14 research outputs found

    The effect of illness perception on physical health-related quality of life promotion in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients attending peer support groups

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    Illness perception influences patients’ decision to adopt effective behavior and achieve positive results such as adapting with the disease and improving functionality, and the interventions that increase illness perception can promote health. This study aimed to investigate the effect of illness perception on the physical health-related quality of life of MS patients attending peer support groups. This study with a quasi-experimental before-and-after design included 33 MS patients in three groups: male-only(n=10), female-only(n=11) and one with both males and females (mixed, n=12) that selected by convenience sampling Participants were required to attend 8 weekly sessions comprising 2 hours each. Instruments used to assess physical health related quality of life and illness perception were the physical health section of "Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory (MSQLI)" and "Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire(IPQ-R)" respectively, which were completed by participants before and after attending the group sessions. The results showed that although illness perception of MS patients attending peer support groups did not show a significant increase, physical health significantly improved(p=0.001). Attending peer support group increased illness perception in the mixed group(p=0.01) and elevated physical health in men only and mixed group (p=0.03 for the mixed group and p=0.04 for men only group). Regression analysis showed a significant relationship between MS and physical health with efficacy of 0.54(p<0.001). The results showed that increased illness perception in MS patients improves their physical health. Therefore, we can improve MS patients’ physical health-related quality of life through peer support groups and hence promote patients’ quality of life.

    Opinions of Educational Experts in Shahid Beheshti University of

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    Background and aim: Education and clinical application of basic science is important in nursing education ,nurse educators have reported problems with the teaching and learning of bioscience. This study aimed toexplore educational expert’s opinions regarding the basic science courses offer.Materials and methods: This descriptive study was performed on 35 educational experts at Faculty ofNursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Data were collected with a semistructuredquestionnaire. Face and content validity were checked. The reliability of the questionnaire wasdetermined using the Cronbach’s Alpha test. Data were analyzed by SPSS(version 18) and descriptivestatistics.Findings: 50.0 percent of educational experts agreed with the proportion of basic science courses for nursingcourse objectives. Also, they agreed with time extension for anatomy and physiology courses, especially thesecourses offer in several semesters and relevant to clinical nursing courses.Conclusion: According to the results, it seems that curriculum planners should investigate about the clinicalapplication of basic science courses in nursing program as a priority, and fundamental reform needs toconsider basic science courses offer, especially anatomy and physiology, as well.Keywords: Curriculum planning, Educational Experts, Nursing education, Basic science course

    The experience of nursing students of clinical teaching: The impact of clinical experience of instructors

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    AbstractBackground and aim: Despite the recognition of the clinical instructor impact on quality of nursing students'learning, recent research indicate many problems in nursing instructors' performance. Many factorscontribute to effective clinical teaching and the instructors' clinical experience may affect their teaching quality. The aim of this study was to explore student nurses' experiences regarding their clinical teachers' experiences in nursing practice .Method and materials: A qualitative approach was used for the study. The study protocol was approved by research committee of the school of medical education. A purposive sample of undergraduate nursing students at their internship placements participated in the study. Data were collected by semi structured interviews. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. A conventional content analysis approach was used for data analysis. Data saturation was reached by 12th interview .Results: After coding and clustering the data 6 themes emerged. These themes were as below: 1- peace of mind 2- getting interested in nursing 3- effective clinical learning (impact of working with an instructor who has clinical experience) and 4-anxiety 5-no interest in nursing 6- ineffective clinical teaching ( working with instructors without any clinical experience).Conclusion: The clinical background and nursing skills of clinical teachers is a major factor for effective teaching in clinicalsettings

    مفهوم منزلت سالمندان از منظر پرستاری: مرور منظم مطالعات

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    Introduction: Today, develop in science and technology, particularly in medicine field - diagnostic procedures and drugs lead to increasing life expectancy in Iran from 60 years to 80 years. Therefore aging as a global phenomenon, which has caused concern placed. Moreover, according to the physiological and physical conditions aging increases the need for health care in this period. As most elderly people simultaneously suffer from one or more chronic diseases or are under treatment in medical centers. Because of the elderly cause to create unique characteristics of the elderly people and attention to human dignity is a primary need for as attention. This condition requires that caregivers with elderly in health care team should be aware of the concept of dignity is one of the most important needs of the elderly. Since the researchers did review to determine the dignity of the elderly. Methods: To achieve the objectives , the researchers investigate and asses the literature , resources, and articles between 2000 to 2012 in English and Persian languages and Medline data base, CINAHL, Web of Science, Pro Quest CSA, Elsevier, Iranmedex with keywords of elderly people, respect, dignity, Nursing, senior citizen, pensioner. The sources were selected 27 nursing resource dedicated to regularly review the Garrard method evaluation was summarized in writing and taking notes. Results: Results showed that the concept of elderly dignity is a subjective experience and moral in the first place is because of we are human being, and it can threaten relationships with others or promote. Concept of elderly dignity consists of factors such as individualism and dedicated care, restoration of self-control and independence, respect, listening with sensitivity and support the elderly takes place. Discussion: Dignity clarification in care lead to promoting more perception in caregivers from this concept in elderly people, on the other hand moral dimension attention and cause to increase quality in care. This manner cause to care providers support and the individual and their unique set the creation of this behavior will prevent the same old routine.مقدمه: امروزه با پیشرفت علوم و تکنولوژی به ویژه در زمینه پزشکی ـ روش‌های تشخیصی سال‌های انتظار زندگی در ایران از 60 به 80 سال افزایش یافته است. این امر سبب شده تا سالمندی به عنوان یک پدیده جهانی مورد توجه قرار گیرد. اکثر سالمندان از یک یا چند بیماری مزمن به طور همزمان رنج برده یا در مراکز مراقبتی ـ درمانی بستری می‌باشند. از طرفی سالمندی سبب پیدایش خصوصیات منحصر به فرد در سالمندان می‌گردد که ضرورت توجه به منزلت آن‌ها به عنوان یک نیاز اولیه مورد نظر است. لذا ارتباط با سالمندان شرایطی را می‌طلبد که مراقبت‌کنندگان تیم بهداشتی بایستی از آن مطلع باشند و یکی از مهم‌ترین این نیازها توجه به مفهوم منزلت سالمندان است. از این رو پژوهشگران، مطالعه مروری با هدف تعیین مفهوم منزلت سالمندان را انجام دادند. روش: به منظور دستیابی به اهداف پژوهشگران، به بررسی متون، منابع و مقالات مرتبط بین سال‌های 2000 تا 2012 که انگلیسی و فارسی زبان بوده و در Medline data base ، CINAHL ،  Web of Science،  Pro Quest C.S.A، Elsevier و Iranmedex با کلید واژه‌های dignity ، respect ، pensior elderly people ، senior citizen و nursing بررسی نمودند. از بین منابع موجود 27 منبع اختصاصی پرستاری انتخاب شدند و به روش مرور منظم گارارد مورد ارزشیابی، خلاصه‌نویسی و فیش‌برداری قرار گرفتند. یافته‌ها: یافته‌های مطالعه نشان داد مفهوم منزلت سالمند یک تجربه ذهنی و اخلاقی است که سالمند در وحله نخست به واسطه انسان‌بودن آن را دارا می‌باشد و روابط با دیگران می‌تواند آن را تهدید کرده یا ارتقا بخشد. مفهوم منزلت سالمندان به واسطه عواملی چون مراقبت فردگرایی و اختصاصی، بازگرداندن خودکنترلی و اختیار، استقلال، احترام، گوش‌دادن توأم با حساسیت و حمایت از سالمند شکل می‌گیرد. نتیجه‌گیری: واضح و شفاف‌سازی مفهوم منزلت در مراقبت از یک‌سو سبب آشنایی و درک هرچه بهتر مراقبت‌دهندگان از مفهوم مورد نظر در مورد سالمندان شده و از طرف دیگر سبب دامنه اخلاقی مراقبت را مورد توجه قرارداده و سبب ارتقای کیفیت مراقبت می‌گردد، به طوری که مراقبت‌دهندگان به شکل فردی و منحصر به فرد سالمندان را مورد حمایت خود قرار داده و این مسأله از ایجاد رفتارهای یکسان و روتین در سالمندان پیشگیری می‌نماید

    A Review Study on Effective Factors in Prevention of Falling and Osteoporosis Fracture in Elderly People

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    Background and Aim The geriatric process consists of stages of progressive and unrevisable changes during the life. This change starts from the age of 35 to 40, but usually a person over 60 years old is considered as elderly. With regard to the geriatric physiopathology process, osteoporosis and the following bone fracture caused by a fall, is one of the most common and serious problems in elderly people. Other important factors responsible for old people`s bedridden at hospital are respectively as follow: femoral fractures, sub durra hemorrhage, and injury or damage of brain. Only after being involved in a problem or injury the elders notice the risk factors and the ways to prevent them. Therefore, the investigation and recognition of precaution measures are necessary in case of osteoporosis and falling in elder people. The primary prevention of falling in elderly people is the prevention of osteoporosis. Therefore, screening of peripheral and central bone density is necessary for those who are at risk.The present article is a review study which has been prepared by gathering and reviewing thirty articles about recognition of risk factors and preventing osteoporosis and falling down in elderly people. From review of literature it was concluded that the following measures should be taken in order to prevent the elderly people from any kind of injury:A - Identification and Assessment of elderly people with high risk exposure B - Decreasing or eliminating the risk factors by:- Body & physical exercise - Taking tablets - Appropriate diet- Multiple intervention

    Frequency and causes of medication errors of nurses in

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    Background: Medication orders are an important part of the healing and patient care process. Considering theincreasing statistics of medication errors, a study was conducted to study the frequency, type, and causes ofmedication errors of nurses in medical and surgical wards in different shifts of educational hospitals affiliatedwith ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Science in 2012.Materials and Methods:This is a descriptive study conducted on 218 nurses working at medical and surgicalwards of educational hospitals affiliated with ShahidBeheshti University of Medical Science in 2012. Thesampling method was stratified. Data collection tools were questionnaires. The data was analyzed by SPSS18th version using descriptive statistics, two-sample tests, analysis of variance, and Pearson correlationcoefficient.Results: The average medication errors in one monthwas 31/6 casesper nurse. Gender and shiftwork weresignificantly related to medication errors so that the average medication errors more in men than in women.Furthermore Statistical significant difference was observed in the number of medication errors in differentshiftwork indicating that the average medication errors were the highest in the afternoon and night shifts. Theaverage of medication errors in night shift were more than morning shift while there was no differencebetween the morning shift and the rotation one. Wrong time error was the most frequent one in the study.According to nurses the most important factors in medication errors are high workload, lack of nurses perpatients in each ward, and fatigue.Conclusion:Based on the results of the study, it's necessary for nursing managers to pay more attention tological proportion of patient/staff at different wards, reduction of workload and reduction of nurses" workhours because these factors can lead to their fatigue and a fall in their concentration.Keywords: medication errors, nurses, and factor

    Incidence of intradialytic complications and their risk factors in patients undergoing hemodialysis in hospitals affiliated to Medical University of Hamadan Iran

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    Incidence of intradialytic complications and their risk factors in patients undergoing hemodialysis in hospitals affiliated to Medical University of Hamadan Iran Ghahri Sarabi, AR.1 (MSN); Torabi, M.2 (MSN); Abed Saeedi, Zh.3 (PhD); Akbarzadeh Baghban, A.4 (PhD) 1. Lecture, Dept. of Medical Surgical, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran. Iran.2. Alumnus, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Tehran. Iran3. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Medical Surgical, Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. 4. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biostatistics. Faculty of Paramedical, Shahid Beheshti  University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.    Abstract Background and aimHemodialysis is one the most common renal replacement therapies in end stage renal disease. Despite progress in dialysis technology, intradialytic complications occur frequently. The aim of this study was to determine the rate of intradialytic complications and their risk factors in patients undergoing hemodialysis in hospitals affiliated to Medical University of Hamedan Iran in 2009. Materials and methods192 patients undergoing hemodialysis participated in this descriptive correlational study. These patients were included in the study using census method. Data were collected by1- a questionnaire which consisted of 3 sections (demographic information, person – related factors and  therapy- related factors),2-a check list and  clinical examination ( blood pressure and weight measurement). Content validity of the questionnaire was assessed by 10 nursing experts, 5 staff of hemodialysis wards and 2 nephrologists. Reliability of check list was measured using inter-rater reliability (r=0.98). Data were collected by the second author. Data were analyzed by SPSS 15. Findings Findings showed that the most frequent complications include: hypotension (%15.1), muscle cramp(%11.5), nausea(%9.4), headache(%7.8), angina(%2.6), vomiting (%2.1) and itching(%1.6) respectively. Logistic regression analysis, showed a significant correlation between age and cramp (person – related causes) and a significant correlation between hypotension, cramp with vomiting and headache. Moreover, findings showed a significant correlation between nausea with eating  during dialysis (patient- related causes); and between hypotension with dialysis solution (therapy- related causes). ConclusionBased on the results of this study, most of intradialytic complications can be prevented. Use of these findings can improve the process of dialysis. Keywords: Hemodialysis, Intradialytic hemodialysis complications *Corresponding Author: Alireza Ghahri Sarabi, department of Medical-Surgical nursing, school of nursing and midwifery, Shahid beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]

    Violence toward nurses at emergency rooms (ERs) of hospitals of

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    AbstractBackground and AimER nurses are at risk of violence due to the nature of their job and confrontation with a variety ofpatients as well as heavy workload. This can, in turn, leads to decreased quality of care. Thisdescriptive study was conducted to identify prevalence and causes of violence toward nurses at ERsof hospitals affiliated with Medical Universities in Tehran.Methods100 nurses with at least 1 year continuous experience at ER were included in the study. Data werecollected by a questionnaire. The questionnaire contained items including demographics, frequencyand characteristics of violence at work (physical, verbal, nonverbal) and the factors involved.Content and test-retest as well as internal consistency (Cronbach’sU) methods were used forValidity and reliability of the questionnaire respectively. Data were analyzed by version 16 of SPSSpackage.FindingsThe most frequent type of violence was verbal (87%). The frequencies of nonverbal and physicalviolence were 70% and 28% respectively. The most common type of verbal violence was yelling(84%) and, in physical violence, it was throwing objects (33%). In nonverbal violence, insulting andthreatening look (64%) and hitting on the table were very common. Verbal (48.2%) and nonverbal(65.8%) violence was committed mostly over the past month of the study and at nights. The subjects(38%) experienced verbal violence up to 5 times. The most frequent cause of violence (77%) wasthe lack of control over entrance of patients’ relatives. chi test showed a significant relationshipbetween physical violence and night shifts (P<0.001) and between female sex of nurses and physicalviolence (P<0.005).ConclusionER nurses usually face with violence in a week and the most frequent types are verbal, nonverbaland physical, leading to decreased speed in delivering efficient care to patients and decreasedquality of health care resulted from it.Keywords: Violence, Nurse, Emergency rooms (ERs).Corresponding Author: Moshtagh Eshgh Z, Faculty Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Faculty ofNursing and Midwifery, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IranEmail: [email protected] SM et al (2002). Violence against nurses in health care facilities in Kuwait. International Journal of NursingStudies. 39 (4) 469-478-Astrom S et al (2004). Staff’s experience of and the management of violent incidents in elderly care. 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