2 research outputs found

    Kajian Penundaan Kematangan Pisang Raja (Musa paradisiaca Var. Sapientum L.) Melalui Penggunaan Media Penyerap Etilen Kalium Permanganat

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    Abstrak. Indonesia adalah salah satu penghasil pisang terbesar di asia. Masa hidup pisang relatif pendek. Sehingga tidak dapat menjangkau jarak jauh dalam pemasaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari efek penyerap etilen kalium permanganat untuk menunda proses pematangan, untuk mengetahui efektivitas etilen kalium permanganat untuk menyerap etilen dan untuk mengembangkan model penentuan konsentrasi etilen selama penyimpanan sebelum proses pematangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi etilen setara dengan 0,16 ml/g.jam pada perlakuan 10 g , diikuti oleh perlakuan penyerap etilen 20 g dengan nilai setara dengan 0,06 ml/g.jam, penyerap 30 g sama dengan 0,03 ml / g.hour dan penyerap 40 g sama dengan 0,02 ml / g.hour pada suhu kamar 25 – 28 oC. Pada suhu dari 13, efektivitas penyerap etilen sama dengan 0,11 ml / g.hour pada perlakuan konsentrasi penyerap 10 g, diikuti oleh penyerap 20 g sama dengan 0,05 ml / g.hour . Penyerap 30 g sama dengan 0,03 ml / g.hour dan penyerap 40 g sama dengan 0,02 ml / g.hour. Fase klimakterik pada pisang dengan suhu 13 oC adalah di hari ke-11 , dengan produksi CO2 sama dengan 47,12 ml/kg dan produksi etilen sama dengan 1.82 ppm pada suhu ruang. Pada penggunaan etilen permanganat potasium diperoleh umur penyimpanan yang lebih panjang pada pisang, yaitu 20 hari pada suhu ruang dan 45 hari pada suhu 13 oC. Study of Lengthen Shelf Life of Pisang Raja (Musa paradisiaca Var. Sapientum L.) by Using Absorber Ethylene  Potassium Permanganate SubstanceAbstract. Indonesia is one of the biggest bananas producers in Asia. Banana is categorized as perishable  commodity,  therefore it cannot market is limited by distribution time.  Reach a long distance in marketing. This aim of this research is to study the effect of ethylene potassium permanganate to delay  the ripening of the fruit process, to know the effectiveness of ethylene potassium permanganate to absorb the ethylene and to develop ethylene concentration model during storage before ripening process. Results show that concentration of ethylene  is equal to 0.16 ml/g.hour at 10 g  of treatment, followed by 20 g  of absorber , that is equal to 0.06 ml/g.hour, 30g of absorber, that is equal to 0.03 ml/g.hour and 40g of absorber that is equal to 0.02 ml/g.hour at room temperature (25-28oC) temperature . At temperature of 13 0C, the effectivity of ethylene absorber is equal to 0.11 ml/g.hour at treatment concentration of 10 g  of absorber, followed by absorber 20 g of equal to 0.05 ml/g.hour. The absorber 30 g equal to 0.03 ml/g.hour and absorber 40 g equal to 0.02 ml/g.hour. Climacteric phase in  banana at temperature of  13 0C  is on the 11th day,  with production of CO2 equals to 14.67 ml/kg and production of ethylene equals to 0.96 ppm. Climacteric phase is in the 5th  day with production CO2 equals to 47.12 ml/kg and production of ethylene equals to 1.82 ppm at room temperature. The  ethylene potassium permanganate substance chamber is able to lengthen the shelf life of banana for 20 days at room temperature  and for 45 days at  temperature of 13 0C

    For better or for worse? a scoping review of the relationship between internet use and mental health in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Older adults were advised to avoid social activities during the outbreak of COVID-19. Consequently, they no longer received the social and emotional support they had gained from such activities. Internet use might be a solution to remedy the situation. Therefore, this scoping review sought to map the literature on Internet use and mental health in the older population during the pandemic to examine the extent and nature of the research. A scoping review was conducted using eight databases—PubMed, Scopus, Ebscohost Medline, Ebscohost Academic Search, Ebscohost CINAHL Plus, Ebscohost Cochrane, Ebscohost Psychology and Behavioural Sciences Collection, and Ebscohost SPORTDiscus, according to PRISMA guidelines. Two pre-tested templates (quantitative and qualitative studies) were developed to extract data and perform descriptive analysis and thematic summary. A total of ten articles met the eligibility criteria. Seven out of ten studies were quantitative, while the remainder were qualitative. Five common themes were identified from all the included studies. Our review revealed that Internet use for communication purposes seems to be associated with better mental health in older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Directions for future research and limitations of review are also discussed