97 research outputs found

    Role of business process models in requirements engineering

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    The goal of requirements engineering is to create a complete, consistent requirements specification of a desired system in order to establish the requirements at an abstract level.Business process modeling in the early phases of requirement engineering is rather useful.This paper examines business process modeling for the development of information systems.It presents the role of Business Process Model in Requirements Engineering.The process of Requirements Engineering is highlighted in this paper.It explains thoroughly the groundwork, requirements elicitation and business process model. Several Business Process Models are discussed at later part and how they are related to Requirements Engineering.It is enlightened the importance of Business Process Models in Requirements Engineering to get more precise and accurate requirements

    A UML profile for conceptual modelling of knowledge-based systems

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    Goal-oriented approach to business intelligence requirement analysis for Malaysian rural healthcare center

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    Despite the advancement in the Malaysian rural healthcare centers operations, the healthcare delivery is currently facing some challenges caused by the techniques in collecting the data for analyzing their performances at the end of the day.It is posited that healthcare centers can take advantages of these data and explore analytic s as a competitive tool provided by Business Intelligence (BI).However, several surveys indicate that a significant percentage of business intelligence projects fail to meet business objectives or are outright failures.One of the reasons for this is that requirement analysis is typically overlooked in real BI project.The objective of this paper is to explore a goal-oriented approach to BI requirements analysis for Malaysian Rural Healthcare Centers.The goal-oriented method proposes for the study is Goal-oriented Requirement Analysis (GRAnD).GRAnD is based on the Tropos methodology.GRAnD adopts two different perspectives for requirements analysis: organizational modeling and decision modeling. The proposed methodology is described with reference to a real case study

    ETL processes specifications generation through goal-ontology approach

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    The common design-related problems for extract, transform, load (ETL) processes are far away from being resolved due to the variation and ambiguity of user requirements and the complexity of ETL operations.These were the fundamental issues of data conflicts in heterogeneous information sharing environments.Current approaches are based on existing software requirement methods that have limitations on reconciliation of the user semantics toward the modeling of the DW. This will prolong the process to generate the ETL processes specifications accordingly.The solution in this paper is focused on the requirement analysis method for designing the ETL processes. The method - RAMEPs (Requirement Analysis Method for ETL Processes) was developed to support the design of ETL processes by analyzing and producing the DW requirements in perspectives of organization, decision-makers, and developers.The ETL processes are modeled and designed by capturing DW schemas and data sources integration and transformation. The validation of RAMEPs emphasizes on the correctness of the goal-oriented and ontology requirement model, and was validated by using compliant tools that support both these approaches.The correctness of RAMEPs was evaluated in three real case studies of Student Affairs System, Gas Utility System, and Graduate Entrepreneur System.These case studies were used to illustrate how the RAMEPs method was implemented in generating the ETL processes specifications

    Requirements analysis method for extracting-transformation-loading (ETL) in data warehouse systems

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    The data warehouse (DW) system design involves several tasks such as defining the DW schemas and the ETL processes specifications, and these have been extensively studied and practiced for many years.The problems in heterogeneous data integration are still far from being resolved due to the complexity of ETL processes and the fundamental problems of data conflicts in information sharing environments.The understanding of an early phase of DW development is essential in properly tackling the complexity of ETL processes.The method to analyses the DW requirements from the abstract level (e.g. goal, sub-goal, stakeholder, dependency) toward the specification of ETL processes (e.g. extracting, filtering, conversion) are important in order to manage the complexity of the ETL processes design (e.g. semantic heterogeneity problems). However, current approaches that are based on existing software requirement approach still have limitations on translating the business semantics for DW requirements toward the ETL processes specifications.Moreover, the understanding of goal in the perspective of the organization and decision makers are important to ensure the semantic of DW requirements can be properly determined, organized, and implemented by the ETL processes. Therefore, the proposed method will utilize the ontology with goal-driven approach in analyzing the requirements of ETL processes

    Business intelligence system using goal-ontology approach: A case study in Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Business Intelligence(BI) system design involves several tasks such as d e-fining DW requirements, modeling DW structure and specifying ETL processes operations, and these have been studied and practiced for many years.However, the common design-related problems such as defining user re-quirements and deriving data integration and transformation activities are still far from being resolved due to the ambiguity of business requirements and the complexity of DW and ETL process, and that was the fundamental issues of conflicts in heterogeneous information sharing environments.Current approaches that are based on existing software requirement methods still have limitations on reconciliation the business semantics for BI re-quirements toward the modeling of DW and ETL process structure.This will difficult the process to define the DW and ETL process specifications accordingly.This paper adopts the Requirement Analysis Method for ETL Processes (RAMEPs) framework for the BI system approach and focused on requirement analysis method for designing the DW schemas and ETL process specifications.The RAMEPs is based on ontology and goal-driven approach in analyzing the business requirements and modeling the data integration and transformation activities.A case study of the student affair in University domain is used to illustrate how the BI approach can be implemented

    Architecture for clinical decision support system (CDSS) using high risk pregnancy ontology

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    Shortage of medical professionals in the rural area has been one of the reasons why maternal mortality is still very high.Midwife family program had been introduced to overcome the shortage but the lack of skills in recognizing high risk pregnancy becomes another factor of high maternal mortality rate.A good prenatal care program will help to identify the danger in time and provide early management.Therefore, this paper provides solution by introducing a new architecture of clinical decision support system (CDSS) in the domain of high risk pregnancy. The proposed architecture is composed of seven main components.The ontological approach was used to develop the knowledge repository in the CDSS architecture.The need for CDSS was investigated through interview session, questionnaire distribution and observation.In addition, the comparison with other CDSSs approach is also highlighted in the paper

    Groupware technology acceptance as a knowledge sharing tool: A case study in UUM

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    This paper provides a richer understanding of the groupware technology acceptance by evaluating the use and the acceptance of Webcube in the Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), one of the Malaysian Public Universities.The focus is on Webcube’s ten knowledge sharing features, which are Email, Homepage, News, Shoutbox, Journal, Calendar, Community Center, File Manager, Forum and Weblog.The research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework–extended with the collaboration technology-specific determinants to the various TAM constructs. This paper discusses the factors influencing the use of Webcube and acceptance issues as highlighted by the users

    Requirement analysis approach for Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) Library Data Warehouse

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    Requirements play a very important role in software development and forms as a backbone of any successful or failure of the IT project. Careless of requirements interpretation would increase cost and hinder the system development to satisfy user’s expectation. Therefore, it is necessary to present the requirement in an understandable and meaningful way.This is achieved through a proper requirement process, which gives a complete view of data warehouse (DW) system and represents idea without having to explore into an actual system.This research aims to propose a requirement analysis approach for UUM Library DW system. Snowflake dimension model is used to present the DW structure that derived from a set of requirement lists, which was produced from the requirement analysis process.Various reports were designed and validated by the authorized librarian. Several limitations were discussed, and recommendations for future research were suggested

    RAMEPs: A goal-ontology approach to analyse the requirement for data warehouse systems

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    The data warehouse (DW) systems design involves several tasks such as defining the DW schemas and the ETL processes specifications, and these have been extensively studied and practiced for many years.However, the problems in heterogeneous data integration are still far from being resolved due to the complexity of ETL processes and the fundamental problems of data conflicts in information sharing environments. Current approaches that are based on existing software requirement methods still have limitations on translating the business semantics for DW requirements toward the ETL processes specifications. This paper proposes the Requirement Analysis Method for ETL processes (RAMEPs) that utilize ontology with the goal-driven approach in analysing the requirements of ETL processes. A case study of student affair domain is used to illustrate how the method can be implemented