124 research outputs found

    Contribution of Emotional Intelligence, Coping, and Social Support towards Adjustment and Academic Achievement amongst Fresh Students in the University

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    Adjustment is a significant predictor of academic achievement amongst fresh students in university. Adjustment problems can affect the students’ performance if they are not overcome. Thus, this study aims to investigate the role of students’ overall adjustment as a mediator in predicting the relationship between emotional intelligence, coping, and social support with academic achievement in the university. Besides that, this study also explores students’ level of academic achievement, adjustment, emotional intelligence, coping effort, and their level of satisfaction towards the availability of social support at the university. Using correlational descriptive design, this study involved 250 first semester students at a local public university. Instruments employed to measure the research variables in this study are: Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (to assess adjustment to university), Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence TestTM (to assess emotional intelligence), Ways of Coping Questionnaire (to assess coping effort), and Interpersonal Social Evaluation List-College Version (to assess social support). Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Research findings showed that majority of the students have a moderate overall adjustment level, as well as for the academic adjustment, social adjustment, personal-emotional adjustment, and goal commitment/institutional attachment dimensions. Students also demonstrated a low level of emotional intelligence, which was at the developmental level. Research findings show that students’ level of coping effort and their statisfaction towards social support that was available at the university were moderate. Academic adjustment dimension was found to be the highest predictor for academic achievement followed by the personal-emotional adjustment dimension. Findings of the study indicated that there were significant differences in students’ overall adjustment level based on their gender and academic achievement. Male students’ overall level of adjustment was found to be higher compared to female students. Students who achieved higher grade point average were found to have higher overall level of adjustment compare to those who achieved low grade point average. The path analysis results showed that the overall adjustment was an important mediator in explaining the relationship between emotional intelligence, coping, and social support and students’ academic achievement. It was found that social support perceived the highest mediating effect from overall adjustment in predicting students’ academic achievement. Research findings also indicated that emotional intelligence contributed the highest overall effect on students’ academic achievement. In conclusion, this study shows that students’ psychological attributes such as emotional intelligence, coping, and social support have a positive impact on academic achievement through their overall adjustment as mediator

    Parental readiness, parental care, and adolescent school performance among commuter families in Malaysia: a mediation model

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    This study aimed (i) to examine the relationship between parental readiness, parental care, and adolescent school performance; and (ii) to test the role of parental care as mediator between parental readiness to commute and the adolescent school performance. Quantitative test was employed in this study, which included correlation study design and path analysis. Two sets of questionnaires were used to gather the information from adolescent (Parental Care) and parent (Parental Readiness) among the commuter families. However, the adolescent school performance provided by the school management. Pearson Correlation Test was first conducted to analyse the relationship between research variables and path analysis was that used to test the mediation effect. A total of 217 parent-adolescent (dyadic relationship) respondents from commuter families in Peninsular Malaysia were included in this study. The findings showed that all correlations were statistically significant and analysis of structural equation modeling revealed full mediation model of parental care between parental readiness and adolescent school performance. The total direct effect was 0.11; whilst the total indirect effect was 0.3213. This implicates the importance of mediation effect between parental readiness, parental care and adolescent school performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study conducted in Malaysia to investigate the mediation effect on parental care between their readiness to commute against adolescent school performance. Our earlier study suggested a different lifestyle between commuter and conventional family model in Malaysia. Therefore, the importance of parental readiness and their roles in commuter families need to be addressed to ensure the lifestyle of commuter families in Malaysia do not affect adolescent school performance

    Impact of commuter families on adolescent development: an evaluation of the adolescent from Peninsular Malaysia

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    This study attempted to address the question concerning the influence of commuter families on adolescent school performance using the proposed Model for Adolescent Development Among Commuter Families (MADCF). We investigated whether the adolescent problem mediates the relationship between parental readiness and adolescent school performance, and clarified the moderating effect of gender. The survey data were drawn from 434 respondents (adolescents-parents) in Malaysia. The results indicated that the adolescent externalising problem partially mediated the relationship between parental readiness and adolescent school performance. The model accounted for 21% of the variability in adolescent school performance. The moderator findings presented that gender moderates the causal effect of parental readiness and the adolescent externalising problem with respect to adolescent school performance. This study clearly shows the importance of parental readiness, and that the results are in line with the proposed mediation and moderation effects. The model proposed by this study was strongly supported

    Understanding media violence and the development of aggressive behavior of school children

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    Aggressive behaviour among school children had raised a cause of concern in Malaysia. The development of aggressive behaviour places children at serious risk for future mal-adaptation in the form of continued aggression, conduct problems, and overall difficulties in the domain of social relationships. Therefore, there is a need to study the origins and development of aggressive behaviour. This paper focuses on the nature of aggressive behaviour among school children, the theories that underlying the aggressive behaviour, and the impact of media violence on the development of aggressive behaviour of school children

    Perspektif Masa Dan Pencapaian Akademik Pelajar Aliran Sains Daerah Hulu Langat (Time Perspective And Science Student's Achievement From Hulu Langat District)

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    Prestasi pelajar Malaysia telah merosot di bawah purata antarabangsa bagi subjek Sains dan Matematik semenjak tahun 2003. Lebih membimbangkan lagi apabila hampir 50% pelajar aliran Sains memperoleh gred rendah iaitu D, E dan G dalam peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2008–2012. Perspektif masa dilihat antara faktor penting yang harus dikaji bagi merungkai faktor berkaitan masalah kemerosotan ini. Justeru, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti tahap dan pola bagi setiap dimensi perspektif masa berdasarkan faktor jantina, bangsa, lokasi sekolah dan pencapaian akademik pelajar aliran Sains. Selain itu, kajian ini juga dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti hubungan antara dimensi perspektif masa dengan pencapaian akademik pelajar aliran Sains secara keseluruhannya. Seramai 390 orang pelajar aliran Sains di daerah Hulu Langat terlibat dalam kajian ini dan Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) telah digunakan untuk mengukur perspektif masa pelajar, manakala skor GPMP bagi empat mata pelajaran Sains iaitu Fizik, Kimia, Biologi dan Matematik Tambahan diambil untuk mengukur tahap pencapaian akademik mereka. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap bagi setiap dimensi perspektif masa pelajar aliran Sains di daerah Hulu Langat adalah berada pada tahap sederhana dengan mencatatkan peratusan antara 58.5–81.8%. Analisis ujian-t dan ANOVA satu hala menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan bagi dimensi perspektif masa berdasarkan faktor jantina, bangsa, lokasi sekolah dan pencapaian akademik pelajar aliran Sains. Secara keseluruhannya, dapatan kajian ini adalah selari dengan dapatan kajian lepas iaitu perspektif masa bagi seseorang pelajar aliran Sains amat mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik mereka khususnya dalam mata pelajaran Sains di sekolah

    Aggression among school children in Malaysia

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    This study aimed to investigate the level of aggression among primary school children in Malaysia. A total of 450 students aged 11 were randomly selected from nine schools in the Selangor State to participate in this study. Children Aggression Inventory (CAI) was administered to collect data from the respondents. The reliability of the CAI in this study was found to be high (α = 0.90). The data obtained were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics to address the research objectives. Findings from this study showed that the aggression level demonstrated by school children was moderate (M = 2.18, SD = 0.392). The highest mean score for aggressive behaviour exhibited by the children is hostility (M = 1.88, SD= 0.37), followed by anger (M = 1.86, SD = 0.36), verbal aggression (M = 1.71, SD = 0.37), indirect aggression (M = 1.66, SD = 0.38), and physical aggression (M = 1.66, SD = 0.45). Results also indicated a significant difference between the boys and girls in the mean scores of physical aggression [t (443) = 6.034, p < 0.01] and anger [t (445.78) = -3.034, p < 0.01]. Boys were found to be more aggressive than girls in terms of physical aggression while girls were found to be more aggressive than boys in terms of anger

    Investigating the relationship between playing violent video games and viewing violent TV programmes and aggressive behaviour among pre-teens

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    This study aimed to investigate the relationship between the playing of violent video games and the viewing of violent TV programmes and aggressive behaviour among pre-teens. According to McGahee, Kemp and Tingen (2000), pre-teens referred to preadolescent children who are usually between 9 and 12 years of age. A total of 450 pre-teens aged 11 were randomly selected from nine schools in the state of Selangor, Malaysia, to participate in this study. This study employed a correlation research design and the data were analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics to address the research objectives. The data were analysed to identify the top 10 favourite video games played by pre-teens in this study. Eight out of 10 video games played by pre-teens were found to be violent in nature. In addition, the top 10 favourite violent TV programmes viewed by pre-teens in this study were also identified. Findings from this study showed that there was a significant difference in the mean score of playing violent video games [t(257)=6.979, p<0.01] and viewing violent TV programmes [t(440)=3.544, p<0.01) between boys and girls who participated in the study. Moreover, the results from this study revealed there was a significant and positive relationship between playing violent video games (r=0.167, p<0.01), viewing violent TV programmes (r=0.126, p=0.000) and aggressive behaviour demonstrated by pre-teens. Multiple regression analysis showed that 39.4% of the variances in pre-teen physical aggression could be explained by both the playing of violent video games and the viewing of violent TV programmes, with the playing of violent video games as a stronger predictor of physical aggressive behaviour in pre-teens (ß=0.238, p=0.025)

    The Relationship between Emotional Quotient and the Acquisition of Basic Skill Among Primary School Children

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    Studies have shown that emotional intelligence is twice as important as IQ for outstanding performance (Wright, 2002). With that statement, the focus is now on children in schools where we educate them with one objective in mind: their success. In the past IQ had always been associated with success, so the question now is, can EQ make the difference? According to Goleman (1995), IQ alone is no more the measure of success; it only accounts for 20%, and the rest goes for emotional, social Intelligences and luck. Therefore it is the objective of this study to find out whether there is a relationship between EQ and children’s acquisition of basic skills. A total of 344 primary school children (Year 1 and Year 2) from Kuala Terengganu made up the respondents. They are from the academically weak classes. Out of this sample 3.8 % are those who could not read, write or do Arithmetic. Among these students, 3.2% had problems in Bahasa Melayu and 3.8% had problems in Arithmetic. The study utilized the descriptive correlational method. Data were collected using the EQ questionnaire, a modified version of Goleman EQ questionnaire and the reliability using the Cronbach Alpha is .81. The preliminary findings indicated that there is a positive correlation between EQ and basic skills acquisition (r =.47,pStudies have shown that emotional intelligence is twice as important as IQ for outstanding performance (Wright, 2002). With that statement, the focus is now on children in schools where we educate them with one objective in mind: their success. In the past IQ had always been associated with success, so the question now is, can EQ make the difference? According to Goleman (1995), IQ alone is no more the measure of success; it only accounts for 20%, and the rest goes for emotional, social Intelligences and luck. Therefore it is the objective of this study to find out whether there is a relationship between EQ and children’s acquisition of basic skills. A total of 344 primary school children (Year 1 and Year 2) from Kuala Terengganu made up the respondents. They are from the academically weak classes. Out of this sample 3.8 % are those who could not read, write or do Arithmetic. Among these students, 3.2% had problems in Bahasa Melayu and 3.8% had problems in Arithmetic. The study utilized the descriptive correlational method. Data were collected using the EQ questionnaire, a modified version of Goleman EQ questionnaire and the reliability using the Cronbach Alpha is .81. The preliminary findings indicated that there is a positive correlation between EQ and basic skills acquisition (r =.47,p

    Penyesuaian dalam kalangan pelajar baharu di Universiti.

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    Penyesuaian dalam kalangan pelajar baharu di universiti memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menentukan kejayaan mereka di universiti. Kajian lalu menunjukkan salah satu punca pelajar gagal menyempurnakan pengajian mereka adalah disebabkan oleh masalah penyesuaian. Pelajar ini didapati tidak dapat menangani pelbagai cabaran dan tuntutan di kampus lalu mengalami pelbagai masalah penyesuaian sehingga ada di antara mereka yang gagal meneruskan pengajian ke semester yang seterusnya. Penyesuaian di universiti merangkumi empat dimensi iaitu: penyesuaian akademik, penyesuaian sosial, penyesuaian peribadi-emosi, dan dimensi komitmen matlamat/perapatan institusi. Keempat-empat dimensi penyesuaian ini dapat diukur dengan menggunakan Soal Selidik Penyesuaian Pelajar di Universiti yang dibina oleh Baker dan Siryk (1999). Keupayaan menyesuaiankan diri di kampus mempunyai hubungan dengan keupayaan psikososial yang dimiliki oleh pelajar. Antara keupayaan psikososial yang mempunyai impak yang positif dan penting ke atas penyesuaian pelajar ialah kecerdasan emosi, daya tindak, dan sokongan sosial. Ketiga-tiga keupayaan psikososial ini didapati memainkan peranan yang penting dalam membantu pelajar melaksanakan penyesuaian di universiti. Justeru, pihak universiti harus mengambil langkah yang proaktif untuk memupuk keupayaan kecerdasan emosi, daya tindak, dan sokongan sosial dalam kalangan pelajar baharu untuk meningkatkan tahap penyesuaian mereka

    Exploring person-environment fit towards enhancing hearing-impaired students academic achievement in tertiary education

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    Studies involving hearing students at the tertiary level have documented significant predictors of academic achievement relating to various personal and environmental factors. However, relatively little is known about the P-E Fit predictors of hearing-impaired academic achievement in Malaysian tertiary education context. Thus, this paper corresponds to this gap by developing a theoretical framework of hearing-impaired students’ academic achievement by implementing the Person-Environment Fit (P-E Fit) concept. Specifically, this framework is developed from the integration of Holland’s Typology Theory (1997) and the Work Adjustment Theory (1984). Three main predictors of P-E Fit were suggested; namely personality-major fit (P-M Fit), demands-abilities fit (D-A Fit) and needs-supplies fit (N-S Fit) perception. Apart from that, students’ adjustment is also incorporated into the framework since previous studies have determined that hearing-impaired students failed to complete their tertiary education due to several adjustment problems. These adjustment problems consist of social, emotional and academic aspects. As proposed, the developed theoretical framework would lead to an empirical study on academic achievement of hearing-impaired students in Malaysian tertiary education, particularly of those enrolling in Polytechnics Special Skills Certificate. The framework suggested that the congruence between hearing-impaired students’ personal characteristics (personalities, abilities and needs) and their environment (academic major, demands and supplies) would lead to students’ satisfaction and academic achievement. On the other hand, incongruence between the hearing-impaired students’ personal and environmental characteristics would require them to undergo social, emotional and academic adjustments process. Once overall adjustment is achieved, students’ satisfaction would also be increased. To conclude, the establishment of adjustment and satisfaction would in turn promote hearing-impaired students academic achievement. Finally, practical and theoretical considerations were also discussed