5 research outputs found

    Assessment Of The Vitamin B12 Status Of Pregnant Women And Their Infants

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    Aim:Vitamin B12 deficiency is an important problem in pregnancy because it affects not only mothers but also their infants. Although vitamin B12 deficiency is seen all over the world and all age groups, its frequency is much higher in population which has low socio-economic level. The aim of this study was to evaluate the maternal vitamin B12 status and their effect on neonatal vitamin B12 status and to detect risk factors for vitamin B12 deficiency in Bağcılar where is a low socio-economic region in Istanbul.Materials and Methods:A total of 71 pregnant women and 71 infants were included in this study between March 2016 and March 2017. Age, gender, weight, gestational age, weight gain during pregnancy, body mass index (BMI), number of parity, socio-economic status, diet, daily vitamin intake were recorded. Blood samples for whole blood count and vitamin B12 were taken all subjects. The pregnant women and newborns were divided into groups based on their vitamin B12 levels. The risk factors were analyzed for vitamin B12 deficiency.Results:The mean vitamin B12 level was 172.23±102 pg/ml for pregnant women. The number of pregnant women in deficient group (<200 pg/ml) were 73% and 46% of the mothers had a serum vitamin B12 level lower than 150 pg/ml. B12 level of pregnant women those who have consumed sufficient amount of animal products were found as significantly higher than the consumed insufficient (p=0.001). The mean vitamin B12 level of infants was found as 352.1±339.2 pg/ml and the number of infants in deficient group were 26.6%. Also, 14% of the infants had a serum vitamin B12 level lower than 150 pg/ml. There was no correlation between the mothers’ B12 level and newborns’ body measurements and gestational age.Conclusion:The prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in pregnant women in our region was very high and mainly cause was sub-optimal nutrition. Therefore, we suggest that the vitamin B12 status may be assess at the beginning of pregnancy in all women live in low socioeconomic region status

    Assessment Of The Vıtamın B12 Status Of Pregnant Women And Theır Infants

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    Vitamin B12 deficiency is an important problem in pregnancy because it affects not only mothers but also their infants. Although vitamin B12 deficiency is seen all over the world and all age groups, its frequency is much higher in population which has low socio-economic level. The aim of this study was to evaluate the maternal vitamin B12 status and their effect on neonatal vitamin B12 status and to detect risk factors for vitamin B12 deficiency inGebelerde vitamin B12 eksikliği yalnızca anneleri değil aynı zamanda bebeklerini de etkileyen önemli bir sağlık sorunudur. Her ne kadar vitamin B12 eksikliği tüm dünyada ve tüm yaş gruplarında görülse de sosyoekonomik düzeyi düşük toplumlarda görülme sıklığı daha yüksektir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, İstanbul’un sosyo-ekonomik düzeyi düşük bir bölgesi olan Bağcılar’da, gebe kadınların vitamin B12 düzeylerini belirlemek, annelerin vitamin B12 düzeyinin yenidoğan bebeklerin düzeyine etkisini ve vitamin B12 eksikliği için risk faktörlerini belirlemektir

    Evaluation of The Pediatric Forensic Cases Admitted to Emergency Department

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    AimThe aim of this study was to analyse the outcomes of pediatric forensic cases who admitted to the emergency department retrospectively. In addition, we also aimed to contribute to the national survey by determining the treatment results and comparing this data with the other studies.Materials and MethodsThe forensic pediatric cases records were reviewed retrospectively. The data including age, sex, presenting complaint and frequencies, discharge and mortality rates were recorded. Data were evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis, t-test and Mann-Whitney U tests. Values of p<0.05 were considered as significant.ResultsA total of 767 pediatric patients admitted to the emergency service and of these, 419 (54.6%) were forensic cases. The age interval and mean age were 0-18 years and 8.77±4.99, respectively. For forensic cases, 160 (38.1%) were female and 259 (61.9%) were male. The maximum number of admissions were in summer. When the causes of admissions were evaluated, the most common complaint was traffic accident (60.6%). Of all cases, 81% were discharged from the emergency department, whilst 12.1% of cases were hospitalized.ConclusionThe most of the pediatric forensic cases are arised from the preventable causes. Therefore, protective measures should be developed for providing a safe environment for children and education programmes for parents and children should be supported and expanded by national institutions

    Evaluation of Child Cases Admitted for Tick Bite and Tick Species in İstanbul

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    Aim:The Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF) is a tick-borne infection that has a high mortality. In Turkey, the total number of cases reported between 2002-2014 was 9.069 and 440 of them died. The aim of this study is to evaluate the demographic characteristics of the children with the complaint of tick bite and to determine the species of the ticks seen in İstanbul.Materials and Methods:A hundred sixty two tick bite cases were analyzed with respect to demographic, clinical and laboratory findings between January and December 2014. The blood samples for whole blood count, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and creatinine were obtained from all cases and they were followed up for 10 days. The ticks removed from patients were classified by the Department of Parasitology in the Veterinary Faculty of İstanbul University.Results:The mean age of the patients was 6.1±3.7 years and 76% of them were male. Eighty four (52%) of the cases had additional complaints other than tick bite. The most frequently complaints were nausea/vomiting (26%), fever (19%) and cough (14%). We found that 34 (20%) of them had abnormal laboratory results such as elevated liver enzymes, leukocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and prolonged prothrombin time. August was the month in which most patients applied (56 cases, 34%). The regions of body that were most bitten by the ticks were the extremities (35.8%). The total number of larvae, nymphs and adult ticks were found as 4, 88 and 14 respectively.Conclusion:This study showed that the tick species in the İstanbul province were largely different from the species causing CCHF. Although the incidence of CCHF in İstanbul is lower than in other regions of Turkey, children and their families who live in or travel to rural areas in Istanbul should be informed about this disease

    Evaluation of The Pediatric Forensic Cases Admitted to Emergency Department

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    Amaç Bu çalışmanın amacı, acil servise başvuran adli nitelikli çocuk hastaların retrospektif analizini yapmak, tedavi sonuçlarını saptamak ve diğer çalışmalar ile karşılaştırarak ülke verilerine katkıda bulunmaktır. Materyal ve Metot Adli nitelikli çocuk hastaların dosya bilgileri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Yaş, cinsiyet, başvuru sebepleri ve sıklıkları, yatış, taburculuk ve mortalite oranları gibi özellikleri kaydedildi. Bulunan sonuçlar tanımlayıcı yöntemler, Kruskal-Wallis testi, t-testi ve Mann-Whitney U testi kullanılarak % 5 anlamlılık düzeyinde değerlendirildi. P <0.05 olan değerler anlamlı olarak kabul edildi. Bulgular Acil servise başvuran 767 adli olgunun 419’unu (%54,6) çocuk yaş grubundaki olgular oluşturmakta idi. Yaş aralığı 0-18 arasında olup yaş ortalaması 8,77± 4,99 olarak bulundu. Adli olguların 160’ının kız (%38,1) ve 259’unun erkek (%61,9) olduğu tespit edildi. Olguların sayısının yaz aylarında en fazla olduğu belirlendi. Olguların başvuru nedenleri incelendiğinde trafik kazalarının (%60,6) ilk sırayı aldığı görülmekte idi. Başvuran olguların tedavi sonuçlarına bakıldığında %81’inin ayaktan tedavi edildiği, %12,1’inin yatarak tedavi gördüğü tespit edildi. Sonuç Çocuk adli olguların büyük bir kısmı önlenebilir nedenlerden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu nedenle olguların sıklığını azaltmak için koruyucu önlemler alınarak güvenli bir çevre sağlanmalı, ailelerin ve çocukların etkin olarak katılacağı eğitim ve bilinçlendirme faaliyetleri sosyal kurumlar tarafından desteklenerek yaygınlaştırılmalıdır.Aim The aim of this study was to analyse the outcomes of pediatric forensic cases who admitted to the emergency department retrospectively. In addition, we also aimed to contribute to the national survey by determining the treatment results and comparing this data with the other studies. Materials and Methods The forensic pediatric cases records were reviewed retrospectively. The data including age, sex, presenting complaint and frequencies, discharge and mortality rates were recorded. Data were evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis, ttest and Mann-Whitney U tests. Values of p<0.05 were considered as significant. Results A total of 767 pediatric patients admitted to the emergency service and of these, 419 (54.6%) were forensic cases. The age interval and mean age were 0-18 years and 8.77±4.99, respectively. For forensic cases, 160 (38.1%) were female and 259 (61.9%) were male. The maximum number of admissions were in summer. When the causes of admissions were evaluated, the most common complaint was traffic accident (60.6%). Of all cases, 81% were discharged from the emergency department, whilst 12.1% of cases were hospitalized. Conclusion The most of the pediatric forensic cases are arised from the preventable causes. Therefore, protective measures should be developed for providing a safe environment for children and education programmes for parents and children should be supported and expanded by national institutions