16 research outputs found

    Intestinal permeability assays: a review

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    Aim. A literature review of intestinal permeability assessment techniques. Key points. The intestinal barrier is a functional entity separating the intestinal lumen and internal body, and intestinal permeability is a measure of the barrier functionality. The intestinal barrier integrity and permeability assays differ by the application setting (in vivo or ex vivo), subject (human or animal), marker molecules used to assess permeability (ions, various size carbohydrates, macromolecules, antigens, bacterial products and bacteria), biomaterial for the marker concentration assays (peripheral blood, portal venous blood, urine, stool). Despite a great variety of methods for assessing intestinal permeability, their clinical application requires further studies due to a lack of standardisation, the complexity of selected techniques and occasional limited reliability of results. Conclusion. Further investigation and improvement of intestinal permeability assays is required. The assay and result standardisation will facilitate practice in functional and organic intestinal diseases, as well as allergies, diabetes mellitus non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and some other illnesses

    Fecal microbiota transplantation: Donor selection criteria, storage and preparation of biomaterials (review of current recommendations)

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    Fecal microbiota transplantation is a treatment method based on the introduction of donated fecal material to the recipient in order to restore the damaged composition of the intestinal microbiota. This review summarizes existing data on indications for fecal microbiota transplantation, recommendations for donor selection, processing and storage of donor biomaterial

    Распространенность H. pylori среди медицинских работников Москвы и Казани

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    Распространенность Helicobacter pylori среди медицинских работников Москвы и Казани по данным ¹³С-уреазного дыхательного теста

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    Rationale: The relevance of the problem is related to the lack of data on Helicobacter pylori (HP) prevalence in Russia, which is associated with the risk of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer, and also, on the other hand, to the non-adherence of the doctors to the existing expert guidelines on diagnosis of this infection and HP eradication therapy.Aim: To assess the prevalence of HP among medical workers and their willingness to undergo eradication therapy.Materials and methods: A total of 315 medical workers (61 men and 254 women) aged 18 to 76 years were examined, among them 221 in Moscow and 94 in Kazan. To assess the HP contamination rate, all participants performed a ¹³С-urease breath test with the “HELICARB” test kit according to the “four-point” technique. All participants were asked to complete the questionnaires to access the impact of social and occupational factors on the prevalence of HP.Results: HP was identified in 54.9% of the examined subjects, including 45.9% of men and 57.1% of women. The prevalence of HP in Moscow was substantially lower (49.8%) than in Kazan (67%). The proportion of HP-positive subjects increased with age from 41.8% in those below 25 years of age to 76.9% in those above their 60s. 60.2% of married participants and 49% of the singles were HP-positive. Among doctors, HP prevalence rate was the largest in the endoscopy specialists (61.5%) and internists (60.9%). Only 61.4% of HP-positive medical workers expressed their willingness to undergo eradication therapy.Conclusion: The study showed a high prevalence of HР in medical workers increasing with age. It is presumably related to hygiene habits and conditions during childhood of each generation; however, one cannot exclude their potential contamination during their occupational activities.Актуальность обусловлена, с одной стороны, недостатком данных о  распространенности в  России Helicobacter pylori (HP), ассоциированного с риском развития язвенной болезни и рака желудка, и, с другой стороны, несоблюдением врачами рекомендаций экспертов по диагностике этой инфекции и проведению эрадикационной терапии.Цель – изучение распространенности НР у  медицинских работников и их готовности пройти эрадикационную терапию.Материал и методы. Обследованы 315 медицинских работников (61 мужчина и 254  женщины) в возрасте от 18 до 76 лет, в том числе в Москве – 221, в Казани – 94. Для определения инфицированности НР всем респондентам выполнен ¹³С-уреазный дыхательный тест с тест-набором «ХЕЛИКАРБ» по «четырехточечной» методике. Все участники заполнили анкеты, на основании анализа которых оценивалось влияние социальных и  профессиональных факторов на распространенность НР.Результаты. НР выявлен у 54,9% обследованных: 45,9% мужчин и 57,1% женщин. Частота выявления НР в Москве существенно ниже (49,8%), чем в Казани (67%). Доля инфицированных НР нарастала с возрастом: с 41,8% у лиц в возрасте до 25 лет до 76,9% в возрасте старше 60 лет. НР-позитивными были 60,2% состоящих в браке и 49% – не состоящих. В  группе обследованных врачей наибольшая доля инфицированных наблюдалась среди эндоскопистов (61,5%) и терапевтов (60,9%). Лишь 61,4% НР-позитивных медицинских работников выразили готовность к  проведению эрадикационной терапии.Заключение. Проведенное исследование выявило высокую распространенность НР у  медработников, нарастающую с  возрастом. Предположительно, это связано с гигиеническими условиями в детском возрасте каждого поколения, однако нельзя исключить возможность заражения в ходе профессиональной деятельности

    Распространенность Helicobacter pylori среди медицинских работников Москвы и Казани по данным ¹³С-уреазного дыхательного теста

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    Rationale: The relevance of the problem is related to the lack of data on Helicobacter pylori (HP) prevalence in Russia, which is associated with the risk of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer, and also, on the other hand, to the non-adherence of the doctors to the existing expert guidelines on diagnosis of this infection and HP eradication therapy.Aim: To assess the prevalence of HP among medical workers and their willingness to undergo eradication therapy.Materials and methods: A total of 315 medical workers (61 men and 254 women) aged 18 to 76 years were examined, among them 221 in Moscow and 94 in Kazan. To assess the HP contamination rate, all participants performed a ¹³С-urease breath test with the “HELICARB” test kit according to the “four-point” technique. All participants were asked to complete the questionnaires to access the impact of social and occupational factors on the prevalence of HP.Results: HP was identified in 54.9% of the examined subjects, including 45.9% of men and 57.1% of women. The prevalence of HP in Moscow was substantially lower (49.8%) than in Kazan (67%). The proportion of HP-positive subjects increased with age from 41.8% in those below 25 years of age to 76.9% in those above their 60s. 60.2% of married participants and 49% of the singles were HP-positive. Among doctors, HP prevalence rate was the largest in the endoscopy specialists (61.5%) and internists (60.9%). Only 61.4% of HP-positive medical workers expressed their willingness to undergo eradication therapy.Conclusion: The study showed a high prevalence of HР in medical workers increasing with age. It is presumably related to hygiene habits and conditions during childhood of each generation; however, one cannot exclude their potential contamination during their occupational activities.Актуальность обусловлена, с одной стороны, недостатком данных о  распространенности в  России Helicobacter pylori (HP), ассоциированного с риском развития язвенной болезни и рака желудка, и, с другой стороны, несоблюдением врачами рекомендаций экспертов по диагностике этой инфекции и проведению эрадикационной терапии.Цель – изучение распространенности НР у  медицинских работников и их готовности пройти эрадикационную терапию.Материал и методы. Обследованы 315 медицинских работников (61 мужчина и 254  женщины) в возрасте от 18 до 76 лет, в том числе в Москве – 221, в Казани – 94. Для определения инфицированности НР всем респондентам выполнен ¹³С-уреазный дыхательный тест с тест-набором «ХЕЛИКАРБ» по «четырехточечной» методике. Все участники заполнили анкеты, на основании анализа которых оценивалось влияние социальных и  профессиональных факторов на распространенность НР.Результаты. НР выявлен у 54,9% обследованных: 45,9% мужчин и 57,1% женщин. Частота выявления НР в Москве существенно ниже (49,8%), чем в Казани (67%). Доля инфицированных НР нарастала с возрастом: с 41,8% у лиц в возрасте до 25 лет до 76,9% в возрасте старше 60 лет. НР-позитивными были 60,2% состоящих в браке и 49% – не состоящих. В  группе обследованных врачей наибольшая доля инфицированных наблюдалась среди эндоскопистов (61,5%) и терапевтов (60,9%). Лишь 61,4% НР-позитивных медицинских работников выразили готовность к  проведению эрадикационной терапии.Заключение. Проведенное исследование выявило высокую распространенность НР у  медработников, нарастающую с  возрастом. Предположительно, это связано с гигиеническими условиями в детском возрасте каждого поколения, однако нельзя исключить возможность заражения в ходе профессиональной деятельности

    Diversity and adaptations of escherichia coli strains: Exploring the intestinal community in crohn’s disease patients and healthy individuals

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    Crohn’s disease (CD) is characterized by a chronic, progressive inflammation across the gastrointestinal tract with a series of exacerbations and remissions. A significant factor in the CD pathogenesis is an imbalance in gut microbiota composition, particularly the prevalence of Escherichia coli. In the present study, the genomes of sixty-three E. coli strains from the gut of patients with CD and healthy subjects were sequenced. In addition, eighteen E. coli-like metagenomeassembled genomes (MAGs) were reconstructed from the shotgun-metagenome sequencing data of fecal samples. The comparative analysis revealed the similarity of E. coli genomes regardless of the origin of the strain. The strains exhibited similar genetic patterns of virulence, antibiotic resistance, and bacteriocin-producing systems. The study showed antagonistic activity of E. coli strains and the metabolic features needed for their successful competition in the human gut environment. These observations suggest complex bacterial interactions within the gut which may affect the host and cause intestinal damage