7 research outputs found

    La restructuration économique en URSS et les relations économiques internationales

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    [fre] Les années de perestroïka ont tenté d'établir une stratégie fondamentalement nouvelle de développement socio-économique se traduisant par un centrage de l'économie sur des niveaux de vie supérieurs pour la population, une meilleure qualité de la production, l'introduction de relations de marché à la place de la gestion administrative précédente. Ces mesures devraient permettre au pays de s'ouvrir et de s'intégrer à l'économie mondiale. Parallèlement, les relations économiques extérieures auraient, dorénavant pour rôle principal d'améliorer progressivement l'efficacité et la qualité de l'économie grâce à une concurrence accrue et à l'introduction de nouvelles techniques et connaissances. Cette restructuration est une entreprise de long terme que bouleversera le mais qui est nécessaire pour un développement économique et social réussi. [eng] Fundamentally new strategy of socio economic development has been drawn up during the years of perestroïka : concentration of economy on higher living standards, better quality of production, introduction of market relations mechanism instead of the previous administrative system of management. These measures should make the Soviet Union more open and integrated to the word economy. In addition, the role of foreign economic relations would be from now on to improve the efficiency and quality of the economy through an increasing competition and the introduction of new technologies and know-how. This restructuring is a long term process which will drastically change the country but is necessary for a more successfull social and economic development.

    A nova disciplina de sistemas econômicos comparados: uma proposta

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    <abstract language="eng">The new discipline of comparative economic systems: a proposition. This article offers elements for a reorientation of the subject matter of the discipline " Comparative Economic Systems" with the impact of the fall of the Berlin’s wall. Thus, we argue that in the context of the modern democratic society the political choice between society models occurs in a narrower set of options. Thus the study of pure forms of socialism is of historical interest, but he is not relevant to this discipline since it must prioritize the debate around the choice of compatible alternative models within the rule of law. So the article offers a new program for this discipline, able to describe and to understand the diversity of systems between countries that had opted for mixing market economy