policies promoting dual-earner/dual-carer family models can involve new norm setting of active fatherhood, albeit so far with only modest consequences for fathers' working hours. Unclear is, however, whether family-friendly workplace policies, such as flexiplace, and involved organizational policy feedback are of complementary importance. Method: We estimated fixed-effects regression analyses on men's adjustments in actual and contracted hours after a transition to fatherhood. Analyses are based on linked employer-employee panel data (2012/13; 2014/15; 2018/19) from large German work organizations, considering a random sample of 1,687 men in 131 work organizations. Results: Findings revealed that the normalization of using flexiplace in the work organization was associated with a reduction in menâs overall working hours as well as marginal adjustments in their contracted hours after transitioning to fatherhood. Conclusion: Although a normalization of flexiplace is more likely in demanding workplace contexts, men experience at least some leeway in adjusting extensive temporal investments to cater to private demands. - Appendix: https://ubp.uni-bamberg.de/jfr/index.php/jfr/article/view/946/748Fragestellung: Diese Studie analysiert am Beispiel von Telearbeit, inwieweit eine betriebliche Normalisierung der Nutzung familienfreundlicher Politiken die Arbeitszeitanpassungen von MĂ€nnern nach Ăbergang in Elternschaft beeinflussen. Hintergrund: Die VollzeiterwerbstĂ€tigkeit von MĂ€nnern auch nach Geburt eines Kindes bleibt ein Hindernis fĂŒr die geschlechtergerechte Aufteilung von Erwerbs- und Carearbeit in deutschen Paarhaushalten. Aktuelle Studien legen nahe, dass staatliche Familienpolitik welche dual-earner/dual carer Familienmodelle fördert, auch die Norm aktiver Vaterschaft verstĂ€rken kann - bisher allerdings mit nur geringeren Auswirkungen auf vĂ€terliche Arbeitszeiten. Unklar bleibt ob familienfreundliche Politiken im Betrieb, wie Telearbeit, und damit verbundenes betriebliches Policy Feedback zusĂ€tzlich fĂŒr vĂ€terliche Arbeitszeitanpassungen bedeutsam ist. Methode: Es werden Fixed-Effects Regressionsanalysen fĂŒr vĂ€terliche Arbeitszeitanpassungen (vertraglich/tatsĂ€chliche Stunden) berechnet. Die Analysen basieren auf einem Sample von 1,687 MĂ€nnern aus 131 Betrieben aus einem linked-employer employee Datensatz fĂŒr deutsche GroĂbetriebe (2012/13; 2014/15; 2018/19). Ergebnisse: Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die betriebliche Normalisierung der Nutzung von Telearbeit mit einer Reduktion der tatsĂ€chlichen Arbeitszeit nach Geburt eines Kindes einhergeht sowie mit einer marginalen Reduktion der vertraglichen Arbeitszeit. Schlussfolgerung: Wenngleich eine Normalisierung der Nutzung von Telearbeit vor allem in sehr fordernden Betrieben zu beobachten ist, scheinen MĂ€nnern in diesen Organisationen immerhin gewisse Freiheiten in der Abstimmung der ausgeprĂ€gten zeitlichen Anforderungen und ihren neuen, privaten Anforderungen im Zuge der Vaterschaft gewĂ€hrt zu werden
German fathers and their preference to reduce working hours to care for their children
Abendroth A, Pausch S, Böhm S. German fathers and their preference to reduce working hours to care for their children. SFB 882 Working Paper Series. Vol 41. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2014.This article studies the relevance of the workplace and family context as well as the experience of conflicts between the work and family domain for fathersâ preference to reduce working hours to care for their children. Previous research was not able to disentangle whether the preference to reduce working hours is related to fathersâ caring involvement or to other reasons. Integrating insights from work-family research and arguments on the relevance of the social context for preference formation we formulate need-based and opportunity-based arguments. Findings on data from the German study "Employment Relationships as Social Exchange" (beata), indicate that the experience of a work-family conflict as well as time-based workplace demands increase the likelihood of fathersâ to hold the preference to reduce working hours, supporting need-based arguments. Our findings further call attention to the importance of the family-friendliness of the organisational culture for fathersâ opportunity to develop the preference to reduce working hours to be more involved in caring tasks
Equality Through Equal Opportunity Policies? Workplace Mentoring Programs, Female Quotas, and the Gender Pay Gap Within German Workplaces
Peters E, Drobe J, Abendroth A. Gleichheit durch GleichstellungsmaĂnahmen? Betriebliche Mentoringprogramme, Frauenquoten und geschlechtsspezifische Einkommensungleichheiten in GroĂbetrieben. Kölner Zeitschrift fĂŒr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. 2020;72:225-263.Dieser Beitrag untersucht, inwiefern Mentoringprogramme und betriebliche Frauenquoten als zwei zentrale GleichstellungsmaĂnahmen mit geringeren geschlechtsspezifischen Einkommensungleichheiten in deutschen GroĂbetrieben einhergehen. ZusĂ€tzlich wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern die Bedeutung dieser GleichstellungsmaĂnahmen zwischen BeschĂ€ftigtengruppen mit unterschiedlichem Qualifikationsniveau variiert und ob traditionelle Geschlechterideologien innerhalb der Belegschaft die EffektivitĂ€t von GleichstellungsmaĂnahmen konterkarieren. Auf Grundlage von Linked-Employer-Employee-Daten, die sowohl administrative als auch Befragungsdaten fĂŒr 5072 BeschĂ€ftigte in 93 Betrieben beinhalten, wurden Regressionsanalysen mit betriebsbezogenen Fixed Effects berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Einkommensbenachteiligungen von Frauen innerhalb von Betrieben nicht mit dem Angebot von Mentoringprogrammen variieren. DemgegenĂŒber zeigen sich geringere Einkommensungleichheiten zwischen den Geschlechtern in Betrieben mit Frauenquote. Dies gilt allerdings nur fĂŒr BeschĂ€ftigte mit hohem Qualifikationsniveau und in Betrieben, in denen gleichzeitig eher egalitĂ€re Geschlechterideologien in der Belegschaft vorherrschen. In traditionellen Betriebskontexten bestehen trotz Frauenquote geschlechtsspezifische Einkommensungleichheiten zwischen BeschĂ€ftigten mit höherem Qualifikationsniveau.This article examines the extent to which mentoring programs and female quotas, as two central diversity policies, are associated with smaller gender wage gaps within large German workplaces. Furthermore, we investigated whether the implications of these diversity policies vary among workers with different levels of qualification and whether they are counteracted by traditional gender ideologies within the workforce. Using linked employer-employee data consisting of administrative and survey data for 5072 employees and 93 workplaces, we estimated fixed effect regression models. The results suggest that within workplaces, gender wage gaps are not associated with the presence of mentoring programs. In contrast, there is a substantial gender wage gap between women and men with higher qualification levels in workplaces without female quotas, whereas women earn similar wages as their male counterparts in workplaces with female quotas. However, this is only true if egalitarian gender ideologies are dominant within the workforce as we detect significant income disparities in traditional workplace contexts despite a female quota
From âhome workâ to âhome office workâ?: Perpetuating discourses and use patterns of tele(home)work since the 1970s: historical and comparative social perspectives.
In contemporary debates, it is regularly overlooked that working from home already has a long history, while the phenomenon of âtele(home) workingâ has even gained momentum since the 1970s, being increasingly technologically enabled and socially prepared. This article aims to identify the self-perpetuation of work from home by investigating phases, turning points and diverging temporalities of gender- and parenthood-specific discourses and use patterns of tele(home)work in Germany and the United Kingdom from an interdisciplinary perspective, combining historical and comparative social analysis
Work-life balance of dual-earner couples: Do advantages and disadvantages of workplace demands and resources accumulate within partnerships?
Pausch S, Reimann M, Abendroth A, Diewald M. Work-life balance of dual-earner couples: Do advantages and disadvantages of workplace demands and resources accumulate within partnerships?. SFB 882 Working Paper Series. Vol 54. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2015.This study investigates the complex interplay between couplesâ work and private life spheres and disentangles how demands and resources affect partnersâ satisfaction with their work-life balance. Next to the individual process of spillover of workplace demands and resources to the private life sphere we investigate processes of crossover of one spouseâs demands and resources to the other. We particularly argue that within partnerships an accumulation of individual demands and resources from both partners takes place leading to specifically disadvantaged situations, when it comes to demands, and specifically advantaged situations, when it comes to resources. Furthermore we investigate gender differences in the relevance of spillover, crossover and accumulation for a satisfying work-life balance. We make use of a German Linked Employer-Employee Panel Survey (LEEP-B3), which includes information on 100 work organizations, 6,454 employees, and their partners (2,185). Our results mainly support the spillover of demands and resources from work to private life meaning that workplace demands make integrating work and private life more difficult whereas workplace resources can help reaching a satisfying work-life balance more easily. The results also partly support the hypothesized crossover of demands and resources from one partner to the other. However, there is no such clear-cut picture for the accumulation of demands and resources within partnerships
Work-life balance of dual-earner couples: Do advantages and disadvantages of workplace demands and resources accumulate within partnerships?
Pausch S, Reimann M, Abendroth A, Diewald M. Work-life balance of dual-earner couples: Do advantages and disadvantages of workplace demands and resources accumulate within partnerships?. SFB 882 Working Paper Series. Vol 54. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2015.This study investigates the complex interplay between couplesâ work and private life spheres and disentangles how demands and resources affect partnersâ satisfaction with their work-life balance. Next to the individual process of spillover of workplace demands and resources to the private life sphere we investigate processes of crossover of one spouseâs demands and resources to the other. We particularly argue that within partnerships an accumulation of individual demands and resources from both partners takes place leading to specifically disadvantaged situations, when it comes to demands, and specifically advantaged situations, when it comes to resources. Furthermore we investigate gender differences in the relevance of spillover, crossover and accumulation for a satisfying work-life balance. We make use of a German Linked Employer-Employee Panel Survey (LEEP-B3), which includes information on 100 work organizations, 6,454 employees, and their partners (2,185). Our results mainly support the spillover of demands and resources from work to private life meaning that workplace demands make integrating work and private life more difficult whereas workplace resources can help reaching a satisfying work-life balance more easily. The results also partly support the hypothesized crossover of demands and resources from one partner to the other. However, there is no such clear-cut picture for the accumulation of demands and resources within partnerships
Methodological Report Employee and Partner Surveys of the Linked Employer- Employee Panel (LEEP-B3) in Project B3 âInteractions Between Capabilities in Work and Private Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizationsâ
Abendroth A, Melzer SM, Jacobebbinghaus P, Schlechter F. Methodological Report Employee and Partner Surveys of the Linked Employer- Employee Panel (LEEP-B3) in Project B3 âInteractions Between Capabilities in Work and Private Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizationsâ. SFB 882 Technical Report Series. Vol 12. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2014
Methodenbericht BeschĂ€ftigten- und Partnerbefragung des Linked-Employer- Employee Panels (LEEP-B3) im Projekt B3 âWechselwirkungen zwischen Verwirklichungschancen im Berufs- und Privatlebenâ
Abendroth A, Melzer SM, Jacobebbinghaus P, Schlechter F. Methodenbericht BeschĂ€ftigten- und Partnerbefragung des Linked-Employer- Employee Panels (LEEP-B3) im Projekt B3 âWechselwirkungen zwischen Verwirklichungschancen im Berufs- und Privatlebenâ. SFB 882 Technical Report Series. Vol 6. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2014
Employee and partner surveys wave 3 of the Linked-Employer-Employee-Panel (LEEP-B3) Project (DFG â 373090005): Organizational Inequalities and Interdependencies between Capabilities in Work and Personal Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizations. Technical Report
Marx C, Abendroth A, BĂ€chmann A-C, et al. Employee and partner surveys wave 3 of the Linked-Employer-Employee-Panel (LEEP-B3) Project (DFG â 373090005): Organizational Inequalities and Interdependencies between Capabilities in Work and Personal Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizations. Technical Report. Bielefeld: Univ., Fak. fĂŒr Soziologie; 2020
Methodenbericht Faktorieller Survey (Vignetten) Projekt B3 âWechselwirkungen zwischen Verwirklichungschancen im Berufs- und Privatlebenâ
Reimann M, Andernach B, Schunck R, et al. Methodenbericht Faktorieller Survey (Vignetten) Projekt B3 âWechselwirkungen zwischen Verwirklichungschancen im Berufs- und Privatlebenâ. SFB 882 Technical Report Series. Vol 9. Bielefeld: DFG Research Center (SFB) 882 From Heterogeneities to Inequalities; 2014
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