17 research outputs found

    Growth and Fruit Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) under Different Levels of Phosphorus Fertilization

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    Having substantial and working knowledge on phosphorus fertilization is a pre-requisite to profitable tomato production. Thus, the present research was conducted to determine the optimum phosphorus (P) fertilizer rate for better fruit yield of tomato in Ilorin, a location in the Southern Guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. Five levels of phosphorus (0, 30, 60, 90 and120kgP/ha) were tested on UC82B tomato variety. The experiment waslaid out in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Data were collected on plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and number of branches at different growth stages while data on fruit yield as well as its components were collected at harvest. Results showed that application of 30kgP/ha produced plants with the highest leaf area. The control and 30kgP/ha produced the highest number of leaves. Application of 90kgP/ha and 120kgP/ha resulted in production of highest number of fruits while application of 90kgP/ha alone resulted in production of the tallest plants, highest number of branches and highest fruit yield. The yield was 66% better than the control. It was, therefore, concluded that 90kgP/ha should be used for optimum tomato fruit production in the agro-ecological zone of the research and places with the same climatic and edaphic conditions. Keywords: Phosphorus fertilization, tomato, growth improvement and fruit yiel

    Influence of organic, inorganic and organo-mineral fertilizers on yield and quality of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the yield and quality of sweet potato under the influence inorganic fertilizer (NPK 15:15:15) at the recommended rate of 130kg/ha, organic fertilizer (Pace Setter) at the recommended rate of 3t/ha and organo-mineral fertilizer (combination of NPK 15:15:15 and Pacesetter organic fertilizer) at the rate of 1.5 t/ha. The fresh and dry weights of the samples were taken after which their proximate analyses were done to determine the levels of the quality determinants (moisture content, crude protein, ether extract, crude fibre, Vitamin A and ash content) in them. At the end of the experiment, harvesting was done to determine the yield per treatments as well as the quality parameters of the leaves and tubers. It was found that organic fertilizer could increase the quantity of ether extract, crude fibre and vitamin A contents of sweet potato tubers above other fertilizer treatments though organic fertilizer competed with the control in increasing the ash and crude protein contents of sweet potato tubers. However, inorganic fertilizer increased only energy content of the tubers above organic and organo-mineral fertilizer treatments. It is, therefore, concluded that organic fertilizer should be used to increase sweet potato tuber quantity and quality.Keywords: Sweet potato, growth, yield, quality and fertilizer treatment

    Enhancement of phosphorus uptake, growth and yield of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) with phosphorus fertilizers

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    This research was carried out to determine the best phosphorus fertilizer for improvement of sweet potato phosphorus uptake, growth and yield. The phosphorus fertilizer sources used were organic (Pacesetter), single super phosphate and crystallizer while the sweet potato variety used was Shaba. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Sweet potato plants from plots treated with crystallizer fertilizer at the rate of 500kg/ha had the highest phosphorus uptake and vegetative growth while control plots produced plants with highest tuberous yield. It is, therefore, recommended that crystallizer applied at the rate of 500kg/ha be used for significant phosphorous uptake which equally leads to better quality sweet potato tuber and appreciable vegetative growth. It is also recommended that the soil phosphorus be maintained at low level around 6.80mg/kg for achievement of high tuberous yield in sweet potato.Keywords: Vegetative growth, yield, phosphorous uptake, phosphorous fertilizer

    Growth and Yield of Two Maize Varieties under the Influence of Plant Density and NPK fertilization

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    This study assessed growth and yield performances of maize under the influence of inorganic fertilizer, population density and variety using the following treatments: maize varieties DMR-ESR-Y and Suwan- 1-SR; 70 × 30cm and 100 × 40cm plant spacing; 0, 60 and 120 kg NPK/ha . Data were collected on number of leaves per plant, plant height, ear height, leaf area, leaf area index, days to 50% flowering, days to tassel and silk appearances, stem dry mass, root dry mass, cob mass, number of kernel rows, number of kernels per cob, harvest index, treatment yield per hectare. The result showed that combination of 120kgN/ha, DMR-ESR-Y and 47, 619 plants/ha improved root, shoot, leaf sheath and plant dry masses, cob length, cob diameter, shelling percentage, moisture content at harvest, harvest index, number of cobs per plant as well as number of kernels per row. It is, therefore, recommended that combination of 120kgNPK/ha, DMR-ESR-Y and 47,619 plants/ha should be used for better maize production to cater for the ever increasing population of consumers in Southern Guinea savannah agroecological zone of Nigeria and other area with the same climatic and edaphic conditions. Keywords: NPK fertilizer, population density, maize variety, yield improvemen


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    Context: Development of early maturing maize cultivars that remain productive under low N fertilizer farming system, consistent with the farmers’ technologies is a prerequisite to improving adoption of new varieties without increasing production cost. Objective: To assess the performance of ten early open pollination maize varieties (OPVs) and their F1 hybrids for grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and also identify productive cultivars under low N fertilizer regimes. Materials and Methods: The trials were set up in a split plot arrangement with three N fertilizer levels (0, 45 and 90 kg N ha-1) as main plot and the genotypes as sub-plot. Each plot within N level was four-row, laid out in a randomized complete block design of four replications. Ten OPVs were crossed in a half diallel to generate 45 F1 hybrids during 2004 and 2005 growing seasons. Planting were carried out on 20th July, 2005 and 2nd July, 2006. Agronomic characters studied were grain yield, maize establishment count, days to 50% tasselling and silking as well as plant and ear heights. Results: The year 2005 growing season was better for all observed characters amongst all the genotypes than the year 2006. Although, expressions of these traits in the hybrids were relatively higher than the OPVs including the grain yield. The total increase in grain yield observed was 1.72 t ha-1 and 1.95 t ha-1 for OPVs and hybrids respectively on application of 90 kg ha-1 over no N-application. However, NUE was optimum at 45 kg N ha-1 in both groups. Grain yield and NUE correlated positively with growth characters measured except for days to 50% silking. Higher genetic gains were recorded for plant and ear heights. Conclusion: Two drought tolerant varieties (Acr 90 Pool 16-Dt and Tze Comp3 Dt) that combined well with specific cultivars for grain yield and NUE probably have gene pools for low N-tolerance. Keywords: Nitrogen use efficiency, diallel crosses, maize cultivars, open pollinated varietie

    Effects of Curing Period of Livestock Droppings on the Growth and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) Varieties

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    A field study was carried out across two cropping seasons (2010 and 2011) to explore the effects of curing periods of cow dung and poultry droppings used in soil amendment on the performance of two okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) varieties: NHAe 47-3 and LD 88-1. The effects of cow dung and poultry droppings cured for 3, 6, and 9 weeks were compared to that of NPK fertilizer (100 kg N ha−1 and 60 kg ha−1 each of P2O5 and K2O) and a control (no amendment). The application of organic amendment cured for 3 to 6 weeks enhanced the growth and yield of okra when compared with inorganic fertilizer or the unamended soil across the two cropping seasons. Based on this outcome, the use of adequate quantity of livestock droppings cured for 3–6 weeks, in case of poultry dropping, and for 6 weeks, in case of cow dung, is recommended as an alternative to inorganic fertilizer. The variety NHAe 47-4 was also demonstrated to give better yield (1.73 and 2.18 t ha−1) than LD 88-1 (1.63 and 1.80 t ha−1) in the years 2010 and 2011, respectivel


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    This study was done to determine the effect of the grain yield and its related characteristics on 10 openpollinated maize varieties and their 45 F1 hybrids using correlation and path coefficient analysis. A two-year study was conducted on maize genotypes at the University of Ilorin Teaching and Research Farm Ilorin, Nigeria, during 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. Positive and significant phenotypic and genotypic correlations were found for days to 50% tasselling with plant and ear heigh t, and grain yield with plant height, number of grains ear -1 and ear weight. Positive and significant environmental correlation was also recorded for grain yield with plant and ear height, and ear weight. The path analysis revealed that, days to 50% silking, ear weight and number of grains ear-1 had the highest direct effect on grain yield, while number of grains ear-1 had the highest moderate indirect negative effects on grain yield. Days to flowering, plant and ear height, number of grains ear-1 and ear weight could be the important selection criteria in improving open pollinated maize varieties and hybrids for high grain yield. Key words: Phenotypic, genotypic correlation, open pollinated varieties, yield character

    Correlation and path coefficient analysis of yield and agronomic characters among open pollinated maize varieties and their F1 hybrids in a diallel cross

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    A two-year study was conducted on maize (Zea mays L.) at the University of Ilorin Teaching and Research Farm Ilorin, Nigeria, during 2005 and 2006 growing seasons. The objective was to investigate correlation between grain yield and other agronomic parameters using 10 open-pollinated maize varieties and their 45 F1 hybrids in a half diallel. Positive and significant phenotypic and genotypic correlations were found for days to 50% tasselling with plant and ear height, and grain yield with plant height, number of grains ear -1 and ear weight. Positive and significant environmental correlation was also recorded for grain yield with plant and ear height, and ear weight. The path analysis revealed that, days to 50% silking, ear weight and number of grains ear -1 had the highest direct effect on grain yield, while number of grains ear -1 had the highest moderate indirect negative effects on grain yield. Days to flowering, plant and ear height, number of grains ear -1 and ear weight could be the important selection criteria in improving open pollinated maize varieties and hybrids for high grain yield. Key words: Correlation coefficient, path analysis, maize grain yield, agronomic characters

    Evaluation of biochemical and yield attributes of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) in Nigeria

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    Twenty two genotypes of quality protein maize (QPM) and two local checks were assessed for their lysine and tryptophan levels, as well as grain yield characteristics at the Lower Niger River Basin Development Authority station, Oke-Oyi, Ilorin, Nigeria for three years (2009-2011). The results showed that the QPM genotypes and the standard checks varied from one another, with respect to crude protein, zein dry matter, zein crude, lysine and tryptophan. The best QPM hybrids for grain yield (Dada-ba, ART98-SW5-OB, ART98-SW4-OB and TZPB-OB had percentage lysine and tryptophan advantage of 34% compared with the local checks. These hybrids also out-yielded other genotypes with yield advantage of 10, 24 and 26% over the best inbred, open pollinated variety and the standard check respectively. However, grain yield showed positive association with all the characteristics except crude protein content. Kernel number per cob had maximum correlation with grain yield followed by kernel rows per cob, cob diameter and cob weight. The direct effect for crude protein was positive but the correlation was negative. Conclusively, the QPM hybrids that combined high yield with the essential amino acids could be tested in different savanna agro-ecologies to identify those that could be released to farmers, while the superior inbreds could be introgressed for further breeding programs. Keywords: Lysine, tryptophan, inbred lines, hybrids, open pollinated varietie