15 research outputs found

    Action research: student’s communication skill through peer learning method-(Regional Development - GMJT3124) Group B

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    The objective of this study is to enhance student’s communication skill through peer learning method for subject of GMJT3124 Regional Development Group B. Most of the students are reluctant because they feel that they will have difficulties to understand and communicate in English that will lead to insecure and tentative feeling.They are unable to compete internationally because of communication problems did not reach the levels required by employers. If this issue still continuing, a fresh graduate from local university will face a difficulties to obtain jobs in the future.This shows that students more comfortable communicating in their mother tongue or introverted to change during their time in university.This study applied observation and survey method to get information.The results of a two-way Anova Statistical test (Anova) show that there are statistically significant differences between dependent (Student’s Communication Skills) and independent variables (Student’s Group, Feeling and Support).It shown that the students are preferred to improve their communication skills in English

    The impact of Malaysian industrial energy use in carbon dioxide emissions.

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    This study attempts to identify the impact of Malaysia economy on CO2 emission by analyzing the energy intensity and CO2 emission intensity. Environment issues such as global warming and climate change give the negative effects to the Mother Nature such as floods, landslides, erosion and extremely heat. Otherwise, there is positive effect to the economy subsequent to disaster through the substitution of capital. Moreover, the government policy seen recently in the 10th Malaysian Plan will highly promote to energy efficiency and focus on high value added sector that produce less CO2 emission. This study found that Transportation sector has produced the highest value added with the highest CO2 emission. The finding of this study will facilitate energy policy makers to investigate the sector contributed high CO2 emission, and encouraged the high value added (productivity) sectors that produce less CO2 emission. Moreover, it is very important because recently the government, economist and policy makers have discussed the best strategies to protect the environment particularly in regarding to reduce the CO2 emission. From the finding, in order to reduce CO2 emission, the energy intensive sectors will also have to reduce energy consumption by applying the energy efficiency technology less CO2 technique in the future

    Estimating cost savings through adoption of the best-practice technique: Evidence from the Malaysian manufacturing sector

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    By using the input-output approach, this article attempts to estimate costs of production by using the 1978 vintage and best-practiced techniques, based on the vintage hypothesis that as time progresses and price rises, adopting the best-practice technique will give more cost saving and use less amount of inputs for each unit of output produced, rather than the old techniques. This paper has identified three component production costs of vintage technology, domestic materials, imported input, and labour. It was found that costs of production for the best-practice technique are less than those of the older one (vintage), supporting the vintage hypothesis. Thus, there is a strong argument for the economy to adopt the best-practice technique because it is absolutely a considerable advantage in terms of saving in the per unit cost of production

    Analysing CO2 emissions from transportation expenditures by Malaysian households

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    This study analyses the impact of Malaysian household consumption on the transportation sector regarding CO2 emissions by using the Hybrid Input Output Table from 1991, 2000, 2005 and 2010. Initially, this study calculates CO2 emissions intensity for every sector.Results show that the sector with the highest CO2 emission intensity was Transportation at 1.16 (T- CO2/M-MyR).By using the hybrid, I-O table, the average values of the total CO2 emission intensity caused by energy consumption in Malaysia were found to be 0.272 (T- CO2/M-MyR).Transportation sector contributed the relatively high level of consumption and produces the highest amount of CO2 emission in 1991, 2000, 2005 and 2010.Our analysis shows that continuously increasing consumption in the Transportation sector will continue to affect the environment. Thus, through encourage consumers to use hybrid or solar cars and the imposition of a carbon tax on old vehicles, owners will reduce their CO2 emissions.By imposing a carbon tax, motor vehicle owners will strive to reduce their CO2 emissions by consuming renewable energy or use energy saving techniques in their everyday lifestyle

    Kepentingan aktiviti kitar semula dari perspektif Islam

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    Peningkatan sisa pepejal yang berterusan telah mendorong orang ramai untuk melakukan kitar semula. Namun kesedaran masyarakat di Malaysia tidak setanding dengan masyarakat di Jepun. Ini kerana pada tahun 2012 menunjukkan pencapaian kadar kitar semula di Malaysia baru mencecah 10%. Pencapaian ini sebenarnya masih jauh dari sasaran kitar semula sebanyak 40% menjelang 2020, apatah lagi jika dibandingkan dengan negara maju seperti Jepun dengan peratusan kitar semula melebihi 50%. Ini menunjukkan tahap kesedaran masyarakat masih perlu ditingkat dan aktiviti kitar semula perlu dilakukan dalam skala yang besar. Sebenarnya, aktiviti kitar semula berkait dengan satu cara hidup yang berlandaskan dengan nilai-nilai murni yang diunjurkan oleh Islam.Antara perkara yang digalakkan dalam Islam ialah berhemah dalam berbelanja, bersederhana, menghargai nilai sesuatu benda, tidak membazir dan menggunakan barangan setakat apa yang diperlukan sahaja.Oleh itu, mentaliti mengenai kitar semula perlu diubah. Masyarakat perlu menjadikan kitar semula sebagai satu rutin harian dan tanggungjawab kepada alam sekitar.Masyarakat perlu dididik agar mempunyai kesedaran mengenai aspek penggunaan lestari, penggunaan hijau, berfikir dulu sebelum membeli dan aspek pembuangan dan pengasingan sisa pepejal. Malah penglibatan pihak berkuasa masih lagi diperlukan dan peruntukkan yang besar perlu disediakan.Kempen yang berterusan dan aktif perlu dilakukan melalui saluran media massa dan pengiklanan seperti disiarkan di tv, radio, poster dsb.Orang ramai harus didedahkan dengan kesan pencemaran sisa pepejal kepada tahap kesihatan masyarakat, ekonomi negara dan alam sekitar

    The importance of the agricultural sector to the Malaysian economy: analyses of inter-industry linkages

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    This paper assesses the importance of the agricultural sector to the economic growth in Malaysia. A hypothetical extraction method was used to quantify the relative strength of backward and forward linkages of the agricultural sector. For empirical analyses, we ran an extended input-output table that takes into account detailed agricultural sub-sectors. Findings suggested that the agricultural sector contributes mainly through forward linkages, implying that the output of this sector is demanded larger by other sectors, in particular the manufacturing sector as their input. Large-scale oil palm (estate and smallholdings) should be highlighted for growth policies due to strong pull effects on the rest of the economic sector

    Impact of Malaysian industrial energy use on carbon dioxide emission

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    Environmental issues such as global warming and climate change have negative effects on Mother Nature resulting in floods, landslides, erosion and extreme heat. Otherwise, the positive effect on the economy subsequent to disaster is through the substitution of capital. Currently the Malaysian energy policy highly promotes energy efficiency and focuses on high value added sectors that produce less CO2 emission. This study attempts to identify the impact of Malaysian industrial energy use on CO2 emission by analyzing energy intensity and CO2 emission intensity. This study found that the transportation sector produced the highest value added but has the highest CO2 emission. The findings of this study will prompt energy policy makers to examine the sector and promote low carbon energy use among its users. At the same time the high value added (productivity) sectors should be encouraged to produce less CO2 emission to protect the environment. In order to reduce CO2 emission, the energy intensive sectors will also have to reduce energy consumption by adopting energy efficient technology that produces less CO2 in the future

    Decrease in domestic petroleum prices on Malaysian industries - input output price model

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    This paper examines the impact of the decrease of petroleum product prices on sectoral cost of production in Malaysia.By using the Leontief price modelling technique, a scenario for the price changes on sectoral costs of production were simulated.The simulation results indicated that a five percent decrease in petroleum prices will affect all economic sectors.The cost of production for certain sectors, such as air transport, fishing, land transport, cement, lime and plaster, as well as communications are estimated to experience the lowest of production costs.Based on this scenario, the government has to encourage producers or sellers to reduce their prices of goods and services

    Changes in consumer energy intensity in Malaysia

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    This paper proposes an IO-SDA model based on Hybrid input-output table, to identify the source of changes in the energy intensity, energy input and consumption level in the Malaysian household. This study is conducted in two stages: first, to identify the multiplier (energy intensities) by using the Hybrid input-output analysis, and second, to identify the sources of change in the Malaysian household energy consumption (energy and non-energy based products) for the periods 1991 to 2000, 2000 to 2005, and 1991 to 2005 by using IO-SDA model. The major finding of this study is that total household energy consumption has increased rapidly, mainly because of an increase in private consumption by household and increase in energy use in the production sector for consumer goods. From this finding, government and policy-makers should give more attention to energy consumption by promoting renewable energy resources to avoid shortage of energy supply in the future. Currently, the Malaysian economy is greatly dependent on non-renewable energy

    Estimating Cost Savings through Adoption of the Best-Practice Technique: Evidence from the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector

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    By using the input-output approach, this article attempts to estimate costs of production by using the 1978 vintage and best-practiced techniques, based on the vintage hypothesis that as time progresses and price rises, adopting the best-practice technique will give more cost saving and use less amount of inputs for each unit of output produced, rather than the old techniques. This paper has identified three component production costs of vintage technology, domestic materials, imported input, and labour. It was found that costs of production for the best-practice technique are less than those of the older one (vintage), supporting the vintage hypothesis. Thus, there is a strong argument for the economy to adopt the best-practice technique because it is absolutely a considerable advantage in terms of saving in the per unit cost of production.