8 research outputs found

    Discovery of novel natural products as dual MNK/PIM inhibitors for acute myeloid leukemia treatment: Pharmacophore modeling, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics studies

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    MNK-2 and PIM-2 kinases play an indispensable role in cell proliferation signaling pathways linked to tyrosine kinase inhibitors resistance. In this study, pharmacophore modeling studies have been conducted on the co-crystalized ligands of MNK-2 and PIM-2 enzyme crystal structures to determine the essential features required for the identification of potential dual inhibitors. The obtained pharmacophore features were then screened against a library of 270,540 natural products from the ZINC database. The matched natural molecules were docked into the binding sites of MNK-2 and PIM-2 enzymes. The compounds with high docking scores with the two enzymes were further subjected to MM-GBSA calculations and ADME prediction. This led to the identification of compound 1 (ZINC000085569211), compound 2 (ZINC000085569178), and compound 3 (ZINC000085569190), with better docking scores compared to the reference co-crystallized ligands of MNK-2 and PIM-2. Moreover, compounds 1‒3 displayed better MM-GBSA binding free energies compared to the reference ligands. Finally, molecular dynamics (MD) study was used to assess the interaction stability of the compounds with MNK-2. To this end, compounds 1 and 3 bound strongly to the target during the whole period of MD simulation. The findings of the current study may further help the researchers in the discovery of novel molecules against MNK-2 and PIM-2

    Integrating computational methods guided the discovery of phytochemicals as potential Pin1 inhibitors for cancer: pharmacophore modeling, molecular docking, MM-GBSA calculations and molecular dynamics studies

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    Pin1 is a pivotal player in interactions with a diverse array of phosphorylated proteins closely linked to critical processes such as carcinogenesis and tumor suppression. Its axial role in cancer initiation and progression, coupled with its overexpression and activation in various cancers render it a potential candidate for the development of targeted therapeutics. While several known Pin1 inhibitors possess favorable enzymatic profiles, their cellular efficacy often falls short. Consequently, the pursuit of novel Pin1 inhibitors has gained considerable attention in the field of medicinal chemistry. In this study, we employed the Phase tool from Schrödinger to construct a structure-based pharmacophore model. Subsequently, 449,008 natural products (NPs) from the SN3 database underwent screening to identify compounds sharing pharmacophoric features with the native ligand. This resulted in 650 compounds, which then underwent molecular docking and binding free energy calculations. Among them, SN0021307, SN0449787 and SN0079231 showed better docking scores with values of −9.891, −7.579 and −7.097 kcal/mol, respectively than the reference compound (−6.064 kcal/mol). Also, SN0021307, SN0449787 and SN0079231 exhibited lower free binding energies (−57.12, −49.81 and −46.05 kcal/mol, respectively) than the reference ligand (−37.75 kcal/mol). Based on these studies, SN0021307, SN0449787, and SN0079231 showed better binding affinity that the reference compound. Further the validation of these findings, molecular dynamics simulations confirmed the stability of the ligand-receptor complex for 100 ns with RMSD ranging from 0.6 to 1.8 Å. Based on these promising results, these three phytochemicals emerge as promising lead compounds warranting comprehensive biological screening in future investigations. These compounds hold great potential for further exploration regarding their efficacy and safety as Pin1 inhibitors, which could usher in new avenues for combating cancer

    Unlocking the potential of approved drugs for the allosteric inhibition of tropomyosin-receptor kinase A using molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies

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    Tropomyosin-receptor kinase A (TrkA) is the primary isoform among the tropomyosin-receptor kinases that have been associated with human cancer development, contributing to approximately 7.4% of all cancer cases. TrkA represents an attractive target for cancer treatment; however, currently available TrkA inhibitors face limitations in terms of resistance development and potential toxicity. Hence, the objective of this study was to identify new allosteric-approved inhibitors of TrkA that can overcome these challenges and be employed in cancer therapy. To achieve this goal, a screening of 9,923 drugs from the ChEMBL database was conducted to assess their repurposing potential using molecular docking. The top 49 drug candidates, exhibiting the highest docking scores (−11.569 to −7.962 kcal/mol), underwent MM-GBSA calculations to evaluate their binding energies. Delanzomib and tibalosin, the top two drugs with docking scores of −10.643 and −10.184 kcal/mol, respectively, along with MM-GBSA dG bind values of −67.96 and −50.54 kcal/mol, were subjected to 200 ns molecular dynamic simulations, confirming their stable interactions with TrkA. Based on these findings, we recommend further experimental evaluation of delanzomib and tibalosin to determine their potential as allosteric inhibitors of TrkA. These drugs have the potential to provide more effective and less toxic therapeutic alternatives. The approach employed in this study, which involves repurposing drugs through molecular docking and molecular dynamics, serves as a valuable tool for identifying novel drug candidates with distinct therapeutic uses. This methodology can contribute to reducing the attrition rate and expediting the process of drug discovery

    Repurposing of approved drugs for targeting CDK4/6 and aromatase protein using molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies.

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    Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality worldwide, with the highest incidence among women. Among the various subtypes of breast cancer, estrogen-receptor positive (ER+) is the most diagnosed. Estrogen upregulates cyclin D1, which in turn promotes the activity of CDK4/6 and facilitates cell cycle progression. To address this, the first-line treatment for ER+ breast cancer focuses on inhibiting estrogen production by targeting aromatase, the enzyme responsible for the rate-limiting step in estrogen synthesis. Thus, combining CDK4/6 inhibitors with aromatase inhibitors has emerged as a crucial treatment strategy for this type of breast cancer. This approach effectively suppresses estrogen biosynthesis and controls uncontrolled cell proliferation, significantly improving overall survival rates and delayed disease progression. This study aimed to identify compounds that are likely to inhibit CDK4/6 and aromatase simultaneously by using a structure-based drug design strategy. 12,432 approved and investigational drugs were prepared and docked into the active site of CDK6 using HTVS and XP docking modes of Glide resulting in 277 compounds with docking scores ≤ -7 kcal/mol. These compounds were docked into aromatase enzyme using XP mode to give seven drugs with docking scores≤ -6.001 kcal/mol. Furthermore, the shortlisted drugs were docked against CDK4 showing docking scores ranging from -3.254 to -8.254 kcal/mol. Moreover, MM-GBSA for the top seven drugs was calculated. Four drugs, namely ellagic acid, carazolol, dantron, and apomorphine, demonstrated good binding affinity to all three protein targets CDK4/6 and aromatase. Specifically, they exhibited favourable binding free energy with CDK6, with values of -51.92, -53.90, -50.22, and -60.97 kcal/mol, respectively. Among these drugs, apomorphine displayed the most favourable binding free energy with all three protein targets. To further evaluate the stability of the interaction, apomorphine was subjected to a 100 ns molecular dynamics simulation with CDK6. The results indicated the formation of a stable ligand-protein complex. While the results obtained from the MM-GBSA calculation of the binding free energies of the MD conformations of apomorphine showed less favourable binding free energy compared to that obtained post-docking. All these computational findings will provide better structural insight for the development of CDK4/6 and aromatase multi-target inhibitors

    Utilization of computational methods for the identification of new natural inhibitors of human neutrophil elastase in inflammation therapy

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    Human neutrophil elastase (HNE) plays a crucial role in causing tissue damage in various chronic and inflammatory disorders, making it a target for treating inflammatory diseases. While some inhibitors of HNE’s activity have been identified, only a few have made it to clinical trials. In this study, computational methods were employed to identify potential natural products (NPs) capable of targeting the active site of HNE. The protein–ligand complex has been used to generate a pharmacophore model. A library of 449,008 NPs from the SN3 database was screened against the generated model, resulting in 29,613 NPs that matched the pharmacophore hypothesis. These compounds were docked into the protein active site, resulting in the identification of six promising NPs with better docking scores than the bound ligand to HNE. The top two NPs (SN0338951 and SN0436937) were further evaluated for their interaction stability with HNE through molecular dynamics simulations. Further, the pharmacokinetics and toxicity properties of these compounds were predicted. The results indicated that these two compounds have stable interactions with HNE, as well as, acceptable pharmacokinetic properties. These findings pave the path for further in vitro and in vivo studies of SN0338951 and SN0436937 as promising agents against inflammatory diseases

    Assessing the antibacterial potential of 6-gingerol: Combined experimental and computational approaches

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    The rise of antibiotic resistance in bacteria is becoming a global concern, particularly due to the dwindling supply of new antibiotics. This situation mandates the discovery of new antimicrobial candidates. Plant-derived natural compounds have historically played a crucial role in the development of antibiotics, serving as a rich source of substances possessing antimicrobial properties. Numerous studies have supported the reputation of 6-gingerol, a prominent compound found in the ginger family, for its antibacterial properties. In this study, the antibacterial activities of 6-gingerol were evaluated against Gram-negative bacteria, Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae, with a particular focus on the clinically significant Gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Furthermore, the anti-virulence activities were assessed in vitro, in vivo, and in silico. The current findings showed that 6-gingerol’s antibacterial activity is due to its significant effect on the disruption of the bacterial cell membrane and efflux pumps, as it significantly decreased the efflux and disrupted the cell membrane of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa. Furthermore, 6-gingerol significantly decreased the biofilm formation and production of virulence factors in S. aureus and P. aeruginosa in concentrations below MICs. The anti-virulence properties of 6-gingerol could be attributed to its capacity to disrupt bacterial virulence-regulating systems; quorum sensing (QS). 6-Gingerol was found to interact with QS receptors and downregulate the genes responsible for QS. In addition, molecular docking, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation results indicated that 6-gingerol showed a comparable binding affinity to the co-crystalized ligands of different P. aeruginosa QS targets as well as stable interactions during 100 ns MD simulations. These findings suggest that 6-gingerol holds promise as an anti-virulence agent that can be combined with antibiotics for the treatment of severe infections

    Identification of Novel Natural Dual HDAC and Hsp90 Inhibitors for Metastatic TNBC Using e-Pharmacophore Modeling, Molecular Docking, and Molecular Dynamics Studies

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    Breast cancer (BC) is one of the main types of cancer that endangers women’s lives. The characteristics of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) include a high rate of recurrence and the capacity for metastasis; therefore, new therapies are urgently needed to combat TNBC. Dual targeting HDAC6 and Hsp90 has shown good synergistic effects in treating metastatic TNBC. The goal of this study was to find potential HDAC6 and Hsp90 dual inhibitors. Therefore, several in silico approaches have been used. An e-pharmacophore model generation based on the HDAC6-ligand complex and subsequently a pharmacophore-based virtual screening on 270,450 natural compounds from the ZINC were performed, which resulted in 12,663 compounds that corresponded to the obtained pharmacophoric hypothesis. These compounds were docked into HDAC6 and Hsp90. This resulted in the identification of three compounds with good docking scores and favorable free binding energy against the two targets. The top three compounds, namely ZINC000096116556, ZINC000020761262, and ZINC000217668954, were further subjected to ADME prediction and molecular dynamic simulations, which showed promising results in terms of pharmacokinetic properties and stability. As a result, these three compounds can be considered potential HDAC6 and Hsp90 dual inhibitors and are recommended for experimental evaluation

    Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics Studies Reveal the Anticancer Potential of Medicinal-Plant-Derived Lignans as MDM2-P53 Interaction Inhibitors

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    The interaction between the tumor suppressor protein p53 and its negative regulator, the MDM2 oncogenic protein, has gained significant attention in cancer drug discovery. In this study, 120 lignans reported from Ferula sinkiangensis and Justicia procumbens were assessed for docking simulations on the active pocket of the MDM2 crystal structure bound to Nutlin-3a. The docking analysis identified nine compounds with higher docking scores than the co-crystallized reference. Subsequent AMDET profiling revealed satisfactory pharmacokinetic and safety parameters for these natural products. Three compounds, namely, justin A, 6-hydroxy justicidin A, and 6′-hydroxy justicidin B, were selected for further investigation due to their strong binding affinities of −7.526 kcal/mol, −7.438 kcal/mol, and −7.240 kcal/mol, respectively, which surpassed the binding affinity of the reference inhibitor Nutlin-3a (−6.830 kcal/mol). To assess the stability and reliability of the binding of the candidate hits, a molecular dynamics simulation was performed over a duration of 100 ns. Remarkably, the thorough analysis demonstrated that all the hits exhibited stable molecular dynamics profiles. Based on their effective binding to MDM2, favorable pharmacokinetic properties, and molecular dynamics behavior, these compounds represent a promising starting point for further refinement. Nevertheless, it is essential to synthesize the suggested compounds and evaluate their activity through in vitro and in vivo experiments