15 research outputs found
Progress of Rice Improvement Through Recurrent Selection
Improved rice varieties play an important role in increasing rice production, through raising and/or stabilizing rice productivity. Thus, it is urgent to develop improved rice varieties. Selection method is an important step in rice improvement. Implementation of recurrent selection in rice improvement was aimed to increase the efficiency and insurance in the success of improvement. Since 2004, Indonesian Institute for Rice Research has applied recurrent selection in breeding program. Promising lines of earliness and high yield potential were developed in relatively short time. A number of advanced lines has been produced and will be further evaluated, and a number of populations has been selected and used as base populations for recurrent selection in rice improvement program
Peningkatan Kadar Antosianin Beras Merah dan Beras Hitam melalui Biofortifikasi
Biofortifikasi adalah paradigma baru di dunia pertanian dan merupakan salah satu pendekatan dalam meningkatkan gizi masyarakat. Beras yang merupakan makanan pokok di Indonesia dapat ditingkatkan kandungan gizinya melalui program pemuliaan tanaman guna menghasilkan varietas padi yang berasnya mengandung vitamin, mineral, dan/atau senyawa lain seperti antosianin yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Antosianin dapat dihasilkan oleh tanaman secara alami. Biofortifikasi beras yang mengandung antosianin tinggi telah dilakukan melalui program perakitan varietas padi beras merah dan beras hitam dengan prosedur pemuliaan konvensional. Dua varietas unggul padi fungsional yang mengandung antosianin tinggi telah dilepas yaitu Inpari-24 Gabusan sebagai varietas unggul padi beras merah dengan kandungan antosianin 8 ug/100g dan Inpari-25 Opak Jaya sebagai varietas ketan merah dengan kandungan antosianin 11 ug/100g. Varietas unggul padi beras merah hasil biofortikasi telah berkembang luas di beberapa daerah karena disukai konsumen dan menguntungkan petani. Beberapa galur harapan padi beras merah dan beras hitam yang mengandung antosianin lebih tinggi masih dalam tahap pengujian daya hasil dan multilokasi. Beberapa di antara galur tersebut diharapkan dapat dilepas sebagai varietas unggul padi beras merah dan beras hitam yang lebih baik dari varietas yang sudah ada. Untuk mengatasi penyakit degeneratif seperti kanker, diabetes, dan hipertensi, dengan mengonsumsi pangan fungsional hasil biofortikasi lebih efisien dan lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pangan hasil fortifikasi karena senyawa penting yang ditambahkan melalui biofortifikasi bersifat diwariskan dan langgeng
Padi Liar Tetua Toleran Kekeringan
Drought is one of the abiotic constraint in rice production, which occured during plant growth. Wild rice with drought tolerance charactes may be expected to contribute drought tolerance in modern rice varieties. The study was conducted in green house of Indonesian Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research Institute in DS 2002. About 87 wild rice accessions were treated in PEG 8000 solution and planted in pots experiment with wax-petrolatum layer as base of pots to identified osmotic potential and root penetration ability of seedlings. The experiment was arranged randomized block design with three replications. The result of the experiment showed that only two accession of Oryza glaberrima and O. nivara were sprouted in 32.5% conc. of PEG 8000 solution. Root penetration ability of the wild rice were recorded i.e. O. glumaepatula, O. glaberrima, O. nivara, O. punctata, and O. rufipogon. O. glaberrima 101297 is expected to be the one of the best wild rice accession for drought tolerant, beside its shortest maturity date and having good characters
Stabilitas Hasil Galur-galur Harapan Padi Sawah
The yield stability of genotype needs to be known before a genotype is released as new variety. The objective of this research was to identify yield and yield stability of rice breeding lines. Multilocational yield trials (MYTs) were conducted at nine locations in the 2009 dry and wet seasons. Ten promising lines were evaluated along with two control varieties, arranged in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The result showed that five lines, i.e. B11007E-MR-3-2-PN-1-2, B10542FKN-90-1, B10533F-KN-12-2, B10543E-PN-17-1, and B10541F-KN-31-3 were considered as stable in all environments. The yield of four stable lines, i.e. B11007E-MR-3-2-PN-1-2, B10542F-KN-90-1, B10533F-KN-12-2, and B10541F-KN-31-3 each was not significantly different from Ciherang. The yield of glutinous rice line B10543E-PN-17-1 also was not significantly different from Ciasem. The yield stability and the agronomic appearance of these two lines were the same or better than those of Ciherang or Ciasem
Rejuvenasi dan Karakterisasi Plasma Nutfah Spesies Padi Liar
Spesies padi liar (Oryza sp.) saat ini belum banyak dimanfaatkan dalam program pemuliaan. Spesies ini diketahui memiliki sifat-sifat penting seperti ketahanan terhadap wereng coklat, hawar daun bakteri, virus tungro, penyakit blas, dan cekaman lingkungan. Sebagian kecil dari spesies padi liar sudah digunakan sebagai sumber gen ketahanan terhadap virus tungro dan wereng coklat dalam perakitan varietas padi. Rejuvenasi dilakukan untuk memelihara viabilitas dan ketersediaan benih. Selain rejuvenasi sifat-sifat penting, juga perlu dilakukan karakterisasi. Data yang diperoleh didokumentasi dan disimpan dalam database. Balitbiogen, Bogor memiliki koleksi 18 spesies padi liar dengan 84 nomor aksesi, antara lain O. nivara, O. rufipogon, O. glumaepatula, O. glaberima, O. barthii, O. granulata, O. longiglumis, O. eichingeri, O. ridleyi, O. minuta, O. malampuzhaensis, O. punctata, O. rhizomatis, O. australiensis, O. latifolia, O. officinalis, O. alta, dan O. grandiglumis, dengan jumlah benih sangat sedikit. Ciri-ciri padi liar yang menonjol adalah mudah rontok, umumnya berbulu, dan memiliki sifat dormansi yang lama. Spesies padi liar kompleks officinalis umumnya sangat mudah rontok, ukuran gabah kecil, bobot 1000 butir rata-rata <10 g, gabah berwarna abu-abu kehitaman, aleuron berwarna merah, tanaman umumnya tinggi, dan dapat diratun. Kompleks O. sativa umumnya memiliki gabah lebih besar dengan bobot 1000 butir rata-rata 10-24 g, warna gabah abu-abu kehitaman hingga kuning, sebagian cere, tingkat kerontokan sedang hingga tinggi. Benih hasil rejuvenasi disimpan di ruang penyimpanan dengan suhu +10oC
Estimation of Genetic Parameter in New Plant Type Aromatic Rice Lines
Information on genetic variability and heritability of plant characters is important to support the rice selection program. A study was conducted to determine the genetic variability of characters and grain yields of 35 New Plant Type Rice Lines (NPTR) under two different environments, with varieties Ciherang and Sintanur as checks. The trials were conducted at two locations (Bogor and Pusakanagara, West Java) during dry season (DS) 2009 and wet season (WS) of 2009/2010. Each trial was arranged in a randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. Twenty one day-old rice seedlings of each entry were planted in 2 m x 5 m plots at a 20 cm x 20 cm plant spacing, one seedling per hill. Results of the combined analysis showed that strains, environments, and its interaction was significantly affecting the whole characters of NPTR. High variabilities were observed on genetic, heritability, and genetic advance characters among the new rice type lines, particularly on the number of productive tillers, total number of grains per panicle, and total grain yield. These three characters were positively correlated with rice grain yield, and could be used as indicators for superior lines
Agronomics Characteristics and Its Correlation of New Plant Type Promising Rice Lines
In a plant breeding program, knowledge of the character and interrelationships among yield and yield contributing characters are necessary. This study was carried out to identify the plant character and its correlation between yield-correlated traits of 35 NPT rice promising lines with Ciherang and Sintanur as check varieties, planted in two locations, Bogor and Pusakanagara and two seasons (2009 dry and wet season, DS-WS). Those lines were planted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) arrangement, in three replications. The 21-days-old seedling planted one seed per hole, spacing 20 cm x 20 cm, with a plot size of 2 x 5 m2 per line. Plant characters varied and were significantly different from Ciherang and Sintanur as check varieties except for grain yield. B11742- RS*2-3-MR-34-1-2-1 was the line that had the lowest plant height, grain yield, and the shortest growth duration. Most of the lines had character as new plant type variety. Grain yield positively correlated with all characters, but only significantly and positively correlated with plant height at range from 91.4- 120.7 cm
Yield Stability and Adaptability of Aromatic New Plant Type (NPT) Rice Lines
Aromatic new plant type (NPT) rice lines were selected to obtain high yielding and aromatic lines. The objectives of the research were to study the yield stability and adaptability of 35 NPTrice lines across different environment, with Ciherang and Sintanur as check varieties. The lines planted at two locations, Bogor and Pusakanagara in two seasons (2009 dry and wet seasons, DS-WS). The experiment used randomized complete block design (RCBD), with three replications. The 21-day-old seedlings were planted with spacing of 20 cm x 20 cm, with a plot size of 2 m x 5 m. Yield stability and adaptability were estimated by using coeffi cient regression (bi) and general mean of yield by Finlay-Wilkinson method. Combined analysis of variance showed that lines (G), environment (E), and the G x E interaction were signifi cantly different. Lines showed different stability and adaptability . Several lines yielded higher than Ciherang variety . Nine lines were classifi edasstable and widely adapted at the marginal environment, i.e IPB 116-F-3-1, IPB 117-F-4-1, IPB-117-F-14-2, IPB-117-F-15-2, IPB-117-F-17-5, IPB 140-F-1-1, 140-F-IPB, 2-1, IPB 140-F-3, and IPB 149-F-2. Lines IPB 113-F-2, IPB 140-F-4, IPB 140-F-6, IPB 140-F-7, and B11738-MR-Si-1-2-1-2 were not stable and adapted only in optimum environmental condition (bi > 1) while IPB 116-F-46-1, IPB-117-F 17-4, IPB-117-F 18-3 and B11955-MR-84-1-4 has the value of bi < 1 or adaptable to marginal environments