240 research outputs found
Tinjauan Yuridis Kepemilikan Tanah Absentee Dikaji dari Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok Agraria
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Kedudukan Kepemilikan Tanah Absentee ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Pokok Agraria dan bagaimana Penerapan Dari Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Pokok Agraria terhadap Tanah Yang Dimiliki Secara Absentee. Dengan menggunkan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dsimpulkan: 1. Kepemilikan tanah secara Absentee memang memunculkan fenomena dalam dunia hukum, hal ini dikarenakan kepemilikan tanah secara Absentee bertentangan dengan sejumlah aturan yang ada dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok Agraria. Akan tetapi di sisi lain kepemilikan tanah secara Absentee apalagi yang diperoleh dari hasil jual-beli merupakan sesuatu yang secara normatif tidak bertentangan pula dengan hukum ada umumnya, baik hukum materil Perdata maupun aturan-aturan lain yang mengatur tentang kepemilikan, sehingga perpindahan hak oleh karena suatu perikatan yang sah secara Undang-undang diantara kedua bela pihak maka sah juga secara hukum untuk dapat memiliki tanah Absentee. 2. Melaksanakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960 Tentang Peraturan Dasar Pokok Agraria, maka dalam Pasal 3 ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 224 Tahun 1961 Jo. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 41 Tahun 1964 menentukan sebagai berikut: “pemilik tanah pertanian yang bertempat tinggal di luar kecamatan tempat letak tanahnya, dalam jangka waktu enam bulan wajib mengalihkan hak atas tanahnya kepada orang lain dikecamatan tempat letak tanah itu atau pindah ke kecamatan letak tanah teersebut”. Kemudian pada intin pokok dari undang-undang tersebut adalah kepemilikan tanah pertanian oleh orang yang berada di tempat luar kecamatan tempat letak tanahnya. Namun larangan tersebut tidak berlaku terhadap pemilik yang bertempat tinggal di kecamatan yang berbatasan dengan kecamatan tempat letak tanah yang bersangkutan, asal jarak antara tempat tinggal pemilik itu dan tanahnya menurut pertimbangan pada waktu itu masih memungkinkan untuk mengerjakan tanahnya secara efisien
Ketidakadilan Gender Dalam Novel Namaku Matahari Karya Remy Sylado: Kajian Feminisme
The purpose of this study were (1) describe the forms of injustice gender in the novel Namaku Mata Hari by Remy Sylado, (2) describe the factors that cause gender inequality in the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado. The data in this study is a sentence, paragraph or section that contains a novel about gender inequality in the work of the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado, sources of data in this study is novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado works published by Scholastic Press PT. Techniques of data collection is done by stages; read carefully the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado, identifying each part of the novel that support injustice gender form, classifying data, conduct library research, inventory data using the format of the data inventory. The findings of the study first is the forms of injustice gender in the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado are: (1) the marginalization of women, (2) the subordination of women, (3) stereotypes of women, (4) violence against women, (5) double burden against women, and (6) discrimination against women. Second, the factors that cause gender inequality in the novel NamakuMata Hari by Remy Sylado are (1) factor of public confidence in the myth, (2) factors of rationality, (3) factors patriarchy and (4) factor of the capitalist system
Citra Perempuan Dalam Novel Bunga-bunga Rindu Karya Badri Wahab
This research means to describe the image of women in the novel of Bunga-bunga Rindu by Badri Wahab, that (a) the image of women in term of phsical, (b) the image of women in trem of psychic, and (c) the image of women in trem of social development. This data of reseach is the image of women in the novel of Bunga-bunga Rindu by Badri Wahab iscreated by Libri Publizer in 2008. Based on the analysis of data are found that: (a) the image of women in trem of psycal is beutiful women, (b) the image of women in trem of psychic is diligent and smart women, (c) the image of women in trem of social can see from embrace of a women figure that: (1) as a wife, (2) as a child, (3) as a mother, (4) as a sister, (5) as a friend, (6) as a doktor, (7) as a sister in law, (8) as a house kieper, (9)as a sister in law, (10) as a teacher, (11) and as a mother in law
Citra Tokoh Wanita Dalam Novel Aku Bukan Budak Karya Astina Triutami
The purpose of this article to describe the image of women in novel Aku Bukan Budak by Astina Triutami, the review of the two aspects , namely (a) the image of women as individuals and, (b) the image of women as members of society. The data of this study are sentences or section of novel text about the image of women. Analyzing techniques (1) described the structure of the novel Aku Bukan Budak by Astina Triutami, (2) classify data relating to the images of women, (3) interpret the data relating to the images of women, (4) analyze and inventory of data relating to the images of women, (5) concluded the research of data, (6) writing the report. The study\u27s findings that the image of women in novel Aku Bukan Budak by Astina Ttiutami is the image of women as an individuals involves the images of women patient, graceful, kindly and as members of the society that includes concern for others, and relationship with environment and other people
Prevalence and determinants of adolescent tobacco smoking in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Abstract Background Tobacco smoking is a growing public health problem in the developing world. There is paucity of data on smoking and predictors of smoking among school-going adolescents in most of sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, the aim of this study is to estimate the prevalence of smoking and its associations among school-going adolescents in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Methods Data from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2003 were used to determine smoking prevalence, determinants, attitudes to, and exposure to tobacco advertisements among adolescents. Results Of the 1868 respondents, 4.5% males and 1% females reported being current smokers (p Conclusion Prevalence of smoking among adolescents in Ethiopia is lower than in many other African countries. There is however need to strengthen anti-tobacco messages especially among adolescents.</p
Crop phenology and productivity of upland rice/legume intercropping systems
Sole and intercrop rice had almost similar leaf, stem, and total dry matter, indicating that planting pattern did not affect the biomass production of the crop. The sole soybean and the sole pigeonpea produced higher dry matter than that of their respective intercrops because of a higher LAI and consequently higher light interception. Yield of the rice was relatively poor. The sole rice gave slightly higher yield than the intercrop. The sole soybean and sole pigeonpea also gave higher yields than their respective intercrops. Intercropped pigeonpea in the (3:1) ratio gave highest partial LER (0.98). The intercrop of rice with pigeonpea in the (5:1) ratio gave highest total LER (1.53) indicating a yield advantage of (53%) over the sole crop. When comparing root length of the crops, the intercropped rice with soybean gave highest partial LER (0.98). The intercrop of rice and soybean gave a total LER of (1.88), indicating 88% of root growth advantage over the sole crop
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