3 research outputs found

    Radiographic investigation of in vivo endodontically treated maxillary premolars in a Saudi Arabian sub-population

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    Aim: To determine the prevalence of the number of root canals in permanent maxillary first and second premolars of a Saudi Arabian sub-population. Results will be compared to previous Asian studies. Materials and Methods: A total of 894 periapical radiographs of endodontically treated maxillary first and second premolars of 628 Saudi patients (268 males and 360 females) were viewed. The teeth were segregated into maxillary first premolars (463) and maxillary second premolars (431). The diagnostic, working length, master cone and final films with different angles were mounted, projected and, with the utilization of written clinical records, evaluated. Teeth with multiple canal systems were categorized according to whether the canals exited the root by common or separate apical foramen. Data was analyzed statistically using Chi-square test and professional t-test, by comparing pairs of groups with the significant level established at 5% (P < 0.05). Results: More than 90% of first maxillary premolar and more than 50% of the second maxillary premolar was found to have two canals. There was no significant difference between male (92%) and female (95%) in the distribution of the two root canals of the first maxillary premolar (t-test = 1.21, P value = 0.228), however, there was significant difference between the distributions of male (69.4%) and female (52.2%) of the two root canals within the second maxillary premolar (t-test = 3.75, P value = 0.000). Few teeth showed three canals. Conclusion: The number of root canals of the maxillary first premolar in Saudi population shows a higher incidence of two canals (93.6%) than previously reported. In addition, the figure is higher than most of the Asian countries