24 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (Lks) Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing pada Materi Hidrolisis Garam

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    This research is aimed to produce Student's Activity Sheet (LKS) based on guided inquiry on salt hydrolysis and to know the students' response on developed Student's Activity Sheet. The method used in this research is Descriptive Study through three phases: preparation, development, and evaluation. An analysis of Basic Competence (KD) with indicators that had been integrated with Guided Inquiry stage for being used as reference in developing Student's Activity Sheet had been produced during the preparation stage. The development stage had produced worksheets that had been validated by 3 lecturers and 3 chemistry teacher. On the evaluation stage, the worksheets that had been validated was tested on 41 students of XI MIA 2 of SMAN 1 Parung. Products were validated and were responded basen on properness of contents, design, language, and guided inqury. The results showed that the worksheets had ben developed based on four aspects: 84,39% on design aspect, 81,47% on properness of contents aspects, 81,22% on guided inquiry aspect and 79,39% on language aspect. Overall, the average percentage of the worksheets that had been developed was 81,62%. That value included in the proper category with the very well criteria

    Kemungkinan Penggunaan Bahan Pengawet Zfk

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    Since CCA preservative was banned in Indonesia, alternative preservative should be searched. One of the preservative which has good fixation characteristic like CCA is ZFE. preservative that contain zink, fluor and chrom.The retention and penetration of ZFK in five Indonesian wood species were studied. The ZFK preservative was applied using soaking method for 3, 5 and 7 days, where the solution concentration applied was 5 % and 10%. Five wood species choosed in the experiment were damar (Agathis loranthifolia), keruing (Dipterocarpus caudiferus), jelutung (Dyera costulata), meranti merah (Shorea palembanica) and nyatoh (Palaquium leiocarpum).The lest results based on retention and penetration requirements for wood used under roof, and in the open air both without ground contact, showed that only two species, keruing and jelutung, could satisfactorily meet the standard under the experimental conditions, while other tree species (damar, meranti merah and nyatoh) do not comply with tire standard. For under roof and in the open air uses without ground contact keruing can be consecutively soaked for 7 days in Basilit ZFK solution of 10% , while jelutung for 5 days

    Pengawetan Tujuh Jenis Kayu secara Rendaman Dingin dengan Bahan Pengawet Impralit 16 SP dan Impralit Ckb

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    Tujuh jenis kayu dalam keadaan kering udara berukuran 5 x 5 x 50 cm, diawetkan dengan proses rendaman dingin menggunakan bahan pengawet lmpralit 16 SP dan lmpralit CKB. Lama rendaman dingin yang digunakan 3 dan 5 hari dengan konsentrasi larutan 5 % dan 10 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tujuh jenis kayu yang diieliti, dua jenis, yaitu sengon dan tusam, dapat diawetkan bahan pengawet Impralit 16 SP dengan kondisi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sedangkan Lima jenis kayu lainnya, yaitu damar, gmelina, rengas, sumpung dan suren, tidak ada yang mencapai persyaratan yang ditentukan. Dengan bahan pengawet Impralit CKB hanya berhasil baik pada satu jenis kayu, yaitu pada kayu tusam. Bahan pengawet lmpralit 16 SP dengan konsentrasi 10 % dan lama perendaman masing-masing 5 hari dan 3 hari hanya dapat digunakan mengawetkan kayu sengon dan tusam yang dipasang di bawah atap tanpa berhubungan dengan tanah. Kayu tusam yang digunakan di bawah atap dan di udara terbuka tanpa berhubungan dengan tanah dapat diawetkan bahan pengawet lmpralit CKB masing-masing dengan konsentrasi 5 % dan 10 % selama 5 hari dan 3 hari

    Pengawetan Tiga Jenis Kayu untuk Barang Kerajinan Memakai Dua Jenis Bahan Pengawet Bor secara Rendaman Dingin

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    Three Wood species, i.e. tusam (Pinus merkusii Junh. et De Vr.), karet (Hevea Brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) and jeungjing paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen) were treated with two bor preservatives using cold soaking method. The two preservatives used were borax at 5 % level and the mixture of borax and boric acid at 10 % level. The soaking periods were 1, 3, 5 and 7 days. Forty samples of the size 5 x 5 x 50 cm were used for each species and each treatment in thisn experiment. The avemge moisture content of the samples for each species were 29 .9 %, 31. 9% and 30.3% respectively.The results showed that two species, i.e. tusam and karet achieved the minimum standard on preservative retention and pentatiue. The required minimum retention for borex preservative is 8. 7 kg/m3, whereas for the mixture of borax and boric acid is 8.4 kg/m3. The required minimum penetration for both preservatives is 10 mm.The .study recommended that tusam should be treated in 5 days using borax preservative or 1 day using the mixture of borax and boric, both with cold soaking method. The treatment for karet was recommended to use the mixture of borax and boric acid within 3 days

    Pengawetan Lima Jenis Kayu Secara Rendaman Dingin Dengan Dua Jenis Bahan Pengawet Ccb (Cold Soaking Treatment of Five Wood Species Using Two Ccb Preservatives)

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    Wood Samples of five species measuring 3 cm x 3cm x 3cm (200 samples for each species) were treated with cold soaking treatment using Wolmanil CB and Diffusol CB preservatives for 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 days at the concentrations of 2, 4, 6, and 8 percent,The test result of experiment, after taking both retention and penetration requirements into concideration for wood used under roof, and in the open air both without ground contact, showed that only two species, Perupuk and keruing daun lebar, could be satisfactorily treated with Wolmanil CB under the experimental conditions, while other three species, damar kunyil, lanan and dungun, haven 't been meet the standar. Diffusol CB preservative showed a good result only on one species, i. e. Perupuk.Keruing daun lebar for under roof and in the open air USAge both without ground contact can be consecutively soaked for 7 days in Wolmanit CB solution of 6 and 8 percent, while Perupuk, only for under roof without ground contact, for 9 days in 8 percent solution. Perupuk used under roof and in the open air without ground contact could be soaked for 7 days in Diffusol CB solution of 4 and 6 percent

    Pengawetan Tiga Jenis Kayu secara Rendaman Dingin dengan Bahan Pengawet Boraks dan Asam Borat

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    Wood samples of three species measuring .3 cm x 3 cm x 3 cm (150 samples for each species) were treated with cold soaking treatment using borax and boric acid preservatives for 1,3,5, 7, and 9 days at the concentrations of 2,3, and 5 percent.The test result of experiment, after taking both retention and penetration requirements into consideration for wood used under roof without ground contact showed that only two species, damar kunyit and pulai, could be satisfactorily treated with Boric Acid under the experimental conditions, while other species, benuang, couldn't meet the standard. Borax preservative showed a good result only on one species. i.e. pulai.For under roof USAge without ground contact, pulai can be consecutively soaked for 9 and 7 days in boric acid solution of 3 and 5 percent, while in borax, for 5 and 3 days soaking time are 3 and 5 percent. Damar kunyit used under roof without ground contact could be soaked for 7 days in boric acid solution of 5 percent

    Pengawetan Kayu Sungkai (Peronema Canescens Jack) Memakai Dua Jenis Bahan Pengawet

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    Air dry sungkai (peronema canescens jack) wood samples, measuring 3 cm x 3 cm (432 samples) were treated with cold soaking treatment using wolmanit CB and Diffusol CB and diffusol CB preseruatibes for 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and 9 daya at the concentrations of 2, 4, 6, and 8 %. The results show ot the construction sungkai timber used under the root without soil contact can be treated with both preservatives at the concentration of 6 and 8 %. the soaking duration for each concentration was 9 and 4 days respectively for wolmanit CB preservative, and 7 and 6 days for diffusol CB. For out door construction without soil contact, the timbers should be treated by 8 % diffusol CB by soaking duration of 9 days

    Pengawetan Tujuh Jenis Kayu secara Rendaman Panas Dingin dengan Bahan Pengawet Impralit 16 SP dan Impralit Ckb

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    Bagan pengawetan bagi kayu Indonesia yang diawetkan secara rendaman panas dingin menggunakan bahan pengawet yang masih diizinkan baru diperoleh pada beberapa jenis saja. Penelitian lanjutan terhadap jenis kayu lain menggunakan berbagai bahan pengawet perlu dilakukan.Tujuh jenis kayu dalam keadaan kering udara berukuran 5 cm x 5 cm x 50 cm, diawetkan dengan proses rendaman panas dingin menggunakan bahan pengawet lmpralit 16 SP don lmpralit CKB dengan konsentrasi larutan 5 % dan 10 %. Lama rendaman panas yang digunakan 1 jam dan 3 jam dengan suhu antara 65 °C - 70 °C yang masing-masing diikuti rendaman dingin I hari.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tujuh jenis kayu yang diteliti, Lima jenis, yaitu damar,rengas, sengon, sumpung dan tusam, dapat diawetkan dengan kedua jenis bahan pengawet, sedangkan dua jenis kayu lainnya, yaitu melina dan suren, tidak ada yang mencapai persyaratan yang ditentukan. Dari percobaan ini dapat disusun bagan pengawetan yang dianjurkan untuk kelima jenis kayu tersebut