29 research outputs found

    Učinak trotjednog davanja suplemenata cinka i melatonina na oksidacijski-antioksidacijski sustav u eksperimentalnoj bubrežnoj ishemiji-reperfuziji kod štakora

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    Renal ischemia-reperfusion directly affects glomerular and tubular epithelium. Oxygen free radicals have a significant part in the pathophysiology of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The present study aimed to identify the effects of 3-week zinc, melatonin, and zinc + melatonin supplementation on malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in tissue and plasma and glutathione levels (GSH) in erythrocytes and tissue of rats with experimentally induced renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The study included Wistar albino rats with a mean weight of 250 g. Study groups were formed as follows: control, sham-control, ischemia + reperfusion, zinc + ischemia-reperfusion, melatonin + ischemia-reperfusion, and zinc + melatonin + ischemia-reperfusion. Animals were supplemented with zinc and melatonin 3 mg/kg/day i.p. for 3 weeks before the induction of ischemia-reperfusion. Renal ischemia-reperfusion was induced in the left kidney under general anesthesia and consisted of ischemia for 45 minutes and reperfusion for 1 hour. After the procedure, animals were sacrificed and blood and kidney samples were collected to analyze MDA and GSH levels. GSH values in kidney tissues and erythrocytes were found to be elevated in the groups supplemented with zinc and melatonin (p<0.005). When MDA values in renal tissue and plasma were examined, it was seen that ischemia significantly elevated this parameter, while zinc and melatonin supplementation significantly inhibited MDA values (p<0.002). The results of the study indicated that oxidative injury of the blood and renal tissues of rats increased in association with ischemia-reperfusion, but zinc and melatonin supplementation before ischemia-reperfusion markedly reduced this oxidative damage.Bubrežna ishemija-reperfuzija izravno djeluje na glomerularni i tubularni epitel. Slobodni radikali kisika imaju značajnu ulogu u patofiziologiji bubrežne ishemijsko-reperfuzijske ozljede. Cilj ovoga ispitivanja bio je utvrditi učinke trotjednog davanja suplemenata cinka, melatonina i cinka + melatonina na tkivne i plazmatske razine malondialdehida (MDA) te na razine razine glutationa (GSH) u eritrocitima i tkivu štakora s eksperimentalno izazvanom bubrežnom ishemijsko-reperfuzijskom ozljedom. Ispitivanje je provedeno na Wistar albino štakorima srednje težine 250 g podijeljenim u sljedeće skupine: kontrolna, lažno kontrolna, ishemija + reperfuzija, cink + ishemija-reperfuzija, melatonin + ishemija-reperfuzija i cink + melatonin + ishemija-reperfuzija. Životinje su dobivale suplemente cinka i melatonina, 3 mg/kg/dan i.p. kroz 3 tjedna prije negoli je izazvana ishemija-reperfuzija. Bubrežna ishemija-reperfuzija izazvana je u lijevom bubregu u općoj anesteziji, a sastojala se od ishemije u trajanju od 45 minuta i reperfuzije u trajanju od 1 sata. Nakon zahvata životinje su žrtvovane, a uzorci krvi i bubrega uzeti su za analizu razina MDA i GSH. Vrijednosti GSH u bubrežnom tkivu i eritrocitima bile su povišene u skupinama koje su dobivale suplemente cinka i melatonina (p<0,005). Ispitivanje vrijednosti MDA u bubrežnom tkivu i plazmi pokazalo je da je ishemija značajno povisila ovaj parametar, dok je davanje suplemenata cinka i melatonina značajno inhibiralo vrijednosti MDA (p<0,002). Rezultati ove studije pokazali su da se oksidativno oštećenje u krvi i bubrežnom tkivu štakora povećalo uz ishemiju-reperfuziju, ali je davanje suplemenata cinka i melatonina prije ishemije-reperfuzije znatno smanjilo oksidativno oštećenje

    Učinak trotjednog davanja suplemenata cinka i melatonina na oksidacijski-antioksidacijski sustav u eksperimentalnoj bubrežnoj ishemiji-reperfuziji kod štakora

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    Renal ischemia-reperfusion directly affects glomerular and tubular epithelium. Oxygen free radicals have a significant part in the pathophysiology of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The present study aimed to identify the effects of 3-week zinc, melatonin, and zinc + melatonin supplementation on malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in tissue and plasma and glutathione levels (GSH) in erythrocytes and tissue of rats with experimentally induced renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The study included Wistar albino rats with a mean weight of 250 g. Study groups were formed as follows: control, sham-control, ischemia + reperfusion, zinc + ischemia-reperfusion, melatonin + ischemia-reperfusion, and zinc + melatonin + ischemia-reperfusion. Animals were supplemented with zinc and melatonin 3 mg/kg/day i.p. for 3 weeks before the induction of ischemia-reperfusion. Renal ischemia-reperfusion was induced in the left kidney under general anesthesia and consisted of ischemia for 45 minutes and reperfusion for 1 hour. After the procedure, animals were sacrificed and blood and kidney samples were collected to analyze MDA and GSH levels. GSH values in kidney tissues and erythrocytes were found to be elevated in the groups supplemented with zinc and melatonin (p<0.005). When MDA values in renal tissue and plasma were examined, it was seen that ischemia significantly elevated this parameter, while zinc and melatonin supplementation significantly inhibited MDA values (p<0.002). The results of the study indicated that oxidative injury of the blood and renal tissues of rats increased in association with ischemia-reperfusion, but zinc and melatonin supplementation before ischemia-reperfusion markedly reduced this oxidative damage.Bubrežna ishemija-reperfuzija izravno djeluje na glomerularni i tubularni epitel. Slobodni radikali kisika imaju značajnu ulogu u patofiziologiji bubrežne ishemijsko-reperfuzijske ozljede. Cilj ovoga ispitivanja bio je utvrditi učinke trotjednog davanja suplemenata cinka, melatonina i cinka + melatonina na tkivne i plazmatske razine malondialdehida (MDA) te na razine razine glutationa (GSH) u eritrocitima i tkivu štakora s eksperimentalno izazvanom bubrežnom ishemijsko-reperfuzijskom ozljedom. Ispitivanje je provedeno na Wistar albino štakorima srednje težine 250 g podijeljenim u sljedeće skupine: kontrolna, lažno kontrolna, ishemija + reperfuzija, cink + ishemija-reperfuzija, melatonin + ishemija-reperfuzija i cink + melatonin + ishemija-reperfuzija. Životinje su dobivale suplemente cinka i melatonina, 3 mg/kg/dan i.p. kroz 3 tjedna prije negoli je izazvana ishemija-reperfuzija. Bubrežna ishemija-reperfuzija izazvana je u lijevom bubregu u općoj anesteziji, a sastojala se od ishemije u trajanju od 45 minuta i reperfuzije u trajanju od 1 sata. Nakon zahvata životinje su žrtvovane, a uzorci krvi i bubrega uzeti su za analizu razina MDA i GSH. Vrijednosti GSH u bubrežnom tkivu i eritrocitima bile su povišene u skupinama koje su dobivale suplemente cinka i melatonina (p<0,005). Ispitivanje vrijednosti MDA u bubrežnom tkivu i plazmi pokazalo je da je ishemija značajno povisila ovaj parametar, dok je davanje suplemenata cinka i melatonina značajno inhibiralo vrijednosti MDA (p<0,002). Rezultati ove studije pokazali su da se oksidativno oštećenje u krvi i bubrežnom tkivu štakora povećalo uz ishemiju-reperfuziju, ali je davanje suplemenata cinka i melatonina prije ishemije-reperfuzije znatno smanjilo oksidativno oštećenje

    Sneddon's syndrome: clinical and laboratory analysis of 10 cases.

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    Sneddon's syndrome is characterized by livedo reticularis and cerebrovascular lesions. We report the cases of women (mean age, 36.2 +/- 8.1 years) diagnosed with Sneddon's syndrome based on the presence of livedo reticularis and characteristic cerebrovascular findings. Seven of these patients had cerebral infarcts on cranial computed tomography scan. Antiphospholipid antibodies were positive in 6 of these cases. Three cases had abnormal levels of antithrombin III. Analyses of chromosome 6 revealed no abnormalities. In 3 of the cases, investigation of the pedigrees revealed autosomal dominant traits. Two cases had epilepsy, and 3 had migraine. One case with migraine also had myasthenia gravis. In addition, we detected inferior altudinal hemianopia in 2 cases, cognitive functional disorder in 3 and depression in 2. Based on these findings, the entire vascular, haematologic, neurologic, and dermatologic systems should be evaluated in patients diagnosed with Sneddon's syndrome.</p

    Effects of three-week zinc and melatonin supplementation on the oxidant-antioxidant system in experimental renal ischemia-reperfusion in rats

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    Renal ischemia-reperfusion directly affects glomerular and tubular epithelium. Oxygen free radicals have a significant part in the pathophysiology of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The present study aimed to identify the effects of 3-week zinc, melatonin, and zinc + melatonin supplementation on malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in tissue and plasma and glutathione levels (GSH) in erythrocytes and tissue of rats with experimentally induced renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. The study included Wistar albino rats with a mean weight of 250 g. Study groups were formed as follows: control, sham-control, ischemia + reperfusion, zinc + ischemia-reperfusion, melatonin + ischemia-reperfusion, and zinc + melatonin + ischemia-reperfusion. Animals were supplemented with zinc and melatonin 3 mg/kg/day i.p. for 3 weeks before the induction of ischemia-reperfusion. Renal ischemia-reperfusion was induced in the left kidney under general anesthesia and consisted of ischemia for 45 minutes and reperfusion for 1 hour. After the procedure, animals were sacrificed and blood and kidney samples were collected to analyze MDA and GSH levels. GSH values in kidney tissues and erythrocytes were found to be elevated in the groups supplemented with zinc and melatonin (p<0.005). When MDA values in renal tissue and plasma were examined, it was seen that ischemia significantly elevated this parameter, while zinc and melatonin supplementation significantly inhibited MDA values (p<0.002). The results of the study indicated that oxidative injury of the blood and renal tissues of rats increased in association with ischemia-reperfusion, but zinc and melatonin supplementation before ischemia-reperfusion markedly reduced this oxidative damage

    Sodyum Tripolifosfat (Na5P3O10)’ın çimento harçlarının mühendislik özelliklerine etkisi

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    Sodyum tripolifosfat; gıda sektörü ve deterjan üretiminde pH değerini artırmak için kullanılan inorganik bir tuz olup; ayrıca dispersiyon ajanı, stabilizatör ve su yumuşatıcı olarak da kullanılmaktadır.  Bu çalışmada, sodyum tripolifosfat çözeltisini karışım suyu olarak içeren çimento pastalarının ve çimento harçlarının mühendislik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmada, bir tanesi distile su içeren iki tür çimento pastası ve çimento harcı karışımı hazırlanmıştır. İkinci karışımda, sodyum tripolifosfat distile suyun %3’ ü kadar kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, sodyum tripolifosfatın karışım suyunda kullanılması çimento pastalarının priz başlangıç ve priz bitiş sürelerini, çimento harçlarının yayılma çapı ile 7 ve 28 günlük basınç dayanımını arttırmıştır. Ayrıca sodyum tripolifosfat çözeltisi ile üretilen çimento pastasının SEM görüntüsü incelendiğinde, tripolifosfat’ın hidratasyon ürünleri olan CH ve CSH oluşumlarına olumsuz bir etkisinin bulunmadığı görülmüştür

    Evaluating of neonatal early onset sepsis through lactate and base excess monitoring

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    Abstract Early-onset sepsis (EOS) is one of the leading causes of neonatal death and morbidity worldwide and timely initiation of antibiotic therapy is, therefore, of paramount importance. This study aimed to evaluate the predictive effect of lactate and base excess (BE) values in the cord arterial blood gas and the 6th hour of life venous blood gas analysis on clinical sepsis in newborns. This is a cohort case–control study. In this study, 104 cases were divided into clinical and suspected sepsis groups according to the evaluation at the 24th hour after delivery. Lactate and BE values were evaluated in the cord arterial blood gas analysis (ABGA) and at the postnatal 6th-hour venous blood gas. The cord ABGA and postnatal 6th-hour results were compared in the clinical and suspected sepsis groups. Clinical sepsis was found to be associated with a lactate value above 2 mMol/L at postnatal 6th-hour venous blood gas (p = 0.041). This association was the highest when the clinical sepsis group's postnatal 6th-hour lactate cut-off value was determined as 3.38 mMol/L (sensitivity 57.9% and specificity 68.5%) (p = 0.032). However, no association was found between clinical sepsis diagnosis and venous BE's value in cord ABGA at the postnatal 6th hour. We found that a venous lactate value above 3.38 mMol/L at the postnatal 6th hour was the cut-off value that could indicate early-onset clinical sepsis. However, none of the biomarkers used in diagnosing EOS can accurately show all cases

    Sodyum Tripolifosfat (Na5P3O10)’ın çimento harçlarının mühendislik özelliklerine etkisi

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    Sodyum tripolifosfat; gıda sektörü ve deterjan üretiminde pH değerini artırmak için kullanılan inorganik bir tuz olup; ayrıca dispersiyon ajanı, stabilizatör ve su yumuşatıcı olarak da kullanılmaktadır.  Bu çalışmada, sodyum tripolifosfat çözeltisini karışım suyu olarak içeren çimento pastalarının ve çimento harçlarının mühendislik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmada, bir tanesi distile su içeren iki tür çimento pastası ve çimento harcı karışımı hazırlanmıştır. İkinci karışımda, sodyum tripolifosfat distile suyun %3’ ü kadar kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, sodyum tripolifosfatın karışım suyunda kullanılması çimento pastalarının priz başlangıç ve priz bitiş sürelerini, çimento harçlarının yayılma çapı ile 7 ve 28 günlük basınç dayanımını arttırmıştır. Ayrıca sodyum tripolifosfat çözeltisi ile üretilen çimento pastasının SEM görüntüsü incelendiğinde, tripolifosfat’ın hidratasyon ürünleri olan CH ve CSH oluşumlarına olumsuz bir etkisinin bulunmadığı görülmüştür