7,737 research outputs found

    Geometry induced entanglement transitions in nanostructures

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    We model quantum dot nanostructures using a one-dimensional system of two interacting electrons. We show that strong and rapid variations may be induced in the spatial entanglement by varying the nanostructure geometry. We investigate the position-space information entropy as an indicator of the entanglement in this system. We also consider the expectation value of the Coulomb interaction and the ratio of this expectation to the expectation of the confining potential and their link to the entanglement. We look at the first derivative of the entanglement and the position-space information entropy to infer information about a possible quantum phase transition.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Journal of Applied Physic

    Nutrient Digestibility and Performances of Frisian Holstein Calves Fed with Pennisetum Purpureum and Inoculated with Buffalo's Rumen Bacteria

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    Buffalo's rumen bacteria (BRB) are potential in digesting fiber feed. BRB already adapted well with low quality forages and agricultural byproducts. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of buffalo's rumen bacteria (BRB) consortium inoculated into preweaning Frisian Holstein calves on nutrient digestibility, physiological status, mineral uptake, and blood profile. This study used 14 isolates of bacteria isolated from rumen fluid of four local buffalos. The research units consisted of seven Frisian Holstein calves at two weeks old with the average body weight of 43.6±4.5 kg. Calves were inoculated with 20 mL of buffalo's rumen bacteria isolates [4.56 x 109 cfu/mL] every morning for 10 weeks. The calves were divided into two groups i.e., three calves received bacterial inoculation and four calves without any inoculation. The variables which were analyzed in the preweaning and weaning period were feed intake, digestibility, average daily gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio (FCR), rumen fermentation characteristics, body weight, physiological status, blood profile, and mineral status. Data were analyzed statistically using t-test. The results showed that inoculation of buffalo's rumen bacteria into Frisian Holstein calves effectively increased feed intake, characteristics of leukocytes and neutrophils, and cobalt (Co) uptake during the weaning period. Inoculation of rumen bacteria improved rumen pH during preweaning and weaning periods. Inoculation of rumen bacteria also had no negative effects on digestibility, feed conversion (FCR), average daily gain (ADG), and physiological status

    Hygiene Sanitasi dan Kandungan Mikroba pada Kecap Manis yang Digunakan di Kantin di Lingkungan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo 2012

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    Kecap manis selain mengandung protein, vitamin, dan mineral, kecap berfungsi juga sebagai penyedap makanan. Karena dapat memberikan rasa dan berfungsi juga sebagai penyedap makanan. Karena dapat memberikan rasa dan aroma yang khas pada makanan atau masakan, masyarakat menjadikan kecap aroma yang khas pada makanan atau masakan, masyarakat menjadikan kecap sebagai bagian dari menu harian. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan kecap manis sebagai bagian dari menu harian. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan kecap manis dapat terkontaminasi oleh mikroba akibat pengolahan yang tidak higienis dan saniter. dapat terkontaminasi oleh mikroba akibat pengolahan yang tidak higienis dan saniter. Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah hygiene sanitasi serta analisa Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah hygiene sanitasi serta analisa mikroba pada kecap manis yang digunakan di kantin yang ada di lingkungan mikroba pada kecap manis yang digunakan di kantin yang ada di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Hygiene sanitasi dan Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Hygiene sanitasi dan kandungan mikroba pada kecap manis di kantin dilingkungan Universitas Negeri kandungan mikroba pada kecap manis di kantin dilingkungan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia. Gorontalo sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk melihat hygiene sanitasi dan mikroba pada dengan pendekatan kuantitatif untuk melihat hygiene sanitasi dan mikroba pada kecap manis dikantin di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Data hasil kecap manis dikantin di lingkungan Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan merujuk pada Standar Nasional penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan merujuk pada Standar Nasional Indonesia tahun 2009. Indonesia tahun 2009. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hygiene sanitasi seluruh kantin Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hygiene sanitasi seluruh kantin belum sesuai dengan Prinsip Hygiene Sanitasi. Sedangkan untuk pemeriksaan belum sesuai dengan Prinsip Hygiene Sanitasi. Sedangkan untuk pemeriksaan mikroba pada kecap manis tersebut terdapat 7 kantin yang tidak sesuai dengan mikroba pada kecap manis tersebut terdapat 7 kantin yang tidak sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Indonesia tahun 2009. Standar Nasional Indonesia tahun 2009. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini Berdasarkan hygiene sanitasi, ditinjau dari Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini Berdasarkan hygiene sanitasi, ditinjau dari cara pemilihan kecap sudah memenuhi syarat, namun dari penyimpanan kecap cara pemilihan kecap sudah memenuhi syarat, namun dari penyimpanan kecap dan penyajiannya belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan Dari hasil pemeriksaan dan penyajiannya belum memenuhi syarat kesehatan Dari hasil pemeriksaan laboraturium kecap manis yang tercemar oleh bakteri coliform dan terjadi laboraturium kecap manis yang tercemar oleh bakteri coliform dan terjadi pertumbuhan kapang adalah kantin A jumlah coliformnya 0,36 x 10, kantin B pertumbuhan kapang adalah kantin A jumlah coliformnya 0,36 x 10, kantin B coliform 2,3 x 10, kantin C coliform 24 x 10, dan kantin G,H,I,J coliformnya 2,3 x coliform 2,3 x 10, kantin C coliform 24 x 10, dan kantin G,H,I,J coliformnya 2,3 x 10. 10. Kata Kunci: Hygiene Sanitasi, Mikroba, Kecap Manis Kata Kunci: Hygiene Sanitasi, Mikroba, Kecap Mani

    Effect of confinement potential geometry on entanglement in quantum dot-based nanostructures

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    We calculate the spatial entanglement between two electrons trapped in a nanostructure for a broad class of confinement potentials, including single and double quantum dots, and core-shell quantum dot structures. By using a parametrized confinement potential, we are able to switch from one structure to the others with continuity and to analyze how the entanglement is influenced by the changes in the confinement geometry. We calculate the many-body wave function by `exact' diagonalization of the time independent Schr\"odinger equation. We discuss the relationship between the entanglement and specific cuts of the wave function, and show that the wave function at a single highly symmetric point could be a good indicator for the entanglement content of the system. We analyze the counterintuitive relationship between spatial entanglement and Coulomb interaction, which connects maxima (minima) of the first to minima (maxima) of the latter. We introduce a potential quantum phase transition which relates quantum states characterized by different spatial topology. Finally we show that by varying shape, range and strength of the confinement potential, it is possible to induce strong and rapid variations of the entanglement between the two electrons. This property may be used to tailor nanostructures according to the level of entanglement required by a specific application.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and 1 tabl

    Doppler-free approach to optical pumping dynamics in the 6S1/2−5D5/26S_{1/2}- 5D_{5/2} electric quadrupole transition of Cesium vapor

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    The 6S1/2−5D5/26S_{1/2}-5D_{5/2} electric quadrupole transition is investigated in Cesium vapor at room temperature via nonlinear Doppler-free 6P-6S-5D three-level spectroscopy. Frequency-resolved studies of individual E2 hyperfine lines allow one to analyze optical pumping dynamics, polarization selection rules and line intensities. It opens the way to studies of transfer of light orbital angular momentum to atoms, and the influence of metamaterials on E2 line spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, minor updates from previous versio

    Developing Students' Ability of Mathematical Connection Through Using Outdoor Mathematics Learning

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    The Purpose of this study is to determine the achievement and improvement of students' mathematical connectionability through using outdoor mathematics learning. 64 students from the fifth grade of Primary School at SDN 65 and SDN 67 Bengkulu City were taken as the sample of this study. While the method of the research used in this research is experiment with quasi-experimental designs non-equivalent control group. The results of the study are as follows: (1) There is an increasing ability found in mathematical connection of students whom taught by using outdoors mathematics learning is 0,53; (2) Based on statical computation that achievement of students' ability of mathematical connection is taught by using outdoor mathematics learning score is 71,25. It is higher than the students score 66,25 which were taught by using the conventional learning. So as to improve students' mathematical connection, teachers are suggested to use the outdoors mathematics learnin
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