426 research outputs found

    Axisymmetric Stationary Spacetimes of Constant Scalar Curvature in Four Dimensions

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    In this paper we construct a special class of four dimensional axissymmetric stationary spacetimes whose Ricci scalar is constant in the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates. The first step is to construct Einstein metric by solving a modified Ernst equation for nonzero cosmological constant. Then, we modify the previous result by adding two additional functions to the metric to obtain a more general metric of constant scalar curvature which are not Einstein.Comment: 10 pages and no figure. Comments are welcom

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Pada SMP YBPK 1 Surabaya

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    At this time the secondary school YBPK 1 Surabaya has to provide facilities for the library which is aimed at so that each student or teacher diligent reading the book. In the Junior Secondary School Library YBPK 1 Surabaya there are a number of facilities such as the lease the book, the return of the book, payment of fine and cabinet reference. Some discounted rates above is still done manually so that the officers of the library in trouble in recap transaction data. This application is created using HTML programming language, PHP, JavaScript, AJAX, Framework Codeigniter 3.0 and the MySQL database. The application display using the Bootstrap template. E-catalogue features using solr search engine is made in the Apache. Reminder features the return of the book using SMS Gateway Me template. The end result of the development of this application is able to search the list of book, can send reminder through SMS messages to prevent loan overdue, can record transaction with computerized library. Librarians can also view reports such as the report of fines, the visitor report, book assessment report and book donation report.Based on the results of questionnaires were obtained for display applications, 40% of respondents answered good, and 60% of respondents answered very well. For e-catalog feature, 40% of respondents answered not good enough, 20% responded good enough, and 40% of respondents answered good. For e-book feature, 20% of respondents answered enough, 40% said good, 40% responded very well. For book transactions feature, 20% of respondents answered enough, 20% responded good, and 60% of respondents answered very well. For a book proposal feature, 20% of respondents answered good, and 80% of respondents answered very well. To reserve features books, 40% of respondents answered not good enough, 20% of respondents answered good, and 40% of respondents answered very well. For the reminder feature the return of books, 20% of respondents answered enough, 20% of respondents answered well, and 60% of respondents answered very well. For ease of use, 20% of respondents answered enough, 40% of respondents answered good, and 40% of respondents answered very well. For compliance with requirements, 20% of respondents answered good, and 80% of respondents answered very well. For most applications, 40% of respondents rate the program was good, and 60% of respondents rate the program is very good


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    Kelapa Sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor utama nonmigas Indonesia. Namun produktivitas petani perkebunan rakyat masih rendah dibandingkan dengan produktivitas Rata-rata Indonesia. Produktivitas kelapa sawit perkebunan rakyat selalu memiliki produktivitas dibawah produktivitas kelapa sawit rata-rata Indonesia. Salah satu penyebab Rendahnya produktivitas pekebunan rakyat disebabkan oleh  penggunaan bibit yang tidak bersertifikat. Penelitian ini menguji hubungan faktor social terhadap niat membeli bibit, hubungan antara persepsi harga terhadap niat membeli bibit kelapa sawit, dan hubungan antara sikap konsumen terhadap niat membeli kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan di Aceh tamian dengan menggunakan SEM-PLS. Kesimpulan penelitian antara lain Faktor Sosial berhubungan signifikan terhadap Niat Membeli, Persepsi Harga berhubungan tidak signifikan terhadap Niat Membeli dan Sikap Konsumen berhubungan signifikan terhadap Niat Membeli

    FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI ADOPSI BIBIT BERSERTIFIKAT PADA PERKEBUNAN RAKYAT(Studi pada Petani Kelapa Sawit di Kecamatan Bilah Hulu Kabupaten Labuhan Batu)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggunaan bibit kelapa sawit bersertifikat pada perkebunan rakyat di Kecamatan Bilah Hulu, Kabupaten Labuhan Batu, Sumatera Utara. Model yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan penggunaan bibit kelapa sawit bersertifikat adalah DOI (Diffusion Of Innovation) dengan variabel Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Triability, dan Observability. Metode yang digunakan untuk menguji pola hubungan korelasi variabel yaitu Analisis Linear Berganda dengan menggunakan program SPSS 24. Data penelitian ini adalah data primer diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuisioner yang dibagikan kepada petani kelapa sawit. Berdasarkan hasil regresi dan analisis data menggunakan uji t, nilai thitung pada variabel Relative Advantage sebesar 2.747, Complexity sebesar 2.762, dan Triability sebesar 4,922 lebih besar dari nilai ttabel 1,660 yang artinya memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap adopsi bibit kelapa sawit bersertifikat, sedangkan nilai thitung variabel Compatibility sebesar 1,351, dan Observability sebesar 1.543 lebih kecil dari nilai ttabel 1,660 yang artinya tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap niat petani mengadopsi bibit kelapa sawit bersertifikat. Hasil uji koefisien determinasi (R2) menunjukkan bahwa variabel Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Triability, dan Observability mampu menjelaskan variabel dependent yaitu Adoption sebesar 42,4% dan sisanya 57,6 % dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel lain di luar model. Pengujian secara simultan menggunakan uji f dimana nilai fhitung sebesar 13.859 lebih besar dari nilai ftabel 2,31. Artinya secara simultan variabel Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity, Triability, dan Observability berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat petani mengadopsi bibit kelapa sawit bersertifikat di Kecamatan Bilah Hulu Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Sumatera Utara

    Environmental Information Systems and Community-Based Resource Management in Ghana: An Investigation of Institutional Policy and Implementation in Context

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    This study employed a case-study approach and cross-case analysis to investigate the impact of Environmental Information Systems (EIS) and Local Knowledge Systems (LKS) on agro-forestry management and biodiversity conservation. Questionnaire-based interviews with service providers, resource managers and focus group discussions with farmers associated with the United Nations Capacity 21, the Netherlands Tropenbos International (TBI) and the United Nations Project on People Land Management and Conservation (UNPLEC), projects yielded in-depth information on agro-forestry practices in southern Ghana. The findings of the survey revealed that computer-based information systems have been used to identify areas of resource degradation. This has served as a sanitization tool to organize and intensify tree-planting exercises and agroforestry management activities in the affected areas. Evaluation of individual cases and cross-case analysis of EIS projects in Ghana showed parallels and divergences in the modus operandi of EIS implementation at national and district levels. The Capacity 21 project initiated the District Environmental Resource Information System (DERIS). The project procured datasets (eg. satellite images, software, computers and printers) in 8 pilot districts including Sekyere West and Assin Fosu Districts and offered training and skill development programmes under the auspices of the Centre for Environmental Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS) to equip focal district planning officers to use tools and datasets to analyze the state of the environment and the extent of resource degradation as well as other development-related activities. This fostered cooperation between the national coordinator of the project, district planners and local farmers to organize regular tree-planting exercises and workshops on alternative livelihood activities which have helped to lessen pressure on the environment to some extent. This approach exhibits a greater degree of top-down planning and implementation. The field survey revealed that PLEC used computer-based information systems during the earlier stages of the project to demarcate demonstration sites and capture spatio-temporal variations in agro-ecological conditions. However, during the subsequent phases, the PLEC project relied heavily and predominantly on local agro-ecological knowledge from a diverse group of farmers to assess resource conditions, and promoted the use of various traditional and exotic agro-forestry and agro-diversity management techniques in the Manya Krobo and Suhum Kraboa Coaltar Districts. The PLEC approach was more bottom-up in its philosophy and practice by allowing natural and social scientists to learn from farmers, and the scientists in turn offered technical advice which enabled farmers to improve their local farming techniques and maximize their farm productivity, while at the same time enhancing the capacity of the biophysical environment to support conventional and alternative livelihood activities continually. The Tropenbos International (TBI) project exhibits elements of both top-down and bottom-up implementation approaches. It recognizes the significant role of tailor-made information (computer-based systems and socio-economic studies mainly from the Forest Services Commission and the University of Ghana, respectively) and skill in forest management. The TBI GORTMAN project streamlined the capacity for information collection in the Goaso and Offinso districts. The findings revealed that farmers associated with the three projects apply various knowledge systems and techniques in agroforestry management. These include, mixed cultivation of domestic, economic and medicinal trees as well as food crops. Reasons such as windbreak, construction materials, medicine, food, fuelwood and nutrient enhancement were cited by farmers for practicing agroforestry. Common food crops found on farms include cocoyam, okro, maize, plantain and yams, among others. These crops are the mainstay of family food and income sources. Other livelihood activities include beekeeping, snail rearing and grasscutter raising and livestock breeding. The diversities of agroforestry practices have engendered decades of farm management practices and resource conservation measures. Another challenge of agroforestry management which is common to all the three projects is that farmers are victims of indiscriminate felling of trees on their farms by timber companies which destroys their crops. Farmers repeatedly cited logistical (tools, seedlings etc) challenges and financial constraints as factors that hamper effective application of knowledge systems in agroforestry management. This is a dominant problem that PLEC and TBI farmers face. Capacity 21 farmers benefited initially from logistical supplies but it was short-lived. In view of these problems, the study recommended measures for improving environmental information systems and local knowledge systems applications in agroforestry management and agrodiversity conservation in southern Ghana

    Positioning Mhlathuze water as a service provider for Usuthu-Mhlathuze catchment management policy.

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.1. BACKGROUND Mhlathuze Water (MW) is a public sector water utility created in terms of Water Act 54 of 1954, MW has legislative mandate to provide support services to DWAF and other government institutions such as municipalities and Catchment Management Agencies (CMAs). The objective of the CMA is to manage and coordinate water resources management functions at local level. This includes the power to manage, monitor, conserve and protect water resources and to implement catchment management strategies (NWA, 1998). Because of shortage of water resources specialist skills such as water resources monitoring, water resources assessment, flood prevention, and resource protection to mention few, the Usuthu-Mhlathuze CMA will have to outsource some of the specialist functions to private and public institutions like Mhlathuze Water on a competitive basis (DWAF, 2003). 2. PURPOSE The primary purpose of the dissertation is to analyze and understand the needs of the Usuthu-Mhlathuze CMA as well as MW's competencies so as to develop positioning strategy for MW. To achieve the primary purpose of the dissertation the following research objectives have been identified: • Identification of the needs of the target CMA. • Identification ofMW's strengths and weaknesses to see ifMW can satisfy the needs of the target CMA. • Analysis of competitors' strengths and weaknesses to measure MW against competitors. The three analyses will provide a base essential for developing and recommending a positioning strategy to MW. 3. METHODOLOGY The customer needs analysis information of the Usuthu-Mhlathuze CMA was mainly sourced from the following documents: • Usuthu-Mhlathuze Situation assessment (Appendix 1). • Proposal to establish the Usuthu-Mhlathuze CMA (Appendix 2). • Legal review on CMAs (Appendix 3). • Australian documentation on catchment management institutions (Appendix 4). For the competitor analysis, a profile of most organizations m the water sector operating in the area of the CMA was sourced from MW's consultants panel for various disciplines (Appendix 5). The internal analysis was compiled using information from reports produced by MW in the last five years and was also informed MW's participation in various studies and projects in the catchment management area (Appendix 6). Strategic employees from various MW's departments were contacted with the view of authenticating the analysis findings. 4. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSION A number of areas of need for the imminent Usuthu to Mhlathuze CMA were identified. These included water quality management, flood management, construction and operation of waterworks, monitoring the performance of water users, monitoring the condition of water resources, alien vegetation management, education on water resource management, promotion of community participation, ensuring access to information regarding water resource management, development of a Catchment Management Strategy, provision of water to meet environmental needs, ensuring sustainable water sharing and efficient water use, and pursuing opportunities for productive use of alternative the water source. The competitor analysis (Appendix 7) provided the strengths and weaknesses of competitors likely to target the CMA as service providers. The likely major competitors of MW are: Scott Wilson, BKS, Jeffares and Green Consulting Engineers, Water Resource Planning and Conservation Consulting Engineers and Ninham Shand Consulting Engineers. Scott Wilson and DMM partnership have major strengths that MW would need to be aware of in developing a positioning strategy. The other competitors do not offer a suite of water resource management service. They are therefore not expected to be MW's major rivalries. 5. RECCOMENDATIONS MW should position itself as the low cost service provider because the imminent CMA will be very price sensitive. Apart from positioning itself as a low cost provider, MW should also position itself as a deliver good quality services. MW's strengths in terms of experience, expertise, knowledge and understating of the water resource dynamics demonstrate that MW can safely position itself as a deliver good quality services. MW is the only water resources management services provider that provides a suite of water resources management functions (Table 5.1, p. 49). The organization is also the only service provider that acts as an implementing agent that already provides water resource management services for DWAF (de facto CMA). Based on this, and the fact that MW is well known (DWAF, 2003), it is appropriate for MW to also position itself as leader in water resources management in the CMA area of operation (Thompson and Strickland, 2003). The most appropriate promotional tool that will solicit immediate response and cultivate lasting customer relationship for MW is direct marketing (Kotler, 2000). This means that MW must package their service offerings and go and sell them directly to the de fact CMA and later to the CMA. The benefits of using this tool is that the message will be specifically directed to the prospect specifically prepared to appeal to CMA and can be immediately changed depending on the response (Kotler, 2000)

    Ruang Terbuka pada Kawasan Jalan Dr. Soedarso di Kota Pontianak

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    Suatu lingkungan tidak hanya terdiri atas bangunan, namun terdiri atas ruang tanpa bangunan atau ruang terbuka. Ruang terbuka hadir untuk menjaga ekologis suatu lingkungan. Salah satu lingkungan yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi ruang terbuka yaitu pada jalan Dr.Soedarso, Kota Pontianak. Ruang terbuka pada lokasi tersebut memiliki fasilitas pendukung berupa area parkir, taman dan area perdagangan. Namun ruang terbuka terletak berada di antara jalan Dr.Soedarso dan parit Sui.Raya . Oleh sebab itu dilakukan perpindahan perletakan ruang terbuka dengan mengikuti peraturan yang sesuai. Perpindahan ruang terbuka dapat mendukung aktivitas masyarakat sekitar, sehingga menghadirkan gagasan untuk menjadikan ruang terbuka sebagai aktivitas pendukung. Fasilitas pendukung pada ruang terbuka perlu disesuaikan dengan fungsi bangunan serta aktivitas pengguna, sehingga dilakukan pembagian tiga segmentasi utama. Agar fasilitas yang diletakkan sesuai kebutuhan maka diperlukan pertimbangan pergerakan aktivitas pengguna. Oleh sebab itu sirkulasi dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai titik berat utama dalam mendukung aktivitas pada ruang terbuka. Sirkulasi yang baik diterapkan pada penyediaan jalur pejalan kaki, jembatan penghubung rumah sakit dan jalan Dr.Soedarso yang dilengkapi dengan penanda jalan. Fasilitas pendukung pada sisi depan bangunan berupa taman, area parkir dan kantin juga menyesuaikan sirkulasi pengunjung. Setiap fungsi fisik dilengkapi vegetasi yang sesuai sehingga ekologis dapat terjaga.


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    Matius 27:27–56 yang menceritakan Tuhan Yesus sebagai sikap heroik karya penebusan dosa buat umatnya yang harus menderita dibawa siksaan Pontius Pilatus dan mati disalibkan. Dari fenomena tersebut komposer mengungkapkan suasana hati yang dirasakan melalui karya musik “Felice”. Karya ini menggambarkan betapa besar kasih Yesus terhadap umatnya dan rasa bangga umatnya karena telah memiliki Tuhan seperti Yesus. Kata “Felice”merupakan ungkapan rasa syukur terhadap Tuhan. Konsep karya musik yang dipilih komposer merupakan penemuan sebuah kebahagiaan di dunia maupun diakhirat karena pengorbanan karya penebusan Yesus Kristus atas dosa-dosa umatnya nasrani.Tidak hanya penemuan dalam cerita yang terkandung, namun juga menemuan melodi–melodi baru yang belum pernah didengar oleh komposer sebelumnya. Sehingga komposer memilih kata “Felice” untuk mewakili baik ide gagasan dan konsep kekaryaan musik. Secara keseluruhan, komposisi pada karya “Felice” terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu bagain pertama, bagian kedua, dan bagian ketiga dengan total durasi 7 menit. Tempo yang digunakan pada karya musik ini yaitu adagio, tempo 110. Tangga nada yang digunakan pada karya musik ini yaitu Dm dengan sukat 4/4, 6/4. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu violin 1, violin2, viola, cello, contrabass, bass electric, snare, bass drume, cymbal, flute, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, trombone, triangle, tubular bells, kemplang, paduan suara. Karya musik tersebut ditinjau dari ambitus, timbre, pemilihan instrumentasi,teknik, dinamika, dan penerapan aransemen karya. Berdasarkan hasil penciptaan dan deskripsi simpulan yang dibahas mengenai karya musik “Felice“dalam format orkestra dengan peletakan instrument sesuai kemampuan masing-masing. Semoga yang telah tersampaikan dari karya music “Felice“bisa menjadi referensi yang menarik, menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan serta dapat membawa perubahan yang positif. Kata kunci: Kata Kunci :Orkestrasi, Orkestra, Felic
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