50 research outputs found

    The relationship between overjet and skeletal parameters in untreated class II subjects

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between skeletal and dentoalveolar parameters and overjet in untreated Class II subjects.The lateral cephalograms of 75 untreated Class II Caucasian individuals (37 males and 38 females), between 18 and 25 years of age, were studied. The participants were divided into three groups based on the overjet value. The mean values of 14 variables measured on lateral cephalograms were calculated. Differences between the three groups were tested using one- way analysis of variance (ANOVA).A statistically significant positive correlation was found between the values of overjet and ANB. Subjects with normal overjet showed horizontal facial pattern and posterior inclination of the maxilla, whereas increased overjet subjects exhibited a neutral facial pattern. In contrast, subjects with extreme overjet had a vertical facial pattern and anterior inclination of the maxilla; upper incisors were proclined and lower incisors were inclined

    The study of some significant features of the non pleasant lips in adult girls (Study on the frontal photos)

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    The improvement of the Facial aesthetic of the soft tissues is a very important aim of the orthodontic treatment, so ît is necessary to find a standard morphological  criteria for this subjects specially the lips which affect on the aesthetic features. The aim of this study is to determine some significant features of the non pleasant lips in adult girls  using frontal photos. The sample of this study consists of 30 frontal photos for adult  girls with non pleasant lips according to the evaluation of special committee. The photos were studied and the data were analyzed by anova and person analyses therein  the study showed different relationships  between the studied variables and the degree of the facial beauty  where the thickness of the lips had the greatest role in evaluation according to the statistical study . The result may be affected by the opinion of the society which consider the full lips as an aesthetic  guide for girls. دراسة بعض الصفات الشكلية المميزة للشفاه غير الجذابة لدى الإناث من البالغين (دراسة على الصور الضوئية الجبهية) يشكل تحسين المظهر الجمالي للنسج الرخوة  الوجهية هدفاً هاماً من أهداف المعالجة التقويمية  من هنا كان لابد لنا من إيجاد معايير فاصلة وصفات شكلية مميزة لهذه العناصر وخاصة الشفاه لما لها من دور هام بإضفاء صفة جمالية على الشخص. يهدف هذا البحث لتحديد يعض الصفات الشكلية المميزة للشفاه غير الجذابة باستخدام الصور الضوئية الجبهية لدى الإناث من البالغين . تألفت عينة  البحث من صور ضوئية جبهية ل ـ30 شابةً بعمر يتراوح بين 18- 25 عاماً على اعتبارهن من ذوي الشفاه غير الجذابة بعد تقييمهم من قبل لجنة خاصة. درست الصور الضوئية وتم تحليل البيانات باستخدام اختبار تحليل التباين Anova,و اختبار معامل الارتباط  بيرسون حيث أظهرت الدراسة وجود علاقات مختلفة بين متغيرات الشفاه المدروسة ودرجة الجمال وكان لثخن الشفة العلوية التأثير الأكير تبعا للدراسة الإحصائية وغالباً أتت هذه النتيجة نتيجة  تاثير ونظرة  المجتمع على أفراده حيث يروج للشفاه الممتلئة على أنها مؤشر جمالي هام  للإناث

    A Comparsion Between Landmark Identification On 2D Frontal Radiograph and3D rendered volumesFrom CBCT Scans

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    The cone-beam computed tomography(CBCT) provided the chance to the practitioners to generate three dimensions volumes using personal  computer's programs . The quick spread of this available technology  will doubtless widens the 3d imaging in orthodontics. It is not clear whether these volumes give the similar amount of accuracy when compared to the two-dimensional projections of thesame scanning. The aim of this research is to investigate the differences between the measurements on the reconstructed size of the CBCTScans and the traditional method of determining measurements on two-dimensional images in the measurements taken on the frontal image. Under the circumstances of this research, there was a statistical difference in one variable out of three variables included in the research مقارنة بين تحديد النقاط المرجعية على الصورة الجبهية ثنائية البعد والحجم ثلاثي الأبعاد المأخوذين من المسح الطبقي المحوسب المخروطي أعطت تقنية المسح الطبقي المحوسب المخروطي للممارسين السريرين الفرصة لتوليد حجوم ثلاثية الأبعاد باستخدام برامج حاسوبية شخصية. انتشار هذه التكنولوجيا المتاحة بسرعة سيوسع بلا شك استخدام التصوير الشعاعي ثلاثي الأبعاد في مجال تقويم الأسنان.من غير الواضح إن كانت هذه الحجوم تعطي المقدار المشابه من الدقة عند مقارنتها بالمساقط ثنائية البعد لنفس المسح. هدف هذا البحث هو تقصي وجود فروق بين إجراء القياسات على الحجم المعاد بناؤه من المسح الطبقي المحوسب المخروطي والطريقة التقليدية في تحديد القياسات على الصور ثنائية البعد وذلك في القياسات المأخوذة على الصورة الجبهية. ضمن ظروف هذا البحث كان هناك فرق إحصائي عند متغير واحد من أصل ثلاث متغيرات شملها البحث

    The Impacts of Unsustainable Urbanization on the Environment

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    Urban areas—cities—are not simply geographic areas for human gathering but are a locus of economic production, cultural and social interactions, and ecological development. Therefore, cities create positive development values when planned and managed on a sustainable footing by considering institutional, governance, environmental, political, economic, coherent policies, cultural, and social conditions and requirements. Sustainable urbanization has multiple benefits including creating more employment opportunities and better incomes, hubs for innovative solutions by attracting competencies, enhancing land utilization efficiency, improving infrastructural performance, providing better services (e.g., education, health, water supply, and electricity), economic growth hub, acting as knowledge centers, better social and cultural life, and providing better living standards. While the impacts of rapid unsustainable urbanization are water stress, scarcity, and high consumption, sanitation wastewater, water pollution, air pollution, climate change, noise pollution, cultivated land depleted, urban sprawl, dust, solid and hazardous wastes, destruction of biodiversity, high energy consumption, traffic congestion, soil pollution, and deforestation. Thus, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development—and its sustainable development goals (SDGs)—and New Urban Agenda are key transformative power toward sustainable urbanization development; this development is not at the expense of the environment while leading to prosperity and improving quality of life

    The Role of Industrial Sector in Pollution Control in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals

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    The sustainable development goals (SDGs) constitute an opportunity to engage the industrial sector to enhance its role in preserving the environment. The industrial sector has an essential role in economic growth, job creation, innovations, and sustainability. No matter the scale of the industry, it is small or large; thus, all companies can contribute to the SDGs toward a better future. Pollution problems are the root cause that hinders attain sustainable development in the industrial sectors. Thus, global challenges are climate change, water pollution and scarcity, air pollution, and resource depletion needs to be tackled collaboratively, and the industrial sector can contribute to the solution through pollution control and sustainable innovations. In the rapid transformations of business models and systems for the future and the fourth industrial revolution, the industrial sector has a crucial role; without it cannot save the environment and improve the economy and human health. To transform the current industrial systems toward a more feasible eco-friendly needs significant cooperation and coordination among concerned stakeholders. To do so, firstly, industries need to adjust their strategies and plans to be consistent and coherent to start the transformation process toward sustainable industrial development

    Increasing the efficiency of the internal combustion engine using chemical additives

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    Increasing the octane number of combustion machines by adding some chemicals and studying the effect of these additives on the internal combustion efficiency of the machines taking the consideration of surrounding conditions are present in this reserch. Laboratory’s conditions have directly affected to the physical properties of the fuel. After adding the chemical additives, gasoline have been inflow to the distillation unit to increase the efficiency and to identify the suitability of the additives with gasoline and their impact on internal combustion, as the difference between the two cases was observed. Different ratios were selected with a variety of chemicals such as methanol ethanol and AHA (belonging to the researchers and an unknown chemical formula) for the analysis of experimental data. The results showed the effect of additives the octane number and alteration in the physical properties of the fuel and at the same time on the properties of the engine. The results could be utalized to determine the chemical additives that increase the octane number and the efficiency of internal combustion of the machines as well as to determine the emissions of some gases. It is exposed that adding 2% of AHA to fuel have raised the octane number by 2.7 (3.09‎%) in warm areas, this ratio can be increased in cold areas. The analysis results data have done within the limits of global and environmental safety determinants

    The impact of armed conflict on utilisation of health services in north-west Syria: an observational study.

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    BACKGROUND: Armed conflicts are known to have detrimental impact on availability and accessibility of health services. However, little is known on potential impact on utilisation of these services and health seeking behaviour. This study examines whether exposure to different types of war incidents affected utilisation of key health services-outpatient consultations, antenatal care, deliveries, and C-sections, in conflict affected areas of north west Syria between 1 October 2014 and 30 June 2017. METHODS: The study is an observational study using routinely collected data of 597,675 medical consultations and a database on conflict incidents that has 11,396 events. Longitudinal panel data analysis was used with fixed effect negative binomial regression for the monthly analysis and distributed lag model with a lag period of 30 days for the daily analysis. RESULTS: The study found strong evidence for a negative association between bombardments and both consultations and antenatal care visits. The monthly Risk Ratio was 0.95 (95% CI 0.94-0.97) and 0.95 (95% CI 0.93-0.98); and the cumulative daily RR at 30 days was 0.19 (95% CI 0.15-0.25) and 0.42 (95% CI 0.25-0.69) for consultations and antenatal care respectively. Explosions were found to be positively associated with deliveries and C-sections. Each one unit increase in explosions in a given month in a given village was associated with about 20% increase in deliveries and C-sections; RR was 1.22 (95% CI 1.05-1.42) and 1.96 (95% CI 1.03-3.74) respectively. CONCLUSION: The study found that access to healthcare in affected areas in Syria during the study period has been limited. The study provides evidence that conflict incidents were associated negatively with the utilisation of routine health services, such as outpatient consultations and antenatal care. Whereas conflict incidents were found to be positively associated with emergency type maternity services-deliveries, and C-sections

    Identification of potential therapeutic targets for COVID-19 through a structural-based similarity approach between SARS-CoV-2 and its human host proteins

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has led to millions of deaths worldwide, and vaccination efficacy has been decreasing with each lineage, necessitating the need for alternative antiviral therapies. Predicting host–virus protein–protein interactions (HV-PPIs) is essential for identifying potential host-targeting drug targets against SARS-CoV-2 infection.Objective: This study aims to identify therapeutic target proteins in humans that could act as virus–host-targeting drug targets against SARS-CoV-2 and study their interaction against antiviral inhibitors.Methods: A structure-based similarity approach was used to predict human proteins similar to SARS-CoV-2 (“hCoV-2”), followed by identifying PPIs between hCoV-2 and its target human proteins. Overlapping genes were identified between the protein-coding genes of the target and COVID-19-infected patient’s mRNA expression data. Pathway and Gene Ontology (GO) term analyses, the construction of PPI networks, and the detection of hub gene modules were performed. Structure-based virtual screening with antiviral compounds was performed to identify potential hits against target gene-encoded protein.Results: This study predicted 19,051 unique target human proteins that interact with hCoV-2, and compared to the microarray dataset, 1,120 target and infected group differentially expressed genes (TIG-DEGs) were identified. The significant pathway and GO enrichment analyses revealed the involvement of these genes in several biological processes and molecular functions. PPI network analysis identified a significant hub gene with maximum neighboring partners. Virtual screening analysis identified three potential antiviral compounds against the target gene-encoded protein.Conclusion: This study provides potential targets for host-targeting drug development against SARS-CoV-2 infection, and further experimental validation of the target protein is required for pharmaceutical intervention

    HER2/neu expression status of post BCG recurrent non-muscle-invasive bladder urothelial carcinomas in relation to their primary ones

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    Background: Transurethral resection (TUR) followed by adjuvant therapy is still the treatment of choice of Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma (NMIBUC). However, recurrence is one of the most troublesome features of these lesions. Early second resection and adjuvant BCG therapy has been shown to improve the outcome. Objective: To evaluate the prognostic value of C-erbB-2 (HER2/neu) expression status in Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Urothelial Carcinoma cases, before and after intravesical Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG immunotherapy). Materials and methods: HER2/neu expression was studied in 120 (Ta-T1) Non-Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma cases. The expression was evaluated and compared to the expression after Bacillus Calmette Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy. Results: HER2/neu expression in low and high grade of the Non- Muscle-Invasive Urothelial Carcinoma was (38%) and (83%) respectively. The difference of the expression rates by tumor grade was statistically significant. In recurring lesions post BCG therapy, C-erbB-2 expression was markedly decreased (31.6%) when compared to its expression before therapy (65%). Conclusions: The HER2/neu expression increased as the tumor grade rose. The reduction in expression following BCG treatment in Non-Invasive transitional cell carcinoma cases could reflect a reduction of the potential malignancy of the tumor