777 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Indeks Global, Indeks Regional, dan Harga Minyak Dunia terhadap Produk Indeks Hangseng pada Bursa Berjangka Jakarta

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    The main issue of this study is to examine the linkages stock markets are increasingly integrated world. The idea of this study appears on the basis of empirical research which gives the conclusion that there are linkages between the stock markets of the world. Therefore need a deeper assessment associated with HSI products on the Jakarta Futures Exchange. The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical evidence about the relationship of the S & P 500 Index, the FTSE Index, SSE Index, KOSPI and World Oil Prices on HSI products. The design of this study is the quantitative approach .. The analysis tool is used Normality Test Data, Test Assumptions Classical and continued with Multiple Regression testing. The study population is a world stock index (S & P 500, FTSE, SSE, KOSPI, HSI) and World Oil Prices. Object of study is the time period of 2008 to 2012. The results showed that the S & P 500 Index, SSE Index and KOSPI affect while the HSI Index and the FTSE Index and World Oil prices have no effect on the HSI Index. And the dominant factor in influencing the HSI Index was KOSPI Index

    Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (Kbk-kkni) (Model Rekonstruksi Madin)

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    Attempts to match the profiles of graduate with the level of competence in accordance to KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia/ Indonesian Qualification Framework) which is issued in 2012, raised a question how about the competence of graduate from Madrasah Diniyah (Religious School). With its large quantity, the position of Madrasah Diniyah (Madin) is still on the sideline. This is due to its conventional approach and exclusiveness. Therefore, developing the potential of Madin institutionally through curriculum reconstruction is urgently needed. The writer found that the KBK KKNI can be the right instrument for this purpose, because the tracer study results are based on the profile of the profession which will directly give impact on institutional development

    Istinbâth Ahkâm Siyâsah Pada Kisah Bilqis Dalam Al-qur\u27an

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    In the Qur\u27an there are so many verses that clearly describe the ahkâm siyâsah, especially the law of war. in fact, according to experts of Qur\u27anic study, the verse that laden a law of war is one indication of Madâniyah verse. We can take example of ahkâm siyâsah verses in the Quran such as the first license of war (22:39) verse, the use of arms (8:60) verse, tactical deployment of troops (4:71), and determination the ally of war (60:1)verse. however, the very debatable issue in Qur\u27an is about jurisprudence that describe the way to assess istinbâth ahkâm siyâsah which will be discussed in this paper as it will refer to the story of bilqis. Tedapat beberapa ayat-ayat Qur\u27an yang menggambarkan dengan jelas tentang ahkâm siyâsah terutama hukum perang. Pada dasarnya, menurut para ahli dibidang kajian ilmu Qur\u27an, ayat yang menyatakan hukum perang adalah salah satu indikasi dari ayat madaniyah. kita dapat mengambil contoh dari ahkâm siyâsah dalam Qur\u27an sebagaimana kebolehan berperang pertama kali (22:39), penggunaan pasukan perang (8:60), taktik perang (4:71) dan penentuan dilaksanakannya perang (60:1). Akan tetapi, persoalan yang paling diperdebatkan adalah tentang yurisprudensi yang menjelaskan cara istinbâth ahkâm siyâsah yang akan didiskusikan dalam tulisan ini yang merujuk pada kisah Ratu Bilqis

    Praktek Mawah melalui Mudharabah dalam Masyarakat Aceh

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    Mawah of Mudharabah is a Syariah-based economic system in Aceh. It has been developed and practiced by the Aceh community since the 16th century long before Indonesian dependence. The problems answered in this study were how Mudharabah/Mawah practice was implemented in Ingin Jaya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District, how Mawah law in Islam is, how Mawah problem was solved when a dispute occurred in Ingin Jaya. Ta\u27awun (assisting) theory and ‘Urf theory, Justice theory and Mashlahat theory were the related theories used in this study. By using an empirical juridicial approach the study was conducted by meeting the study respondents and informants to interview them directly. The study found that the practice of Mawah is in accordance with the practice of Syariah Islam so called Mudharabah, a practice which is legally based on Al-Quran and Hadits. The study suggested to improve and sustain Mawah activity as it is very useful in helping the community livelihood
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