11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Platelet Parameters in Patients with Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst

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    Background: Echinococcosis is a near-cosmopolitan zoonosis caused by adult or larval stages of tapeworms (cestodes) into the genus Echinococcus (family Taeniidae). It was demonstrated that platelets were capable of killing parasites independent from leukocytes. Purpose: The aim of our study was to examine mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet mass (PM) and platelet count (PC), which are practical indicators of platelet activity in preoperative and postoperative periods of the patients with hydatid cyst. Methods: In this retrospective study we evaluated 72 patients admitted to clinic of chest surgery with a diagnosis of pulmonary hydatid cyst in our hospital between January, 2006, and October, 2008. The MPV, PC, and PM were evaluated by complete blood count. PM was calculated by multiplying MPV and PLT. Results: Preoperative MPV values (mean: 8.07, std. dev.: 0.83) of the patients was found to be significantly higher than postoperative MPV values (mean: 7.78, std. dev.: 0.87) (p= 0,002). Preoperative PM values (median: 2456.75, min-max: 1013.70-5046.60) was found to be higher when compared to postoperative PM values (median: 2280.80, min-max: 134.20-4042.60) (p= 0,039). PC values were not significantly different between two periods (Preoperative PC mean values: 320.48, std. dev.: 98.42 and postoperative PC mean values: 307.29, std. dev.: 96.45, p= 0.286). Conclusion: In this study, we demonstrated that there were no statistical difference in PC for both periods but, in preoperative period MPV and PM were found statistical higher than postoperative period. We suggest that MPV and PM may be considered as inflammatory markers for hydatid cyst. MPV and PM can be used for following of patients with hydatid cyst

    Evaluation of anxiety, depression and hopelessness symptoms and quality of life levels of inactive HBs-AG carrier

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    YÖK Tez No: 195307[Özet Yok

    A case of acute lumphoblastic leukemia presenting with migratory superficial thrombophlebitis

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    Venöz tromboemboHzm ve maliyn hastalıklar arasında bir ilişki olduğu yapılan çalışmalarda gösterilmiştir. Maliyniteli olguların %5-10'unda; derin ven trombozu, arteriyel tromboz, gezici tromboflebit, pulmoner emboli ve non-bakteriyel trombotik endokardit gibi tromboembolik olaylar gelişmektedir. Genellikle ileri evre kanserlerde görülen tromboz bazen kansere ait bulgular ortaya çıkmadan ilk bulgu olarak da saptanabilir. Sağ ayak bileği travması sonrası başvuran, ateş ve hiperlökositoz görülerek yatırılan olguda sağ bacak diz üstü iç yan bölgede yüzeyel tromboflebit olduğu saptandı. Hastanın yapılan periferik yaymasında %90 blast formunda lenfositler görüldü. Periferik kandan yapılan immünfenotipleme sonucu Pre B hücreli ALL ile uyumlu bulundu (CD-19 %93.74, CDL5 %98.73,CD-34 %87.58, CD-22 %63.59, CD-10 negatif). Yapılan kemik iliği biyopsisinde pre B hücreli ALL tanısı teyit edildi. Pre B hücreli lösemi tanısı alan hastanın ikinci günde sol bacakta da tromboflebit gelişti. Antitrombin III (%95) ve fibrinojen (3.7g/dL) düzeyleri normal olan, derin ven trombozu saptanmayan olgu nadir görülmesi ve gezici süperfisiyel tromboflebit ile akut lenfoblastik lösemi arasındaki ilişkiyi düşündürmesi açısından sunulmaya uygun bulunmuştur.The relationship between malignant diseases and venous thromboembolism was shown by different studies. In 10% of patients with malignancy thromboembolic events such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary emboli and nonthrombotic endocardit may occur. In high grade cancers, usually before the clinical findings, deep vein thrombosis may be diagnosed. The case who was admitted for right ankle trauma was hospitalized with fever and hyperleucocytosis. A peripheral blood examination revealed lymphocytosis with 90% blast cells. The patient was diagnosed as pre B-cell ALL by the immunophenotype (CD-19 %93.74, CD-45 %98.73, CD-34 %87.58, CD-22 %63.59, CD-10 negative). Pre B-cell ALL diagnosis was confirmed with bone marrow biopsy. The patient developed thrombophlebitis in left leg by the second day of the hospitalization. Antithrombin III (95%) and fibrinogen (3.7 g/dL) levels were in normal ranges and there was no evidence for deep vein thrombosis. The case is presented aş_it-,is d mre condition which indicates a possible association between migratory superficial thrombophlebitis and B-cell acute lymhoblastic leukemia

    Evaluation of tuberculosis in chronic renal failure

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    PubMed ID: 22233319[No abstract available

    Subacute thyroiditis due to brucellosis case report and review of the literature

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    Brusellozis dünyada yaygın olarak görülen zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Hastalık birçok sistemi tutmakla birlikte tiroid bezi tutulumu nadirdir. Tanı; brusellozise ait klinik bulguları olanlar kişilerde standart tüp aglütinasyon testiyle (endemik olmayan yerlerde 1/1160, endemik yerlerde 1/320 veya l/640) ve/veya kan, diğer doku veya vücut sıvılarından Brucella spp.'nin izole edilmesiyle konulur. Standart tüp aglütinasyon testinin negatif olması durumunda; uygun klinik bulguların varlığında Brusella Ig M antikorlarının pozitif olmasıyla da tanı konulabilir. Bu yazıda, subakut tiroidit tanısıyla takip edilen 19 yaşında bir bayan hasta sunulmuştur. Brusellozise bağlı subakut tiroidit tanısı; klinik bulgular, tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin, tiroglobülin ve tiroglobülin antikorlarının yüksekliği, Brusella Ig M antikorlarının pozitif bulunması ve tiroid sintigrafisi ile konulmuştur.Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease that remains endemic worldwide. Brucellosis shows the involvement of many systems, however, thyroid gland involvement is rare. The diagnosis is based on clinical findings compatible with brucellosis, positive standard tube agglutination titer (>l/160 in non-endemic areas, >l/320 or >1I64O in endemic areas), and/or isolation of Brucella spp. from blood, other tissues or fluids. If the standard tube agglutination test is negative the diagnosis could be based on positive Brucella IgM antibodies and clinical findings compatible with brucellosis. This paper reports the case of a 19-year-old woman who had been followed up with the subacute thyroiditis. This case was diagnosed subacute thyroiditis due to Brucellosis as clinical findings, increased thyroid function tests and thyroglobulin antibody, positive Brucella IgM antibodies and thyroid scintigraphy

    Higher P-wave dispersion in migraine patients with a higher number of attacks

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    14th Congress of European-Federation-of-Neurological-Societies -- SEP, 2010 -- Geneva, SWITZERLANDKocer, Abdulkadir/0000-0003-2866-555XWOS: 000293331100494…European Federat Neurol So