39 research outputs found

    Understanding fatal landslides at global scales:a summary of topographic, climatic, and anthropogenic perspectives

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    Landslides are a common global geohazard that lead to substantial loss of life and socio-economic damage. Landslides are becoming more common due to extreme weather events and the impacts of anthropogenic disturbance, and thus, they are threatening sustainable development in many vulnerable areas. Previous studies on fatal landslides have focused on inventory development; spatial and temporal distributions; the role of precipitation or seismic forcing; and human impacts. However, climatologic, topographic, and anthropogenic variables featuring fatal landslides at a global scale have been mostly neglected. Here, using the global fatal landslide database, we evaluate the characteristics of landslides induced by natural and anthropogenic factors with respect to topographic, climatic, and anthropogenic factors, drawing attention to their persistent spatial patterns. The majority of natural (69.3%) and anthropogenic (44.1%) landslides occur in mountainous areas in tropical and temperate regions, which are also characterized by the highest casualty rates per group, 66.7% and 43.0%, respectively. However, they significantly differ in terms of their morphometric footprint. Fatal landslides triggered by natural variables occur mostly in the highest portions of the topographic profile, where human disturbance is minimal. As for their anthropogenic counterpart, these failures cluster at much lower altitudes, where slopes are gentler, but human intervention is higher due to a higher population density. This observation points towards land cover changes being a critical factor in landscape dynamics, stressing the human pressure as a discriminant cause/effect term for natural vs. human-induced landslide fatalities.</p

    Nonlinear behaviour of liquefied natural gas tanks with different seismic isolation systems

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    Ovaj rad pobliže određuje učinke različitih tipova izolacijskih sustava na ponašanje spremnika za ukapljeni prirodni plin (engl. liquefied natural gas - LNG) tijekom potresa. Provedene su nelinearne analize primjenom vremenskog zapisa neizoliranih i triju različitih izoliranih modela za prosječno ubrzanje sedam vrsta gibanja tala stupnjevanih kako bi se postigla određena moguća sigurna obustava rada postrojenja tijekom potresa. Program ANSYS Workbench primijenjen je za modeliranje tekućine ukapljenog plina, unutarnjeg čeličnog spremnika, vanjske stijenke, serklaže, krova, betonskih temelja i izolacije stražnje stijenke. Program LS-DYNA primijenjen je za nelinearne analize tekućine LNG-a, unutarnjeg čeličnog spremnika i betonskih temelja. Uspoređeni su rezultati ukupne poprečne potresne sile u podnožju, visine zapljuskivanja, naprezanja čeličnog spremnika i bočnog pomaka. Rezultati su pokazali da nema razlike između konvektivnih i impulsnih modova za izolirane spremnike LNG-a. Zaključeno je da se valno gibanje tekućine razlikuje od osciliranja konstrukcije, a razdoblja protupotresnih izolacija nisu utjecala na zapljuskivanje. U neizoliranom su sustavu vrijednosti naprezanja dosegle 400 MPa, dok su te vrijednosti u izoliranim spremnicima za LNG prosječno iznosile 350 MPa.This study determines the effects of different types of base isolator systems on the seismic performance of liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks. Nonlinear time-history analyses of the non-isolated and three different isolated models were performed for the average acceleration of seven ground motions scaled to achieve a specified safe shutdown earthquake. The ANSYS Workbench program was used in the modelling studies of the LNG liquid, inner steel tank, outer shell, ring beam, roof and concrete foundation and side wall insulation. The LS-DYNA program was used for the nonlinear analyses of the LNG liquid, inner steel tank and concrete foundation. The results of the total base shear force, sloshing height, steel tank stresses and lateral deflection were compared. The results indicated that there was no difference between the convective and impulsive modes for the LNG tanks with isolators. It was concluded that the wave motion of the liquid was different from the oscillation of the structure and the earthquake isolation times did not affect the sloshing motion. In the non-isolated system, the stress reached 400 MPa, whereas it was 350 MPa on average in the LNG tanks with isolators

    Comparison of The Anxiety Levels Between The Family Members of The Patients Presenting to The Pediatric Trauma Unit and Pediatric Emergency Units

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    INTRODUCTION: It is not the right behaviour to accept every anxiety pathologically. On the contrary, the sense of anxiety is an indicator of the response of individuals to internal or external changes. More importantly, anxiety is a beneficial affective state for individuals who contribute to the development of self and bodily adaptability to the new environment in which they live. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is a prospective study. The study was conducted on the parents of the patients who applied to the paediatric emergency department and paediatric trauma units of the emergency department at Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine. Beck Anxiety Scale was administered to one of the relatives who brought the patient to the hospital. Beck anxiety test was filled in by using face-to-face interview method. Pre-defined study forms for patients included in the study were completed. RESULTS: The study was completed with 68 family members in both groups. The values of the patients who were admitted to the paediatric emergency and adult emergency departments on the Beck Anxiety Scale were equal. CONCLUSIONS: family members of paediatric patients admitted to hospital were compared; The family members of the paediatric trauma unit and the family members of the paediatric emergency department have the same level of anxiety

    Analysis of Patients Who Present to Emergency Departments During Ramadan

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    INTRODUCTION: Fasting is one of the five basic obligations of Islam. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan according to the lunar calendar. Fasting during Ramadan involves abstinence from food and drinks from sunrise to sunset. The present study investigated the effect of fasting during Ramadan in patients who presented to emergency departments. Results of this study may guide healthcare authorities in countries that provide health services to Muslim communities because of increased migration. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This is the first prospective multicentre study to examine emergency department applications for Ramadan. The study was performed between 05.26.2017 and 06.24.2017. Patients were classified according to cardiopulmonary complaints, trauma-associated complaints, neurological complaints, gastrointestinal complaints, headache, renal colic, upper respiratory tract complaints, and malaise. Vital signs, age, gender, presentation type, complaint type, hospital stay duration, requested laboratory examination, radiological examination, treatment outcomes, application time, smoking status, and fasting status of the study patients were recorded by using a questionnaire. RESULTS: Fasting and non-fasting patients showed a significant difference with respect to presentation type, gastrointestinal complaints, upper respiratory tract complaints, hospitalization status, requested radiological and biochemical examinations, hospitalization duration, and application time (p &lt; 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: To the authors’ knowledge, the present study is the first to compare the complaints of fasting and non-fasting patients during Ramadan. The authors feel that this study is superior to several previous studies because it has been performed using a different perspective and provides more accurate and objective data than those reported in previous studies

    Esophageal squamous papilloma

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    Özofagus skuamoz papillomu, genellikle alt özofagusta soliter bir lezyon olarak görülen, iyi huylu skuamoz epitelyal polipoid bir tümördür. Prevalans oranları çok düşüktür ve 1959’dan bu yana literatürde yaklaşık 250 vaka bidirilmiştir. Kronik mukozal irritasyon ve human papilloma virus enfeksiyonu suçlanan etyolojik nedenlerdir. Tipik özofagus skuamöz papillomunun hiçbir özgün semptomu yoktur. Bizim vakamız kronik dispeptik şikayetleri olan ve endoskopik olarak reflü özofajiti saptanan 51 yaşındaki erkek hasta idi. Endoskopik incelemede özofagus 25. cm’de 3-4 mm’lik polipoid oluşum izlendi. Buradan aldığımız biyopsi örneğinin patolojik inceleme sonucu özofagus skuamoz papillomu olarak geldi.Esophageal squamous papilloma is a benign squamous epithelial polypoid tumor and is usually seen as a solitary lesion of the lower esophagus. They have a low prevalence, and about 250 cases have been reported in the literature since 1959. Chronic mucosal irritation and infection with human papilloma virus are proposed etiologies. There are no pathognomonic symptoms for the typical esophageal squamous papilloma. Our patient was a 51-yearold man who had chronic dyspeptic complaints and endoscopically detected reflux esophagitis. A 3-4 mm sized polypoid formation was seen at the 25’th cm of his esophagus during the endoscopic examination. Pathologic inspection of the biopsied specimen taken from this part of his esophagus indicated esophageal squamous papilloma

    The effect of post-wildfire management practices on vegetation recovery: Insights from the Sapadere fire, Antalya, Türkiye

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    Post-wildfire management actions mainly targeting the removal of salvage logs and burned trees is a common but controversial practice. Although it aims to regain some of the natural and economic value of a forest, it also requires disturbing burned areas, which may have some negative consequences affecting, for instance, the carbon cycle, soil erosion, and vegetation cover. Observations from different geographic settings contribute to this scientific debate, and yet, the spatiotemporal evolution of the post-fire road network developed as part of fire management practices and its influence on vegetation recovery has been rarely examined. Specifically, we still lack observations from Türkiye, though wildfires are a common event. This research examined the evolution of the vegetation cover in relation to post-fire road constructions and the resultant debris materials in areas affected by the 2017 Sapadere fire in Antalya, Türkiye. We used multi-sensor, multi-temporal optical satellite data and monitored the variation in both vegetation cover and road network from the pre-to post-fire periods between 2014 and 2021. Our results showed that fire management practices almost doubled the road network in the post-fire period, from 487 km to 900 km. Overall, 7% of the burned area was affected by these practices. As a result, vegetation cover in those areas shows only ∼50% recovery, whereas undisturbed areas exhibit ∼100% recovery 5 years after the event. Notably, such spatiotemporal analysis carried out for different burned areas would provide a better insight into the most suitable post-fire management practices. Our findings, in particular, show that the current practices need to be revisited as they cause a delay in vegetation recovery