30 research outputs found

    Computational fluid dynamics simulation of surge in a three stage axial compressor

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    A three dimensional unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes solver was used to perform multistage unsteady simulations of a three and half stage compressor. Previously published research presented the simulation of the same compressor with mal-scheduling of the variable stator vanes (VSV) and predicted a rotating stall pattern in all stages. The nominal VSV schedule compressor was simulated to provide a reference case for comparison purposes. The compressor’s behaviour in the nominal case seemed to behave against conventional wisdom with mass flow and pressure fluctuations representing compressor surge. However further analysis showed that inherent design feature in the compressor which had a highly loaded third stator was the primary cause of surge initiation, a situation which was eased with mal-scheduling by unloading that stator. Full analysis of the simulation results of the nominal case and discussion are presented in this paper

    Using a Cubic Equation of State to Identify Optimal Working Fluids for an ORC Operating with Two-Phase Expansion Using a Twin-Screw Expander

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    For waste-heat recovery applications, operating an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with two-phase expansion has been shown to increase the utilisation of the waste-heat stream, leading to a higher power output compared to a conventional ORC with single-phase expansion. However, unlike the conventional ORC, working-fluid selection for an ORC operating with two-phase expansion has not been explored in detail within the literature. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to explore which working-fluid parameters make a particular working fluid suitable for this type of cycle. This is conducted by coupling a thermodynamic model of the cycle with the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state. Moreover, the effect of the expander volumetric ratio on the expander isentropic efficiency is accounted for using a performance model for a twin-screw expander. Ultimately, the adopted approach allows the effect of the working-fluid parameters, namely the critical temperature and ideal specific-heat capacity, on both the expander performance and the cycle to be evaluated in a generalised way. For the investigation, 15 theoretical working fluids are defined, covering five different critical temperatures, with a negatively-sloped, vertical and positively-sloped saturated vapour line respectively. The 15 working fluids are selected as they represent the feasible design space occupied by existing ORC working fluids. For each fluid, a cycle optimisation is completed for different heat-source temperatures ranging between 80 and 200 °C. The objective is to identify the optimal cycle operating conditions that result in maximum power output from the system. By analysing the results, the optimal characteristics of a working fluid are obtained, and this information can be used to identify physical working fluids which are good candidates for a particular heat-source temperature. In the final part of this paper, the cycle optimisation is repeated for the physical working fluids identified, thus validating the suitability of the approach developed. Ultimately, the results can help to narrow down the search space when considering working fluids for an ORC operating with two-phase expansion


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    ABSTRACT Fan blades of high bypass ratio gas turbine engines are subject to substantial aerodynamic and centrifugal loads, producing the well-known phenomenon of fan blade untwist. The accurate prediction of the running geometry, as opposed to the cold geometry at rest, is crucial in the assessment of aerodynamic performance, vibratory response and noise production of the fan. The situation is further complicated by the fact that some geometric variation is inevitable even for the state-ofthe-art manufacturing processes used. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of static stagger variability on the dynamic untwist behaviour of fan assemblies. An aeroelastic model was used to show that under certain conditions the stagger pattern changes significantly, both in form and amplitude, relative to the static configuration. At other conditions, a strong correlation between the running and static patterns is demonstrated. [Keywords: stagger variability, stagger pattern, untwist

    Numerical investigation of VSVs mal-schedule effects in a three-stage axial compressor

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    Variable Stator Vanes (VSVs) are commonly used in multi-stage axial compressors for stage matching at part load operations and during start up. Improper VSVs settings or malfunction of the controlling actuator system can lead to compressor instabilities including rotating stall and surge. It is important to be able to predict the aerodynamic behaviour of compressors in such events to either produce tolerant designs or incorporate diagnosis and recovery systems. This paper presents a numerical study of a compressor operating near the stall boundary for a mal-scheduled VSVs case. A high-speed three-stage axial compressor with Inlet Guide Vanes (IGV) is used in the investigation because of its relative simplicity and availability of geometry and aerodynamic data. A 3D RANS viscous unsteady time-accurate flow solver was used to perform the full annulus simulation with a downstream variable nozzle to control outflow boundary conditions. The unstructured mesh contained about 25 million grid points and the simulation was performed on a high performance computing cluster for many engine rotations. Rotating stall with one single cell covering several passages in all three rotors was predicted which propagated at approximately half of the shaft speed. Full analysis of the flow features is presented in the paper

    Effects of blade damage on the performance of a transonic axial compressor rotor

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    Gas turbine axial compressor blades may encounter damage during service for various reasons. Debris from casing or foreign objects may impact blades causing damage near the rotor’s tip. This may result in deterioration of performance and reduction in the surge margin. Ability to assess the effect of damaged blades on the compressor performance and stability is important at both the design stage and in service. The damage to compressor blades breaks the cyclic symmetry of the compressor assembly. Thus computations have to be performed using the whole annulus. Moreover, if rotating stall or surge occurs, the downstream boundary conditions are not known and simulations become difficult. This paper presents an unsteady CFD analysis of compressor performance with tip curl damage. Tip curl damage typically occurs when rotor blades hit a loose casing liner. The computations were performed up to the stall boundary, predicting rotating stall patterns. The aim is to assess the effect of blade damage on stall margin and provide better understanding of the flow behaviour during rotating stall. Computations for the undamaged rotor are also performed for comparison. A transonic axial compressor rotor is used for the time-accurate numerical unsteady flow simulations, with a variable choked nozzle downstream simulating an experimental throttle. One damaged blade was introduced in the rotor assembly and computations were performed at 60% of the design rotational speed. It was found that there is no significant effect on the compressor stall margin due to one damaged blade despite the differences in rotating stall patterns between the undamaged and damaged assemblies