18 research outputs found

    Analisis kecenderungan Manhaj Akidah Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera’i

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    Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i is a very great and respected scholar during 16th and 17th century of Acheh. His knowledge in various fields recognized by local and international scholars. He had been a Qadi Malik al-’Adil, a religious leader, who became a referred by communities and country during the reign of the three Sultans of Aceh. He has authored nearly 40 pieces of books related to the theology and sufism. This study focuses on the methods used by Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i in his theological writings. This study found that Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatera'i had used six methods in the such writings

    Pendekatan Syeikh Daud al-Fatani dalam menganalisis permasalahan Sifat Dua Puluh

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    Syeikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fatani (1133H-1847M) atau nama penuhnya ialah Wan Daud bin Wan Abdullah merupakan seorang tokoh ulama Nusantara yang prolifik dan karya-karya masih menjadi rujukan sehingga ke hari ini. Artikel ini membincangkan pendekatan Syeikh Daud al-Fatani dalam menganalisis permasalahan Sifat Dua Puluh. Isu-isu utama yang menjadi perbincangan artikel ini ialah: [i] persoalan sifat Allah SWT; [ii] hakikat kewujudan Allah SWT; dan [iii] pembahagian sifat-sifat Allah SWT. Penulisan artikel ini adalah berdasarkan kajian analisis kandungan. Sumber primer yang menjadi asas dalam penulisan ini ialah karya-karya Syeikh Daud al-Fatani seperti al-Durr al-Thamin, Ward al-Zawahir dan Jawahir al-Saniyyah. Kesimpulannya, pendekatan Syeikh Daud al-Fatani dalam pembahagian sifat-sifat Allah SWT kepada sifat dua puluh adalah pengaruh daripada al-Sanusi dalam memahami persoalan sifat. Walau bagaimanapun Syeikh Daud sebagaimana al-Sanusi tidak mengisbatkan bahawa sifat Allah SWT hanya terbatas kepada dua puluh sifat sahaja kerana sifat kesempurnaan Allah SWT tidak ada had dan batasannya

    Isu Melihat Allah SWT di Akhirat Antara Al-Būtī dan Salafiyyah Semasa

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    Isu dalam menetapkan orang mukmin melihat Allah S.W.T. di akhirat terdapat perselisihan di antara aliran al-AshaÑirah dan Salafiyah semasa. Aliran Salafiyyah semasa berpegang bahawa orang mukmin melihat Allah di akhirat adalah dengan keadaan Allah bertempat, berarah dan berjisim. Manakala al-AshaÑirah pula berpandangan bahawa orang mukmin melihat Allah di akhirat tanpa berjisim, bertempat dan berarah. Al-Būtī merupakan seorang pengkaji tentang aliran al-AshaÑirah yang sentiasa memberi pandangan terhadap aliran-aliran yang berbeza daripada pandangan al-AshaÑirah. Beliau banyak berkecimpung di dalam perdebatan, penyelidikan dan penulisan. Untuk tujuan demikian kajian ini diketengahkan untuk meneliti penghujahan antara al-Būtī dan aliran Salafiyah semasa di dalam isu melihat Allah s.w.t. di akhirat. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif yang menjurus kepada metode dokumentasi, kajian pensejarahan dan analisis perbandingan. Hasil kajian dalam isu ini menunjukkan penghujahan al-Būtī adalah jelas dengan menggunakan dalil naqli dan akal yang seimbang. Selain itu penghujahan beliau adalah selari dengan pandangan Ahli Sunah Waljamaah. Manakala penghujahan salafiyyah mempunyai perbezaan di antara Imam Ahmad dan sebahagian mereka yang mengikut pegangannya.Isu dalam menetapkan orang mukmin melihat Allah S.W.T. di akhirat terdapat perselisihan di antara aliran al-AshaÑirah dan Salafiyah semasa. Aliran Salafiyyah semasa berpegang bahawa orang mukmin melihat Allah di akhirat adalah dengan keadaan Allah bertempat, berarah dan berjisim. Manakala al-AshaÑirah pula berpandangan bahawa orang mukmin melihat Allah di akhirat tanpa berjisim, bertempat dan berarah. Al-Būtī merupakan seorang pengkaji tentang aliran al-AshaÑirah yang sentiasa memberi pandangan terhadap aliran-aliran yang berbeza daripada pandangan al-AshaÑirah. Beliau banyak berkecimpung di dalam perdebatan, penyelidikan dan penulisan. Untuk tujuan demikian kajian ini diketengahkan untuk meneliti penghujahan antara al-Būtī dan aliran Salafiyah semasa di dalam isu melihat Allah s.w.t. di akhirat. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif yang menjurus kepada metode dokumentasi, kajian pensejarahan dan analisis perbandingan. Hasil kajian dalam isu ini menunjukkan penghujahan al-Būtī adalah jelas dengan menggunakan dalil naqli dan akal yang seimbang. Selain itu penghujahan beliau adalah selari dengan pandangan Ahli Sunah Waljamaah. Manakala penghujahan salafiyyah mempunyai perbezaan di antara Imam Ahmad dan sebahagian mereka yang mengikut pegangannya

    Sumbangan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Islam Kelantan (JAHEAIK) dalam memperkasakan akidah ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah

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    Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Kelantan (JAHEAIK) was officially established in 1950 to assist Majlis Agama Islam dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan (MAIK) in extend Islamic teachings and monitored the development of Islamic teachings in Kelantan from any forms of deviation teachings contrary to the creed of Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah (ASWJ). The purpose of this study is to discuss the contribution of JAHEAIK in empowering the creed of ASWJ. A qualitative approach with document analysis and interview methods was used to obtain the required information accurately. The results found that JAHEAIK had tremendously contributed to the community by strengthening the creed of ASWJ through organizing the programs and conducting activities. In conclusion, this study found that JAHEAIK's contribution to the empowerment of the creed of ASWJ in Kelantan is effective and continuous

    Creatividad y construcción arquitectónica de vanguardia : estudio sobre proceso de invención y modelo didáctico de aplicación para el desarrollo creativo en la enseñanza [sic] aprendizaje en la introducción al diseño arquitectónico

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    En esta tesis, se profundiza en los estudios sobre el fenómeno de la creatividad aplicada en diferentes ámbitos de estudio, de la época de finales del siglo XIX principios del XX. La hipótesis planteada en este trabajo se centra en la posibilidad de dar a conocer el proceso del pensamiento creativo a los profesores-arquitectos, para que éstos puedan innovar y valorar el material adecuado en el desarrollo de la actividad creativa, y emplearlo con los alumnos de los dos primeros semestres de la carrera de ingeniero arquitecto, en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) de México. El estudio se enfoca a realizar una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica de las teorías de la creatividad, los entornos de aprendizaje, el arte moderno y la arquitectura, determinando algunas características y desarrollos especulativos, para luego cotejarlos con el análisis de dos obras arquitectónicas de gran envergadura. Se consultaron los programas de estudio de dos asignaturas de la etapa formativa de la carrera de ingeniero arquitecto, relacionadas con el diseño arquitectónico y el Nuevo Modelo Educativo del IPN.MadridBellas Artes, Sección de Tesis Doctorales y Publicaciones Académicas; El Greco 2, Ciudad Universitaria; 28040 Madrid; +34913943626; [email protected] de la Univerisdad Complutense. Servicio de Tesis Doctorales y Publicaciones Académicas; Noviciado, 3; 28015 Madrid; Tel. +34913946641; Fax +34913946599; [email protected]

    منهج السلفية المعاصرين في العقيدة

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    Salafi has emerged as a new school of thought in the modern era. They are alleged to be propagating the Muslims of returning to the belief of the so-called salaf al-salih (the pious of the past) from the Prophet’s Companions and their successors in the matter of `aqidah using method that claimed to be true compared to methods used by other Islam’s school of thoughts. However, their claim for the use of such method has been objected by the ulama of Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jamaah. As the method used by this group in understanding the teachings of Islam has negative impact on the Muslim society, an objective study in recognising the method of this new school of thought is needed in warranting the extent of its compatibility with the method of the Salaf ulama. Hence, this study will employ deductive method in assembling ideas and statements made by contemporary Salafi ulama. These ideas will be analysed critically and then compared to the ulama Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jamaah’s views. The result of the study shows that the Salafi method has its root from the 3rd Hijrah school of thought. It also shows that the method is in contrast with the method of the Ahl Sunnah wa al-Jamaah as explicated by the Muslim ulama. The dissemination of this school of thought among the Muslim society has raised distorted understanding and conflict among Muslim youth especially with regard to furu` (the branch of religion) issues related to discourse in `aqidah


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    Purpose: This paper attempts to illuminate the different opinions of Ashā‘irah scholars namely, Al-Bāqillānī, Al-Juwaynī and Al-Ghazālī on the subject of human acts. The discourse of human acts emerges from the argument of God’s attributes qudrah and irādah. It was first discussed by Jabariyyah and Qadariyyah which was then eventually elevated by the Mu’tazilah in understanding human acts. Methodology: This study is a qualitative study in nature that employs document analysis method. The comparative analysis will be done in order to examine similarities and differences found in the discussion of the Ashā‘irah scholars. Main Findings: As a whole, the four scholars anticipated in different arguments. It can be summed that Al-Ash‘arī and Al-Ghazālī hold that human acts are still considered as acts of God considering all actions are created by Him. Meanwhile, Al-Bāqillānī and Al-Juwaynī maintained human acts to be free from God’s acts. Applications: The discussion of this study serves as an important mean in comprehending the discourse of the Ashā‘irah tradition on the concept of human acts. Novelty/Originality: This paper examines the arguments and proofs based on the Ashā‘irah scholars which will look into their respective writings on the discourse of human act

    Al- Ghazālī’s approach in defending the Islamic faith

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    Al-Ghazālī is considered as imam (the most prominent) in epistemological critique and religious sects during his time, and one of the most prominent in defending the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā‘ah (Sunni Muslims, Sunnis, Sunnites). He is also considered one of the most prominent of theorizing of the Ash‘arī theology (Asharites or Ashʿarism) and Sufi thought. He was able to purify philosophy from superstition, and clarifies what is bad from what is sound, and he is considered as mujaddid (reformer) in his time. He was also distinguished by his intelligence, quality of writing, and erudition, as the objectives of the research were the manifestation of al-Ghazālī’s approach in defending the Islamic faith and his opinion on philosophy, theology, mysticism, and al-Bāṭiniyyah (The Sect of Batiniyya; esotericism) through studying his position in his book al-Iqtiṣād fī al-Iʿtiqād (The Moderation in Belief), Tahāfut al-Falāsifah (The Incoherence of the Philosophers), al-Munqidh min al-Ḍalāl (The Rescuer from Error) and Fadā’ih al-Bāṭiniyyah (The Infamies of the Esotericists). His positions were studied according to the historical, inductive, analytical, and critical research method. The study found that al-Ghazālī was able to be the master of his time in defending and establishing the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā‘ah, as he was also aware of the war to the al-Bāṭiniyyah and scholars, sultans, and the common people were charged with its war. Likewise, al-Ghazālī worked on establishing the Islamic faith and demonstrating it with textual and rational evidence. He criticized ‘Ilm al-Kalām (Islamic scholastic theology) and aiming it in accordance with the Islamic faith, and its use in defending and defining the Islamic faith and called for it to be preserved from the common people and to be used only in defence of the Islamic faith

    The theory of human act according to the Mu’tazilites

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    The Mu’tazilites emphasizes the concept of Divine justice and the responsibility of man. According to them, Allah should reward or punish human beings according to their deeds. They maintain that man decides upon and creates his acts, both good and evil. He deserves reward and punishment in the hereafter for what he does. This article focuses on the arguments of Mu’tazilites in defending their theory. It also reveals their arguments in defending that human beings are the only authors of their own acts. The ‘Qiyas al-Gha’ib `ala al-Shahid’ has been widely used in their arguments

    Sumbangan dan peranan Shaykh Shams al-Dīn al-Sumaterā’ī terhadap perkembangan Islam di Nusantara

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    Aceh merupakan pusat penyebaran Islam terbesar di Nusantara sesudah kejatuhan kerajaan Melaka pada 1511 Masihi. Ini kerana Aceh menjadi pusat tumpuan perdagangan antarabangsa yang menghubungkan di antara beberapa negara Islam di Timur Tengah dengan kepulauan Nusantara. Di antara ulama yang memainkan peranan utama dalam menyebarkan dakwah Islam adalah Shaykh Shams al- Dīn al-Sumaterā’ī. Beliau telah menjadi QāÌī Mālik al-‘Ādil di sepanjang tiga pemerintahan Sultan di Aceh. Makalah ini menfokuskan untuk meneliti sumbangan dan peranan Shaykh Shams al-Dīn al-Sumaterā’ī dalam perkembangan Islam di Nusantara. Kajian ini menggunakan metode yang merangkumi pengumpulan data, analisis kandungan, analisis berasaskan sejarah, analisis perbandingan, dan metode induktif dan deduktif. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa Shaykh Shams al-Dīn al- Sumaterā’ī berjaya menyebarkan dakwah Islamnya melalui kedudukan politiknya dan juga karya-karyanya. Di antara sumbangan Shaykh Shams al-Dīn al-Sumaterā’ī terhadap dakwah Islam adalah merangkumi dua dimensi asas Islam iaitu akidah dan tasawwuf sama ada kepada masyarakat Nusantara mahupun negara yang berada di luar kepulauan Nusantara